
Chapter 13


Searching, scrolling, reading! That's what I've been doing since I got back from the woods yet nothing! I didn't find any fucking information about him! I was like a scientist looking for a rational explanation to miracles!

I slammed my laptop shut in exasperation and huffed. I got up and slowly space around while massaging my temples.

Who is Elie Griffin? What is his story? His origin! Why isn't he like every normal teenager?

I bit my lips and crack my brain looking for answers that didn't exist.

Then realization hit me in the face. "Oh!" I paused eyes wide opened, I hurried back to my desk and switch my laptop back on.

Elie once told me he has been to twelve foster homes, he must have a file in one of those children care organization or some stuff like that.

I sat on my desk chair my butt going numb from sitting too long but all my efforts did pay.

Elie Griffin

I saw his file with a picture of when he was a kid, he still had his piercing gray eyes, with his dusty blood hair and his pale skin with his red lips. The only different from now and then was the fear in his face and how fragile he looked. He had his usual emotionless expression, that would make you doubt about his living.

I click on his name but all access was denied! It was a private document, it must contain huge secrets.

I bit the tip of my nails. Think Christy think!

I looked around like the solution will just appear from nowhere. If only I could hack through files it will be a piece of cake.

"Hacking!" I exclaimed, "Sheila!" I quickly pick up my phone and dial my beloved sister's number.

"Hey Shel sup?" I greeted with a grin.

"Nothing much, just torturing myself over some home work, you?"

"Same here." I lied.

"Why are you calling if you're so busy?" She spoke with suspicion clinging to her tone.

"I just wanted to speak to my bestie, is that a crime?"

"I know you, come on, spit it."

"Fine, no one can fake around you. I need your help with a file."

"Lemme guess, is someone else's file?" Damn! She knew my curiosity too well.

"Uh, yeah, yeah he is a friend." I said nervously.

"He? Oh! You wanna spy on your crush's life?" She gasp on the other line.

I rolled my eyes, "wrong! He is a boy I met recently and he isn't my cru..sh, I just wanna help him! and in order to do that I need to know some certain things he isn't telling."

"Don't you think he doesn't want to tell you those stuff for some certain reasons? Important ones maybe."

I sigh, "Mum I didn't ask your opinion, he is scared and insecure I can see it deep in his eyes, the way he is always in the clouds and so quiet! With his pale skin and pulse hands -"

"Stop, I was right you're crushing on that boy." She said monotonously.

"No I ain't, he is just a... random boy that needs help." I rest my hand on the desk and slipped almost tripping. "Woops."

"Whatever. What's the name of your mysterious Knight?" She teased.

I rolled my eyes with a smile, "always so cocky."

"Name." She chuckled.

"Elie Griffin. Been to twelve Forster homes."

"Wow," she said after sometime, it wasn't the literal sassy 'wow' it was actually a skeptical one.


"If you're crushing on him you better quit!" She said firmly.

"What?!" My phone buzzed with a message, and I click to open it.

Elie Tomlinson Griffin :

Sixteen years old, currently in Unalaska. Witnessed the death of his brother (Eli Thomas Griffin) in a pool at age four, rumours said he had pushed him and watch him drown. Lost his mother (Katherine Jada Griffin) at age five, she had committed suicide due to chronic depression, but an accusation was placed on Thomas Tomlinson Griffin, saying he had pushed his wife down the balcony due to a violent dispute between the couple. Thomas going into a huge break down was admitted in an asylum and found none guilty of all the charges including the abuse of his five years old son, Elie.

Elie Griffin was later placed in the home of his only aunt and god parent, the Simpson, where he was later abused by his god father Anthony Simpson, who denied ever hitting and raping the six years old. Meanwhile Maria Teresa ex wife of Tony Simpson demand custody of the damaged boy but was refused.

Elie Tomlinson Griffin was later transfered to other Foster homes and orphanage, where more problems erupted, most of his guardian complain of his silent mood and aggressive attitude while many just abused him and find no concrete reason why they did it.

Mrs and Mr Peterson had reported him for killing their cat with bare hands, and refusing to tell why he had done it, another couple also report a similar case of the boy killing their German Shepherd with a nail. Many other case were brought to his social worker's office, like aggression of the kids in his Forster homes and orphanages.


I gasps, I can't believe all this happen to him, and nevertheless he still have all his mind, he doesn't look like and aggressive person.

"why can't I continue reading?" I click on the read more.

"Uh, is highly secure, I can't hack through, but I guess these are concrete prove that your Knight is a psychopath, who kills cats and dogs with bare hands?"

Her words did hurt me, maybe this wasn't the true story, they did abuse him after all.

"I'll talk to you later, I need more prove." I hang up before she could say more words against him.

I had to speak to a living witness, Maria Teresa.


I push the door bell, and waited impatiently in the cold rain.

The door was pulled open with a familiar creek sound and Maria Teresa old round face greeted me warmly with a smile.

"Come in dear." She made her way back to her warm house, I got in and close the door.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I said stopping all her hypocritical movement.

