
War Past

The sandwich filled my stomach, making me full for now. With the hunger I once had, the headache going away with it too. That was a strong headache pill, I should ask for a bottle of it whenever I get another one.

I went in and out of the library, the headache did make it harder to really notice everything. But now it's gone, i should look there since the headache's long gone now. Thalia is likely gone as well, I'll navigate the library myself then.

Delicious sandwich that was. Standing from the table, it's time to spend the day reading. Maybe i can find stuff that'll help me for missions, my mind felt painless now. With it gone i can focus on the areas more clearly.

"Damon!" A voice shouted behind me, slightly echoing in the hallway. Behind me was Thalia, she approached me.

"You should see the library, it's a relaxing place."

"Yeah, went there earlier."

"Read anything there?"

"No, just there to meet the doctor."


Now it feels weird if i told her that i saw her through a vision, specifically in the library. I might sound like a stalker. Best to just keep it a secret, lest i make her uncomfortable.

"Want to go back there and see some more books?"

"Sure." After agreeing, we walked down the hallway.

"So Damon, since were going to library, it may be too late to ask but do you like reading? From novels to other stuff like almanacs or atlases?"

"Yeah, it's nice."

"That's good to know, i went there earlier. Probably an hour or two ago to check. She had to leave, her team was being sent out on a mission. Good thing though they got one, while were still waiting." Thalia explained to me, in her hand was a coin. While we continued through, Thalia began flipping it.

Passed the quarters hallway to the garage door hallway, Thalia placed her coin in a pocket once the two of us neared the library elevator.

Inside it, a press of a button shut the doors on both of us, sending us to the library that must be a hundred meters down given its size.

"Any type of book genres you prefer?" Thalia asked, staring at me waiting for an answer.

"Anything I guess."

"An all rounder, you would spend alot of time in the library then. We have romance novels, fiction, heck, even books that don't exist anywhere else, or unedited or even just history books of all nations in the alliance. Consider this place as a vault. A vault of paper and literature, since it's deep. They must be keeping these books safe."

"How often do you go here?" I ask Thalia, who is now staring blankly in front at the door.

"Multiple times, luckily I'm still allowed to go here."

The doors slowly open to the library, this time I can see the area itself more clearly than before.

Still, the light stayed dim, dim enough to not hurt your eyes but still make the area visible. Mercs still present, reading lamps shining on their books while they read.

"I found a good history book, follow me." Thalia stepped out wasting no time walking to the library, shelves like she already knows her way around this large place. We walked under a dimly lit orange tinted sign that read "History"

The shelves were lined with large hard cover books, unlike normal books these ones have thousands of pages, very thick books. Maybe you can use em to stop bullets from hitting you.

Thalia grabs a book from the shelf, similar to the others it was large and thick, rather heavy.

"This is the book i was talking about, detailed history on things that affected the alliance itself and not just separate nations. Come let's read it together." Thalia walked back the way we went holding the book with her 2 hands.

"Want me to hold the book for you or you can handle it?" I asked, offering some help to Thalia despite not showing any difficulties holding the book.

"I can handle it, besides there's another book to get. Right over.....Here" Thalia points her hand on another book, just as thick as the one she's holding. I pulled the book from the shelf.

"The war against the Old tyrants" Written on the front. Nice title.

"That one is about the war of changing the education system along with other things. In the end it changed other things like government along with other things, but they focus on the education system aspect." Thalia explained in a quieter tone.

I walk alongside her, holding the book she pointed at. Heavy but I can handle it.

Back at the entrance area, we sat at the long table. Sitting next to each other holding our own books. A flick of a light and the book became more illuminated.

Thalia with her light on, already began reading her own book.

"This place is relaxing, warm and quiet. Sometimes I would just go here for this atmosphere." Thalia whispered.

The only prominent sound is the faint noise of flipping pages. I open my book, prepared to read.

"The War" Was written in bold text at the top of the page. Larger than the text below.

