
Chapter 5


"Yeah, yeah, is not my fault anyway." I snarled.

"You freaked me out! I almost took a flight back to America." Shelia said.

Sheila is my elder sister and second Mum, she looks exactly like Mum and behaves like her, this was exactly what Mum said after hugging and throwing kisses on me, she grounded me just after scolding me and taking my reap jeans and crop top away. I don't think I'll be putting that on any time soon, it was a miracle I got out of that tree house alive and in good health. That boy was a depressed freak! Ever since I saw him in the three house I haven't seen him in school, strange but who cares?

"Are you there?" The sweet voice of Sheila came evading my thoughts.

"Yeah, how is Hong Kong? And I really wanna know how you did to obtain such permission from Mum to study out of the country." I said out of blue. I heard her laugh from the other side of the phone.

"Just be yourself and abide on the rules, she must trust you."

"By wearing massy skirts and baggy long sleeve tops? Let's not forget how you have to pray and fast! No way! I rather stay in jail! Like seriously did I participate in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ? Why do I have to fast anyway!" I yelled, is just dumb to starve yourself while there are plenty of food in the fridge, I think prayer is enough like that.

Again she laughed, harder this time, "God! You're so funny! Fasting is to help your spirit, eating only makes it weak, that's why you fast and pray to God so your spirit is strong."

"Huh? I didn't understand any shit of what you were saying."

"Christine Evans I'll like you to stop cursing." she said sternly, I imagine her holding her hips just like Mum would do.

"Okay Mum, I gotta go I'm close to school." I mocked with an eye roll.

"Bye, have a nice day and don't -" I hang the phone.

She is so annoying with her sermon.

I walk to my locker with my backpack lazily hanging on one shoulder.

"Here is she." One of the two girls standing next to my locker whisper.

I just rolled my eyes and try to ignore them.

"Hey, I heard you lived in an orphanage with some nuns, and you'll soon become one." One of the two girls said with a mocking smile.

"Do I look like a nun to you?!" I snapped, "why wouldn't you guys mind your fucking businesses?!"

"Oh, here she goes the little nun sister throwing a fist, oh may God forgive your sin," Lilly came around with her pack of girls with Steve by her side. I stare at Steve like he was some gum sticking on Lilly's hair, "What? Haven't you seen a guy before? Is just pathetic that you don't and will never know how it feels to have a boyfriend." She said before pulling Steve in a kiss.


"What's that?" Zoe pointed at my crucifix necklace.

"My father gave it to me." I said.

The hall was filled with high pitched laughter and I felt intimidated, small and stupid.

"Do you see how old fashion the chain is? It looked like some charm! And oh my gosh, is it made with wood?" Zoe laughed while holding her stomach.

"Oh mine, oh mine, you really need help, you look so pathetic." Lilly shook her head while flapping her eyelashes.

I slammed my locker shut and ran away. This is how it have been since that dumb party night, I hate this school I hate everything about this place! I just feel like going back home and crying myself to a deep sleep.

I wanna be like them, but I don't know how, it's not my fault if my mother is a Christian and won't let me wear what I want. I feel like a stranger each time I'm around other teenagers, is very weird.

I walk pass the boy's loo and had to stop cause of the sound I was hearing, I approach the door pressing my ear softly on it, I heard muffled sounds of sobs, someone was crying in there, the sobs were almost quiet, then I heard a voice speak in an unknown language, it sounded like the one Mum would speak when she prays, holy spirit tongue or however she call it.

The voice was deep and horse, it sent chills down my spine, maybe is someone praying, or playing a game, maybe is the monster in the game that is speaking. I tried to convince myself and not think too much about it, it will do me no good.


The last bell that each and every student have been waiting for, finally rang, everyone rushed towards the door and exited the history class, I was the first to leave, I wanted to go home as soon as I could.

I walk to my locker pulling it open so I could grab some important books only then did I noticed my bag was gone.


I walk back to history class for my bag. I entered the class and stood frozen staring at the boy with bizarre eyes and red lips. He walked pass me with a bag similar to mine, I recognized the blue and black puma bag, I had brought to school, I looked around and their it was my bag on another table, I shrugged and grab it before heading home. I guess we've got the same bag, coincidence.

I rode my bike to the garage and drag my foot in the house.

John was seated on the couch coloring while watching his favourite show, sponge Bob. I hate that cartoon, he is eight but at times he behaves like a five years old kid.

Mum had her black afro hair pack up in a puffy bun, as she wash the sink.

"Hey honey, how was school?" She smile at me.

"Horrible!" I growl before running upstairs.

I slam my door and threw my bag on the bed before taking off my shoes and flinging it anywhere. With a loud groan I reach for my bag and unzip it reaching for my homework that's the only thing I know how to do best.

I couldn't find my books though, all I saw were new books, rough sheets, little black figures with horn, some dividers with bent edge and a razor, I tried to find anything belonging to me yet I found none.

"Oh shit!" I Mumble under my breath when I remember him carrying a similar bag to mine.

I'm not the type that search in others people's stuff but I just couldn't resist it. I pulled out his books, and flipped through them, I got to a part of the note book that had rough writing.

T.H.E.M! I can't!

They're everywhere!

The voices!

The pain!

I'm innocent!

I didn't do that!

Leave me alone!

Stop whispering!

Deep in the dark! Those claws! Those red eyes! His eyes! His voice! They're driving me crazy! Yes! Am running crazy!

With each words I read my frown grew serious, I flipped through other blank pages and I came to a stop on a drawing, the one he had sketch, it was a triangle with one eye in the middle, under the triangle he wrote, THEY'RE ALWAYS WATCHING!

Below the drawing he drew shadows with horns, like the figures I saw him paint, but this ones had blood dripping from their long sharp claws, and below the drawing he wrote, stop tormenting me!

I was interrupted by the sound from the door bell, I ignore it and grab the rough paper.

THEM! THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! preying on your life, forcing you to do stuffs, they won't stop till you draw your last breath, I hate THEM! I hate everyone! People can't understand, I'm obsessed, oppressed and -

"Christy your boyfriend is waiting downstairs." John's voice came from the doorway making me jump and quickly closing the book.

"What?!" I got up and walk downstairs to the front door with John by my side my heart skip at the sight of him, the boy with red lips, the freak!

"Um, hey.." I said nervously. He held my bag out without a word. "Oh yeah, we switch bags, I grabbed my bag and ran upstairs coming back seconds later with his stuff well arrange in his bag.

"Uh, I forgot to say thanks for last time," I blurted out not really knowing what to say.

He only grab the bag and left without saying a word.

I shut the door and walk back to the stairs but mum stopped me.

"Who was it?" She asked casually.

"Don't worry is not my boyfriend." I said sarcastically and ignore the look she was giving me, "we mistakenly exchange bags and he was here to pick his." I simply said before disappearing upstairs.

The words I read on his note book won't stop echoing in my head, THEM? Who are they? What torments? What the hell is he talking about? Who is he? What is he going through, obsess, oppress and what? Many questions were flowing in my mind, I knew I needed to satisfy my curiosity or I'll never be at peace.

All I know is that a mysterious boy is going through a hell lot of mysterious stuffs and I must know what it is! Particularly the THEM!

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