
Chapter 6

" Get out of my kitchen and don't come back! Ungrateful brats. " Said the chef as he kicked out Killua and Gon.

" Tch annoying geezer. Just wanted some food. " Killua said annoyed as he walked away. Gon was upset as he didn't get any food.

They walked over to the window and stared outside. They looked in awe at the pretty lights that were there.

" That's a cool view. " Gon said in excitement.

" Yeah. You haven't seen anything like this before. " Killua said towards Gon.

" Not really. " Gon said.

" Why is that? " Satoru said as he walked towards them.

" Oh, Satoru. Where were you? " Gon asked.

" Borrowing food from the kitchen. " Satoru said as he handed over some sweets to Gon and Killua.

" Yes, choco robots! Thanks, paintbrush head. " Killua said happily.

" Oi. " Satoru said annoyed before eating his sweets.

" Anyway Gon what were you saying? " Killua asked.

" Oh yeah, I haven't seen stuff like this before. I mostly lived on whale island my whole life after my dad left me there and decided to be a hunter. So I decided to be a hunter to find him and see why he would choose to be a hunter over raising me. " Gon said.

" Understandable. But will you at least punch him for being a deadbeat dad? " Satoru asked.

" He's right. He deserves at least one punch to the gut. " Killua said.

" I'll think about it when I find him. " Gon said. " Anyway, Killua what about you? Why are you here? "

" Heard the exam was hard so I decided to join. My parents are all assassins though. " Killua said.

" Wait seriously? " Gon said.

" That's cool. " Satoru said as he bites into a cookie.

" That's your reaction?!! " Killua said as he laughed.

" I didn't expect that. But yeah, they're assassins. Once I become a hunter ill go after them and kill them. They should have pretty high bounties on their heads which I'll take and then exchange them for sweets. " Killua said with a blissful face.

" Give me some of the sweets and I'll help you." Satoru said.

" Deal. " Killua said as they shook hands.

Suddenly Satoru and Gon looked behind themselves while Killua looked in the same direction. In front of them stood Netero holding a ball in his hands as he looked at them.

" You're pretty fast for an old man. " Satoru and Killua said simultaneously.

" Hoho. I didn't even try that hard. " Netero said.

" But anyway how about a little game. After all, we have time till we reach our destination. "

" Okay. " Gon said excitedly.

"Let's play. " Satoru and Killua said.


" Alright, the game is simple. All you have to do is take the ball away from me. Do so and you passed the hunter's exam. Also, don't worry it's possible because I have the fucking power to do so. Who's first? " Netero asked.

" Seems simple enough old man. " Satoru and Killua said at the same time as they looked at each other.

" Okay, that's enough. Jokes over. " They said at the same time before looking at each other.

" Oi didn't you hear me. Stop. Stop! Stop copying me!! " They said towards each other.

Netero had already pulled out his phone to start recording as Gon covers his mouth to hold in his laughter.

Satoru and Killua noticed Netero had his phone out so they yelled at him.

" Oi, we don't do comedy acts like this for free. Give us our payment you old geezer! It's 1 million zenny each. " They said simultaneously with their hands stretched out and palms to face upwards.

" Haahahahaha... " Netero and Gon laughed as Satoru and Killua looked at each other in annoyance.

" Okay seriously this has gone far enough, stop copying me! "

" Seriously it's starting to freak me out. "

" Okay you stop talking and I'll say something. "

" No! You don't talk, I will! "

" No! You!! "

" You don't talk!! "

" Goddammit!! "

" Okay seriously, what the fuck? "

" I got it!! Say something completely random! "

" Ready? 1, 2, 3 "

" Bananarama!! "

" What the fuck?!! "

" Why would you think to say that too?!! "

"It's not even a real word!! "

" Okay! Let's just not talk! "

They both stopped talking. Meanwhile, Gon was laughing on the ground as he repeatedly slammed his fist onto the floor. Netero was also laughing his ass off while recording the enter thing on his phone.

" Okay, it's got to be over now! "

" Shit!! "

" This has to stop now! "

" I'm serious! Stop! "

" Stop!!!!! "

"I'lltalksofastthatyoucantpossiblykeepupwithwhatimsaying!! "

" Damn it!! "

" Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!! "

" Woof woof!! "

" Even animal noises!! "

" God! "

" Meow. "

" Fuck!! "

"That's it!! "

" I'm going to knock you out so I don't want to hear your stupid voice saying everything I'm saying!!!! "

" Eat this bitch!!! "

* bam *

They punched each other in the face but neither moved so much as an inch from where they were standing as they glared at each other.

" Did it work? God fucking dammit!! "

" Did it work? God fuck.... "

Satoru quickly covered Killuas mouth as he finished his sentence. He looked at Killua and nodded. He let his hand uncover Killua's mouth as they took in a deep breath.

" Mochi!! "

" Choco Robots!! "

They looked at each other in silence before standing up.

" Yes, I'm finally free!! " Killua yelled in celebration while Satoru looked at the ceiling with a grateful smile on his face as the light fell onto him.

Meanwhile with Gon and Netero.

" Ahahahahahahah..... " They laughed as they pointed at Satoru and Killua.

" Oh, that was beautiful. " Netero said as he wiped a tear.

" Yep. Wait how were they able to say the exact same words Mr. Netero? Was it because they are secretly siblings? " Gon asked.

" Nope, my grandchild. It is because Killua is... Satorus lost child!! " Netero declared.

" Ehhh??!! Wait no that makes sense. They both like sweets and have white hair. They are father and son. " Gon said.

" Yes, they are. " Netero said. "Let's go congratulate them. "

" We should. " Gon said.


" Killua how does it feel to finally find your father? " Netero asked as he walked up to the both of them.

" Father? Who the fuck is my father.... " Killua asked as he realized he was talking about Satoru.

" Him? You think he's my father? " Killua asked.

" Oi, why is it wrong if I'm your father? " Satoru asked.

" It wouldn't be because I would actually enjoy being your son. But instead, I have a family full of assassins and my actual father only thinks about the family business and wants me to be the perfect heir. " Killua said dejectedly.

" You would actually like it if I'm your father? " Satoru said in surprise.

" Yeah. "

" Then there's only one thing to do. I'll just kidnap you from your family and label you as my son. " Satoru said with a smile.

" Wait you will? " Killua asked.

" Yep. " Satoru said with a smile.

" Can I use your credit card to buy all the sweets I want? " Killua asked with a curious cat face.

" Sure since I'll take some of those sweets for myself since I was the one who paid for them."

" Yes, thanks dad. " Killua said.

" Come here son. " Satoru said as he and Killua hugged.

" Mr. Netero. What just happened? " Gon said in confusion.

" Another wonderful gloriously funny skit. " Netero said as he kept recording.

" Yep. Now give us our money. Acting isn't cheap. " Satoru said as he let go of Killua and held his hand out to Netero.

" That was all an act! " Gon yelled.

" Yeah pretty much. " Killua said.

" Hoho and it was hilarious. But with that done who's going to challenge me first? " Netero asked as he looked at the three of them.


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Hope you enjoyed.

Have a nice day.

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