"Tell you what?" She said innocently, like she knew nothing of what I've come for, but oh her eyes told a different story.

"Him, and THEM." I said in short.

She held a great shock on her face as the kettle slip from her grasp. "How did you know?" She frowned.

"What? You thought I won't find out?!" I yelled.

"He couldn't have told you, I'm pretty sure you spy on him!" She said accusingly all innocence totally disappearing from her sweet and honey tone.

"He is hurting! He needs help! I can't help him if I don't know!"

"I don't trust you! Why do you care so much anyway?!"

"Cause, I-i" I blushed. "I care for him." I Mumble. "You might not believe me but ever since I saw him three months ago in class, it was difficult not to think of him, things got worst when we switch bags and I saw his distress notes, I wanna help him get over this depression!"

"Is not depression." She said calmly, her sudden change of tone halting our argument.

"So what is it then?!" She looked straight in my eyes for a good five minutes before speaking up.

"Possession, he is possessed by demons." She bent down to pick her kettle.


She sigh, "sit down I'll narrate everything." She said.

I sat on the same wooden chair, I used when I first came here, she went to another room while I wait. the house looked pretty empty.

"Here." She came back seconds later with an album. "This is Thomas, his father." She pointed at the same blond guy with green eyes I saw in the picture back at the old house.

"This is Katherine. His mother. She was a medium and a sorceress, with her spells and candles she could do deadly wonders that leave all lips gaping and all eyes full of terror." She pointed at another picture with the woman with dark brown hair I saw on the picture, she was still in black.

"This is Eli my hyper boy." She also pointed at the picture of the other twin of Elie, he had green eyes instead of gray just like his father, I didn't notice till now.

"And this is him." She pointed at Elie. He was clinging to his brothers vest as usual, his eyes were still the same as now, the only difference was his pupil's seize they were a little bit larger than now, I guess as the years went by he slowly lost all the innocence in them, just maybe that's why they're so tiny and cold now.

"I witnessed everything unfortunately, including Katherine's foolishness." She pause to grab a cup of tea.

"What did she do?"

She sigh, "all what Elie is going through is all because of her, I warned her not to get her boys involve in her spiritism but she didn't listen, I don't know what she did to them but it wasn't something good. They were both premature babies, she wanted them to live so she call on the devil."

"Devil? As to the real Lucifer?" I raised a quizzical brow, I don't trust this woman, she is so bizarre from head to toe.

"Yes, I told you she was a sorceress. She sold their souls to him in exchange of long life, she knew it won't end well, I even warned her! The were not suppose to live, that was destiny, but she changed it by making a pact with the devil, and we all know he doesn't give anything for free. He started by causing disagreements between Kate and Thomas. They were always on each others neck, Thomas went physical on her and vice versa. Their fight continued till Eli got drown in the pool, Thomas swore he saw Elie push him but I don't believe him! I know is that spirit!" She bang her fist lightly on the table.

"Which spirit?"

"The one he sent! The demons!" She paused to clear her throat.

"Elie was struck deeply by the sudden death of his brother and traumatized cause he witnessed it, he felt guilty, so he jumped from the second floor window trying to commit suicide but he fell on a shovel and it cut through his stomach. I came seconds after the tragedy all I saw was a kid laying on the floor with his blood forming a pool around him, I thought it was the end but I was wrong, he was a little fighter, he survived, he made it alive but broken. Few months later Katherine committed suicide, she was not capable of bearing the death of her son, so she took her life. Thomas been the psycho that he was decided to put all his blames on his only son. He was hitting him when I came. I threaten to call the cops and took Elie along with me, he was saying stuffs then all of a sudden he screamed and passed, I don't know why though. After that day he was sent to an asylum, he was obsess with hurting Elie, I had to do something, since he was homeless, I took him in and like I told you Tony did what he did and was sent to jail, then I lost custody of him.

Not like anyone care about him, the social workers kept moving him to different Forster homes and orphanage, in which he came out each time more broken and devastated than when he came. If it continues they're kill him." She peacefully sips her tea.

"You just told me about his life, but not him, I mean how was he? Violent? Aggressive?"

She chuckle, "no you don't wanna know."

"Of cause I do!"

She looked up at me, trying to study my mind once again.

"He was the type of child that no parents wanted to have, silent as ghost, always in a corner with his piercing gray eyes staring at nothing, skin gray like blood weren't running in his veins, he was always so gloomy, I've heard him whispering to himself and humming strange pleasant rhythms to himself." Just listening to her description sent chills down my spine and goosebumps arose on my skin.

"That is when he is in his normal self, but sometimes when he is frustrated, he would hurt himself, or hurt other people around him, one day I caught him hitting our husky dog, Bob, when I asked him why he was doing that, he told me he wanted to get the dog to kill him, so as to put an end to THEM."

I had tears running down my checks at his story, I couldn't imagine a five years old thinking of dying, his life just began for God sake!

I knew I had to do something now I know about his demons,. Now like never before I was determine to help him! And before I make any step I'll confront him, I'll tell him all I know and ask him questions! Only God knows how he would react.

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