
Chapter 55

Author Note: Here, ya go!

If you want to read chapters ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón! I have twelve chapters ahead!

Also in another great news!!!! I got an editor that will make sure everything is neat and perfect! he is currently working on chapters 1-33! This is all thanks to you guys! Thanks for the support!


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The sound of one of my man knocking at my door woke me up, it probably meant two things either we were close or someone was stupid enough to attack us in the sea, so with curiosity I hastily dressed up as I scrambled over to the deck to confirm which one was it, happy for either of the two.

"My King, we are two hours away from the coast close to Lys,"  The captain of my ship stated, pointing with his finger to the map in front of him.

"Very well," I nodded, it seemed one of my suspicions was right, and I would be reunited with Daenerys soon, it has been almost a month since I last saw her, she must have that beautiful baby bum bigger than when I left her.

My first priority was getting a base in Essos, and Lys would suffice for many purposes, it was on the sea, so it was easily protectable, and it was located close to the Pentos, so travel would be a breeze.

But the one reason that moved me to get this city as a fast as I could was that I didn't really know how much time Daenerys would need to recover, after childbirth, she would be having twins and the medical state of this world was quite lacking, but I would give her all the time she needed on a protected environment.

And Lys was the perfect place for that.

A mercantile city, built on a very fertile island that was very good for agriculture and that at one point was considered a tropical paradise by old Valyrian Dragonlords. This beautiful sunny island would serve as the safe haven I was looking for,  for my wife and kid, quite poetic that one of the latest Dragon Ladies is coming back to the island.

But things were easier said than done, and conquering may or may not present its challenges, my ravens had said Lys is protected by high walls and hired sellswords, both navy and land, the navy would be a piece of cake to destroy, but I had yet to see if their army would prove a bigger challenge, after all, numbers don't always win wars. But I would find a way, victory would be mine, one way or another.

But in many aspects it was the right choice, conquering Lys would make me infinitely richer than I was before.

Because. Politically speaking the city was dominated by wealth rather than by birth, so in short, there were no lords, just rich merchants with tons of gold begging to be mine, apparently, Lys is a place where trade is considered a profession more honorable than being a Knight. 

But that wasn't all the city was known for, they were renowned in the world for their Pleasure Gardens and Temples dedicated to pleasure, that are said to have the best whores in the known world. I already knew where my men would spend their gold after the conquer. 

"Let me know once the land is in sight," I told my men, leaving to my quarters inside the ship.

As I walked to my room I pondered about how Viserys would react to the dragons, and everything, he was still alive, I had yet to see him, but he was on one of the ships. Still in his cell, eating whatever my men decide to give him. 

"I wonder if Daenerys will kill him," I chuckled.


[Daenerys Targaryen POV]

I had moved the army to the coast, where we would set camp while we waited for Ronard to arrive with the ships.

Rhaegal and Qrow had been anxious since Ronard wasn't close, they really missed their dad, he was the one that hatched them.

I was starting to actually feel the pregnancy affecting me, my baby bum oven as Ronard calls it had grown a lot these past few days, the twins had decided to expand their poor mother and see how bendy her skin and belly were. But even with all this I can't help but love my little Quimeras as Ronard calls them. Half Bears, Half Dragons.

Whatever they would be, it would be unique and awesome, I just knew it. 

"My Khaleesi," Ronard's father Jorah Mormont entered my tent, kneeling not daring to look at my eyes, Ronard had left quite the impression on him, as he should. We can't forgive those who wrong us. But we can make them pay.

"What do you want?" I questioned the disgusting leech, coldly.

"I want to redeem myself, for what I did in the past," Jorah took a deep breath, "I want to offer my blade to be your knight, I want to be your shield should your life ever need one, I want to be of some use to my grandchildren,"

His grandchildren?! He lost that right and privilege the moment the left my husband alone, in a broken kingdom where Anarchy and betrayal rule and the only way to survive is being the bigger monster, "Your life is where is needed, so don't think so highly of yourself," I said while Rhaegar and Qrow hissed at him as if agreeing with me, "You are but a stain on my husband's history and stains can be removed, so do use that brain of yours and remind your place," By this point, Ravens has entered my tent, many of them, all glaring at Jorah, as if awaiting my command to attack, "Next time you disobey your Kings orders, and come and talk to me, I will deliver my husband your head on a silver platter, is that clear?" 

"Crystal my Queen," 


[Ned Stark POV]

My family was on their way to pick me up, well, Cat was, my son was holding the army together, and my daughters were in Winterfell alongside Bran and Rickon, safe and protected as they should be. 

I couldn't wait to hold my son and hug him, I couldn't wait to kiss my wife, and most of all, I couldn't wait to go back to Winterfell and never come back south again, Cat was right, Starks don't do well in the south.

The memories of our walks together seemed so far from reality, I wasn't ready to die and leave my family behind.

"Lord Stark," Hoster Tully said snapping me back to the waking world, the man was making an effort not to look weak, he was deadly sick and bedridden for the most part, but wanted to die like a man, on his feet, "I know it's not Ice, but you will need a new sword," he said as servant handed me a fine long sword, "It's not Valyrian steel but is good enough,"

The Sword was a masterpiece; it could be seen that it was magnificently crafted by a highly skilled blacksmith, it was not as unique as Ice, but it would certainly do the trick when in battle. Whoever made this was very good.

"You didn't have to do this," I smiled, admiring the blade.

"Use it until you get your blade back," Hoster chuckled.

"Aye, that I will," I nodded, Ice would come back to our family, one way or the other.


[Catelyn Stark POV]

Ned was alive and was staying with my father in Riverrun, the gods were smiling at me, they had heard my prayers and helped my husband.

Ned said it was thanks to Ronard that he escaped, that by his hand he was able to survive.

But I could see beyond that, Ronard was trying to manipulate Ned into servitude, I wasn't going to let him. That treacherous Rat would not take advantage of Ned anymore. Stannis would make sure of it, once Ned pledged his loyalty to him. 

"Let's see how well you do, little bear," I smiled triumphantly. No matter what he was planning, I would always be one step ahead of him. For my family, I would stop him.

*Ok… this bitch is dumb…. her IQ must be negative, this motherfucker needs some books and corn somebody help this bitch increase her brainpower,* Unbeknownst to her, a Raven with an eye patch and a black rob was trying hard to calculate her IQ.


[Robb Stark POV]

Father was safe, and the one responsible for it was Ronard, had he foreseen this… just how far ahead he had seen this game played out.

Like mother said he was dangerous, but after this, I doubted he was for us. He had rescued father knowing full well that Father would most likely support Stannis.

He had done something for us, we as a whole would never be able to repay, he had united our family, our pack.

But mother was… paranoid… saying he was trying to manipulate us, to use us. At this point, I was almost sure her ideas and opinions of him were biased on her one-sided hate she had for him. Because I refuse to believe now that he is our enemy and hates us. He had done what I couldn't.

"I wonder why mother hates him so much," I sighed, at first I thought it was for what he did to Theon, but she never liked him, at least not that much to warrant such profound hate.

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