
The Woeful Fates of the Surrendered (R18)

Also, in the Great Desolate Divine Palace but in another location;

Number 3 Mei Yinxuan the Seer, Number 5 Yao Hong the Raging Fire and Sagess Mel were completely naked in this chamber and they were covered with plenty of yang essence all over their bodies.

The 'Goddess' Mel, former dark supreme leader of the Evil Cultivation Palace had now been reduced to Sagess Mel once more, after her cultivation attainment was absorbed by the Evil Cultivation God. 

Hissing at them coldly now was Number 2 Murong Yue the Eternal Night, now a hideous hybrid between a desolate and a demonic monster; she was no longer looking like a beautiful humanoid and she had become a hideous humanoid monster that have eight blades on her back as well as long talons that could suddenly extend like swords.

Also with her was the Goddess Alyssa now, formerly Sagess Alyssa after the Evil Cultivation God had rewarded her with some of his cultivation attainment for her extreme loyalty. 

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