
Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight


Dionysus began to hop around as a prologue to the upcoming battle. While this happened, the demon continued to analyze its surroundings. Unexpected to it, that was just looking around to allow Dionysus to warm up, it caught something unintentionally.

'Hoh, winged beauty is here, huh?'

It scoffed at the circumstances. Here it was, fighting the supposed serial killer in the kingdom, while Duke Estrodus was most likely attempting to put an end to his master's life. It's eyelids narrowed, and it looked back at Dionysus who wasn't hopping around.


Dionysus currently had his eyes closed. He was sensing the dark aura surrounding him. He acknowledged the opponent that stood before him as a cockroach, rather than an ant. It would most definitely be more resilient than the normal civilians. Along with that, the dark aura surrounding the two wasn't that dense.

It seemed that the demon was thinking of something along the lines of killing him quickly, but nothing more. According to what Dionysus' knowledge covered, demons should love to see the suffering of others, and also quite enjoy being the cause of the suffering as well. For that very reason, it was odd to him that it wanted to get a move on.

'A rush? Does it have more people to deal with besides me?'

Dionysus looked around, but he could see nobody else besides themselves and the people gathering at the center. After that, he just decided that he shouldn't care about it too much.

"A cockroach is only good at one thing, and that is surviving. It won't actually make it far in life."

Dionysus' eyes encompassed his surroundings. He acknowledged everything that could become a factor in the battle.


The demon's face began to have blood leak out from the mouth. Dionysus happened to catch the fact that there was a finger that didn't belong to it within its mouth.

"Looks like you had an ant before the fight?"


It didn't bother to reply anymore. It began to resort to it's natural instinct as a demon, which was to ravage and cause destruction and suffering. Dionysus, who noticed this, stopped communicating with it completely.


'As expected . . . not enough negativity is available for me to actually put up a fight.'

Dionysus had this thought within the dwelling that was his mind as the demon grabbed him and soared into the sky. He attempted to retaliate, but it didn't even have to do anything as his attacks did almost nothing.


"Fuck off."

Dionysus, after taking his time to analyze the demon, realized it had testicles and kneed them.


It seemed that this caused a bit more damage than just punching it normally, but Dionysus knew it still wouldn't get him places. They were still ascending, and at this point it was starting to get quite cold.

'Wait a second, is it's plan to . . .?!'

He finally realized it. The demon itself was very warm, and even in the infinite cold that was space, it would be fine. Yet, Dionysus wouldn't even be able to breath, much less retaliate.



Dionysus scrambled to come up with an idea, but he just couldn't. He had nothing on him besides his clothes, and his strength did nothing. It's eyelids were extremely tough, as he poked his fingers at them but nothing happened.

'Wait, I've gotta piss him off!'

Dionysus realized that the key to winning this battle would be to develop negativity. Back when they were at the top of the clocktower, he could still access the negativity of some other people, but now it was only him and the demon.

"Yo, how are you doing fucktard?"

Dionysus commenced his plan to anger it.

. . .

Dionysus sensed that the cloud got bigger, but it still wasn't enough.

'The only advantage I hold in this battle is the fact that my ability is unknown to the enemy.'

He began a constant cycle of cursing it out, kicking it in the groin, and so on. The negativity somewhat developed, but it wasn't enough to put up a legitimate fight yet.

"Your tail is the equivalent of a coward's attempt at showing off. What, you dressed up to impress daddy demon and mommy demon?!"

Dionysus continued to attempt to piss it off, but it seemed he had reached a limit. Of course, it was a demon, so he understood that it was innately a terrible being, but even then, he still expected he could surpass it.

It was starting to get really cold. Dionysus could feel his consciousness beginning to fade. Going to space wasn't the only issue, but rising so fast and such a rapid decrease in pressure wasn't helping.

"It's . . . too late for you and me . . ."

Dionysus accumulated all the negativity that he had compiled into the fog and channeled all the power into two fingers on his left hand. After that, he took aim at the demon's eyes.

"So . . . let's die together . . ."

The demon had been attempting to ignore Dionysus all this time, as it was quite disappointed that he wasn't squirming around and begging for his life. However, the fact that the mere ant in front of it was saying such arrogant things was beginning to intrigue it.


Dionysus shoved his two fingers deep into its eyes. Black blood gushed out from the eye sockets, but the demon was far from done.



It headbutted Dionysus. Yet, the main issue was that it's sense of direction was beginning to get lost after losing its vision and spinning so much thanks to the human's interference.

'Still, is my ability getting stronger? I don't remember being able to specifically channel negativity into specific parts of my body . . .'

Dionysus knew it wasn't the time to wonder about his ability, yet he still did. However, his biggest worry was the fact that the demon was now plummeting down towards the surface.


"Oh? I'm not an ant anymore? It seems I've been acknowledged by even the supposedly worst race in all of existence, demonkind. I'm honored, you dipshit."

The reason Dionysus could be so confident in himself was because he believed in humanity, but not in the right way. He believed that because the whole city was being gathered on the main road, that by the time they entered his radius, he would be so powerful that even falling like this at such a high speed wouldn't even hurt him.

Essentially, he believed in the terribleness that humanity possessed within them.

Except, everything that he believed that was going to happen went wrong . . .

Right when he got in range of the city, all his powers disappeared. In fact, he was weaker than even without his powers.

