
chapter 18

Oliver finally sighed aloud as he looked at Vukan. "So, you are assuring me that nothing happened last night when you changed my clothes?"

Vukan nodded his head continuously until he could feel the sprain in his neck. "It was either the clothes went off or you would have frozen to death and I couldn't allow that to happen… especially not on my watch after all we went through at the bridge".

Thoughts of the bridge and how Vukan had saved him prompted some belief from Oliver towards the boy. More so, Vukan had been kind enough to sleep on the floor, rather than impose that they shared the single bed. He felt inclined to believe him and not just that, but respect him some more.

"Thank you for being such a gentleman", Oliver said.

Vukan sighed in relief and finally took a spot beside Oliver.

"By the way, I should thank you for being able to open up to me last night", Vukan returned the appreciation. "It is not everyone who would make an attempt to actually open up about such painful ordeals".

Oliver didn't understand why he had done it, but he knew he was beginning to trust Vukan some bit. It felt good having someone who was queer like him and who could understand the struggles associated with being gay.

"I never had such experiences and it still haunts me to realize people are being treated in the manner Ryan did to you and Bruce", Vukan lent his emotional support.

"It was one of the most disturbing episodes of my life and I never wish to experience it again", Oliver noted. "I can only be thankful for my current parents, who rescued me and adopted me when my biological father felt it was right to murder me because I am queer".

They shared a moment in silence, as they watched the puppy happily chase its own tail in circles. The scenery brought a brief laugh from the two as they watched the happy dog make the best out of the morning, when it could have been dead the night before.

"I'm sure if it could speak it would thank you for busting your ass out there to save it too", Oliver smiled as he motioned towards picking a cup of coffee for himself.

The bitter taste seemed to be what his body needed as the warm liquid trickled down his throat and into his belly.

"Do you know how worried I was last night when I saw you fall over the bridge?" Vukan asked while he toyed with his nails. "I thought I was never going to see you again and in that moment, even though you and I have always had our differences, it was hard not to weep on the inside".

He clamped his eyes shut and held back his tears as he recalled the deafening screams from Oliver just as he landed in the water. The sound of the raging storm still played in his memory and the turbulence he had to swim against when he dived into the water, still rattled his nerves while he sat there. Vukan tucked his hands in between his thighs and felt Oliver's warm hand slowly reach for them.

He parted his eyelids to look into Oliver's eyes as the latter spoke, "I was actually scared that I was going to die too. I didn't even expect anyone to come to my aid until I woke up to see you".

Vukan smiled tenderly and wondered what that must have felt like for Oliver. He remembered how wonderful it had been to open his eyes to the sight of Oliver hovering over him and looking worried for him when he was struck down by Oliver's car. He could only wish it was that same feeling Oliver had when the cases were reversed.

"Well, thanks a lot either ways", Oliver smiled. "I have a buttload of stories to tell when I get home and through the rest of my life".

They laughed aloud and heard the puppy bark too.

"There is something I must tell you though and while I feel you might not feel the same way, it is still essential that I let it out", Vukan spoke boldly as he took Oliver's hand into his.

He glared at the boy's perfectly carved lips and wondered what they tasted like.

"I know things haven't been smooth between us and I know you have no reason to believe anything I have to say but I really do care about you, Oli", Vukan confessed. "I love you and I always have and I don't see it dwindling anytime soon or ever, if you give me the chance to show it to you".

Oliver remained straight-faced, looked at Vukan's hands softly caressing him and at the tattoo sneaking out underneath his wrist. He still had not seen him without his clothes on and judging by the fact he was wearing what he had slept in yesterday, Vukan had slept in his cold clothes while he catered for Oliver.

"I don't know what to say", Oliver responded. "There is the issue between you and my sister and then others which I don't even know where to begin from".

Vukan wasn't taking "no" as an answer as he slipped off the bed and fell to his knees before Oliver. Oliver blushed as he felt shy as he watched the boy glare at him innocently, with some measure of darkness glistering in his eyes.

"I promise to show you if you just grant me the opportunity to do so", Vukan promised. "I am not perfect, but you come across as perfect for me. I am not the best person around, but you come off as the best for me and I really want to show you".

The words touched Oliver's heart and he cocked his head slowly to show he had accepted Vukan's words.

"Alright… alright. You and I can be friends", Oliver noted. "I will be keeping a keen eye on you by the way".

Vukan jumped up in happiness, fisted the air and rushed over to jubilate with the puppy.

"So, what do we do about our little fella here?" Oliver asked.

"I don't know… I was thinking of keeping her, since she has no tag on her and if you aren't allergic to dogs", he turned to look at Oliver.

Oliver went on his knees beside Vukan and the dog. "Well, I have always wanted a pet. We can take turns in taking care of her and see how it goes from there".

It sounded like the perfect plan and they both decided to adopt the dog into their lives right there and then.

"Looks like the storm has subsided and the skies are becoming clear again", Oliver pointed out as sun rays slowly began to ease into the room

Vukan slowly got to his feet and said, "Well, I guess it is time to go home then".

They couldn't both agree more.


Vukan arrived home with nothing but a wild smile on his face and the happy puppy by his side. He barely noticed his frantic looking parents clearing out the debris from the previous night's storm off of their property as he pulled into the street. The effect of the storm had been underappreciated because he was locked up in the hotel room and distracted by Oliver.

"Wow!" he exclaimed with realization just before pulling the car to a halt some distance away from their driveway because tree trunks had been carried and dumped there.

Agatha Adamson was the first to spot her son as blood flushed through her face. "Look, Henry! He is safe! He is safe!"

The thought of losing their only son was one Vukan knew they must have been seriously troubled by. In fact, judging by the underlying bags beneath their eyes, it was safe to assume that they had not slept a bit.

"We were already beginning to assume the worst when we tried your phone to no avail", his mother narrated. "The storm was terrible and we didn't know what to expect or even think. Where on earth were you all through the night? When did you even sneak out again?"

The questions had been well anticipated and he was sure they would understand when he told them about the heroic things he had done.

"Is that a puppy?" Henry asked as he drew closer.

"Yes dad. I rescued this poor fellow from the storm where it almost drowned in the river", Vukan explained. "Well, I was with Oliver all night".

His parents looked shocked while his father, who loved dogs, gently received the fragile animal from him for a moment.

"We didn't know you and Oliver had a date", his mother said.

Vukan shook his head fervently and waved his hands. "We didn't have any plans whatsoever. I was just at the right place at the right time to prevent him from drowning too. I saved both of them last night and when it was time to head back, the storm became worse".

Agatha Adamson clamped her hands over her mouth in shock. Her eyes looked like they were filled with despair and Vukan could guess it had something to do with if something terrible had befallen him.

"Were you able to remain safe through the night?" his father asked.

Vukan appreciated the looks of worry they had on their faces. The love was evident and he did well to assuage their worries effectively.

"I am beat and I need to take a shower and find some sleep", he informed them after explaining his ordeal through the night as best as possible.

They both nodded and waved him off while the puppy stayed with his father for the moment.

Vukan halted and turned around, "I need a new phone by the way".

"We will take you to the store to get anyone you need", his father assured him.

He needed a means to reach out to Oliver as soon as possible.

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