"8 decades ago, the war against the alliance and empire begun. With the empire beginning it's invasion on the alliance. In the starting days, large scale air and missile strikes bombarded both coastal sides of the alliance. Lorania would become the first nation to face the empire. A massive deployment of soldiers began, Loranian as well as foreign soldiers sent out to defend Lorania. Eventually however, empire soldiers broke through the eastern coastal defense line, taking many lives in the process. Civilian or soldier. At this point, the remaining foreign and Loranian soldiers began fortifying the capital Lornara, here will the war see the largest last stand in history. 50-100 thousand soldiers defended the capital with whatever weapons they had left, aerial support never came as the empire navy mounted their own assault on alliance ships passed Lorania, forming a blockade. Unfortunately however, the empire overpowered the defenders and so. Only 1000 managed to escape out of the 50-100 thousand soldiers. The empire needed all island nations of the alliance to be capitulated immediately, to act as nearby harbors for resupply. Aregalia was the next nation they will invade. Exhausted after sending thousands to a million foreign units for support. The alliance sent only supplies to Aregalia, quickly ending after a second blockade to the north and west was created. Aregalia, now isolated defended ferociously against the empire hordes marching on all sides. Pushed back to their capital as well, they mounted an even more bloody resistance against the empire's army. Blowing up bridges and flooding shallow rivers. They would hold out for a remarkable 5 months before being rescued by foreign forces." The paragraph ended there with a second one just below it.

"The eastern assault" Was written above this paragraph.

"After their victory at Lorania, the empire wasted no time converting the nation into a supply hub. Forcing the citizens under their rule into working for them. Shoravik became the staging point of this invasion on the main continent. Shoravik units quickly mobilized against this invasion. Their heavy tanks provided excellent defense against them, but it was at this time that the empire began using higher amounts of tanks. Pushing deeper and deeper into their country. Civilians took part in the fighting, becoming local militia for urban cities. Until the battle of Smolakish, urban militia partnered with the main Shoravik army fought back. Stopping the advance, joined by the now organized soldiers of the alliance, they violently pushed back the empire back into the coastal area. Ceasing due to the empire's coastal bombardments. All remaining empire units retreated onto ships. Falling back to Lonaria. It's here the navy would experience it's worst defeat in the war. Lonarian citizens working in the harbor managed to hide improvised explosives inside the cargo. Causing heavy losses, deaths of sailors, sinkings of multiple ships. Carriers to destroyers, this caused the army to begin executions on the general population starting with the Citizens at the docks. Knowing full well of the dangers, they continued with the plan. This weakened the blockade. Soon after, the alliance joint navy made it's way to Lonaria, making quick work against the weakened blockade. Months of occupation, ended. Alliance troops moved into Lonaria, pushing back the remaining empire units. Blockades at Aregalia were relocated to attempt a naval battle, weakening the blockade to Aregalia, noticing this. Another naval fleet was dispatched. Ships on both sides sunk during the battle, the alliance however came out victorious. Encircling Aregalia, ensuring a steady supply of soldiers. A grueling 2 months went by as they wiped out the remaining empire units. leaving no survivors. In total, 20-30 million lives were lost in the war." Informative, but feels dull.

"Damon, Thalia. Strategist called us in for another mission." A whisper called from my right. Looking, Sebastian stood, Thalia closes her book and silently stands up.

"Follow me, I'll show you where we place the books once were done and we don't have time to put it back." Thalia walked to the desk, people working from computers to reading some books, probably got em from the library as well. A cart idly sat in front with a sign reading, "Place books here once you're done. Thalia puts her book on the cart followed by me.

Sebastian now leading the way led us to the elevator. There goes some silent relaxing time.

Some history before this, back in the days of that war. Enjoy another chapter huntsmen, almost near a milestone. Keep Reading and i'll keep writing for all of you. Thank you all for motivating me to continue!!!

And have great days!

Razedealercreators' thoughts
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