'What the hell . . . is this?'


--- SEQUENCE 2 ---

"What is the meaning of this, Duke Estrodus?"

The king was currently pinned in his bedroom. He was currently sitting against a wall in the bedroom, all while missing an arm. The reason for that would be because of the brother that stood before him.

To be more specific, it was because of the angel behind him.

"You should've seen it coming for a long time, brother."


A beam of light flew past Estrodus' shoulder and entered King Grant from the eye and emerged from the back of his head. If one were to inspect the object closer, they would realize that they quite literally couldn't touch it, since it was light.

Only the angel could physically grasp beams of light.

"Angel, check up on Dionysus, now."

"Yes, my master."

It immediately vanished from behind Estrodus, leaving the man alone with the corpse of his brother. He kneeled down in front of it, and stared at the ragged body that was living only a few minutes ago.

'We've . . . come a long way, brother.'

A look of regret flashed across Estrodus' face. He understood that his brother was corrupt and would only lead the kingdom to its utter demise, but even then, he wanted to believe that there could've been another way besides this.

"I was simply too big a fool to find the tunnel that led to the ending I desired . . ."

With these final parting words, Estrodus stood up and began to walk away.


Estrodus heard the sound of a clap from behind him. After that, he heard movement. Yet, he still didn't dare to look back, the reason being utter shock.

"H-How . . . why are you still here?'


Even though Estrodus refused to acknowledge Grant's living, Grant didn't refuse his. He gripped his shoulder with a grasp that could shatter a rock.

"There's a reason that the person you've been cooperating with is still alive. It's because the demon isn't fighting at full power. The reason for that is . . ."

Duke Estrodus finally dared to sneak a peek at his supposed corpse of a brother, only to see a demon.


"Quickly, ang-!"


It was too late. Estrodus looked down to his stomach, only to see something similar to a tail piercing through it. It was far from the view he wanted.

"The angel isn't coming back, but is instead going to disappear with you."

King Grant began to channel his demonic power back to the demon which was currently still fighting to the death with the person who cooperated with his brother, or at least that's what he understood.

Finally, he had fully returned to his human form.


Estrodus collapsed onto the ground. He watched as his innards gushed out before he shut his eyes for the final time. After that, all semblance of living disappeared from him.

However, he didn't go alone. Right before he had dropped, he slashed his brother's throat with a knife he had concealed within the right sleeve of his suit. As he witnessed his brother drop dead, King Grant himself was choking on his blood.

'You bastard, I had it all . . .!'

King Grant continued to choke on his blood, and dropped onto one knee. Yet, once he was on the one knee, it didn't bend anymore. He was determined to, at the very least, die with a valiant pose.

'I'll be remembered in the annals of history . . . this battle is mine, brother . . .'

The light left his eyes, the only thing remaining on his face being a trail of tears. In the future, many would speculate that he died regretting everything. But, in reality, this wasn't the case.

In reality, the reason he was crying was because he was so utterly happy that he still won over his brother in the end.

--- SEQUENCE 3 ---

Dionysus and the demon were both lying at the bottom of a crater caused by their crash landing. It was a humongous one at that, so a lot of people that were corralled to the main road were most likely dead.


Dionysus was in pain, and extreme pain at that. While being in pain did make him feel good, it didn't mean that his body felt good. His body didn't even want to move right now, and was attempting to put him to sleep.

Meanwhile . . .


It seemed a lot of things were broken within the demon, but it still stood in the end, while Dionysus didn't. No matter how anyone looked at it . . .

'It's the demon's victory . . .'

Dionysus' eyes began to roll into the back of his eyes. It was simply too much for him to still be alive, much less conscious. At the very least, half of his body was shattered, and his inner organs didn't feel very nice today.

"Congrats, dipshit . . ."

Dionysus' head fell back and hit the ground, showing that he was fully unconscious. The demon stared at him for a while, considering whether or not it should kill him.


Even with that thought in its head, it continued to stare at Dionysus. The reason for that was because it considered him a threat. While he wasn't much now, not being able to beat a single common soldier demon such as itself, he had the potential to rise through the world.


It stood over Dionysus, and it was drooling. It wanted to wholeheartedly massacre the ant that lied before it, and it was about to do so. It raised its right arm, and was preparing to swing it down onto Dionysus' face.


A spike of light entered the demon's arm that was about to swing down. The demon revealed an expression of shock for a bit. It then turned left and looked up at the sky, where the sun was radiating with a powerful pressure.

However, what stood in front of the sun and somewhat blocked it was an angel. It had many spikes of light ready to shoot out at the demon.



The demon kicked away Dionysus and then proceeded to stare up at the angel, which was looking down on it.

". . . I have no interest in quarrelling with you. Let the human go, and we can both return to our respective domains."

The angel had an amazingly lovely voice that could most definitely sooth the heart of any who heard it and remove all negativity. In contrast, the demon had one that went as deep as the world's history, which was quite deep.

. . . SO BE IT.

The demon opened a portal on the ground, while the angel turned around and began to flutter its wings up to the domain that was most likely heaven.

But . . .


A voice rang out in-between the two.

I tried to go for a walk and was too lazy to do it. Tried to do push ups and I only did fifteen. I am, without a doubt, the epitome of fitness, as has been clearly demonstrated.

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts
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