
Chapter 234: Where is Your Dress?

Mina looked at her reflection and hardly recognized herself. Her hair had been loosely curled and pinned into a low bun. She loved the way Candice had expertly left a few strands of hair to dangle loosely around her face. The style was not unique, but it was beautiful.

The lids of Mina's eyes had been lightly coated in golden shimmer, and her lashes were defined by dark mascara. Mina touched her face lightly not wanting to ruin Candice's hard work.

"I didn't use much foundation on you," Candice said. "You have such beautiful features that I only focused on making your eyes and lips pop." Mina looked at her lips that were tinted red. The color complemented their shape and for the first time, Mina appreciated having full lips.

"Is this really me?" Mina asked, more to herself than anyone else. Candice smiled.

"Go get your dress so I can help you into it," Candice said.

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