
Chapter 31

" Oi, we're back. " Nobunaga said as he walked towards the other troupe members. Machi walked in with him.

" Good you are back. We're you able to find the chain user. " Chollo asked.

" Nope. " Nobunaga said. Machi just stood as Feitan and Pokunoda walked in.

" The chain user didn't appear. Someone else did. " Feitan said as he looked at Nobunaga and Machi.

" Mind telling us what happened when you went that blindfold-wearing man? " Pokunoda asked.

" Blindfold wearing man? " Chollo asked in confusion.

" Machi said she met him before. " Nobunaga said.

" He teleported into the room when I went to heal Hisoka's arms. " Machi said.

" He came to talk to us and then introduced us to his friends. A pair of kids who wanted to capture us for money. " Nobunaga said with a grin.

" So those were the 2 trying to follow you. " Feitan said in understanding.

" Those kids have guts. " Phinks said.

" Hisoka l, can you tell me about that man and his abilities? " Chollo asked.

" After that, Machi tell me about those kids. "

" Well to put in simple terms, he is powerful. Meet him during the hunter's exam. Though I can't tell you his abilities since I don't even know what it is? " Hisoka stated.

" You don't. " Nobunaga said.

" That's right. I saw glimpses of what he used but no clear evidence for all of them. He probably has tricks up his sleeve. Though I wouldn't worry. He won't interfere with the troupe unless you actively provoke him. " Hisoka stated. Saying this will make them stay in York New and not leave immediately.

" I see. Machi, what about the kids? Also, can they be related to the chain user? " Nobunaga asked.

" Possibly. It could be that they are related but they haven't met in some time. They also recently learned Nen so they passed the hunters exam, so the chain user must have participated with them. " Machi said.

" I see. Well then, will they interfere with us? " Chollo asked.

" They said they will try to capture us for money. I just don't know how good those kids really are? "Nobunaga said.

" Alright then. For now, I have a different target. "


" I've confirmed it. Uvogin is dead. " Chollo said as he told the other spiders.

The other spiders had somber faces as they left to go in to go into the city. From there the slaughter started as Chollo started his requiem for Uvogin.

Hisoka stood from the top of the building as he stared down at the chaos. He looked to another building to see a familiar white-haired man standing on the building watching the chaos below him.


Zeno and Silva leave the room that they fought Chrollo in and walked away.

" We know that the white-haired bastard is staying somewhere in York New. Should we have the phantom troupe help us kill him? " Silva asked as he looked at Zeno.

" Nope. We still don't know about his abilities at all. Be patient. We will have our time to shine to kill him but not now. " Zeno said.

" Good job grandpa. You actually have a brain, unlike your grandson. " Satoru said as he appeared in from of both of them.

" How's it going? "

Zeno and Silva had tick marks on their heads as they looked at Satoru. Zeno just stared at him but did nothing. Silva on the other hand was impatient as he attacked.

' This fool!! 'Zeno thought. Silva slammed his fist into Satoru while using his power orbs. Satoru grinned as he just stood there.

* boom *

Silva jumped back after the blast as he looked at Satoru with calculating eyes that widened as he saw Satoru waving away the smoke.

" Damn. Didn't think it would smell this bad. " Satoru said.

Silva stared in shock as Zeno came from behind and slammed his son's face into the floor.

" You fool. Be glad he just came here to annoy us and not kill us. You would have died right then if we went to attack you. " Zeno said.

" You are right but now I have an idea of his ability. " Silva said as he remembered that scene.

" If you do, then congratulations. Just make things interesting when you come to attack me. " Satoru said as he teleported back to his room.

" That overconfidence will be his downfall. " Silva said.

" Perhaps but you should have been patient. Considering he fought Netero, they may have a rematch. Netero owes me a favor so I can have him tell me what his abilities are. " Zeno revealed.

Silva's eyes widened before returning to normal.

" I see. Please reveal the info earlier next time. " Silva said.

" Nope. I will still have my secrets which I will take to my grave. " Zeno said.

" Will great grandfather participate if we asked him to? " Silva asked.

" Who knows? We will have to ask first? " Zeno said they both left.



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