
Chapter 37

We are currently back at Eldith finishing up repairs, refits and resupply. We will be ready for departure within the hour. The troops also had to be rotated out as well. The experience gain had to be spread out to maximum number of units.

It was then, I got some Juicy intel. Dooku had turned on his apprentice Ventress, and I knew where she will be going. It was about time I visited Dathomir.

"Krald" I say as I turn to the admiral "Set course for Dathomir, when everything is prepared. If we play our cards right, we might get some new assets" I say with a smirk on my face.

(Time Skip)

A fleet floats in space near Dathomir. Unless you make visual contact, it will not appear on any sensors. And in the pitch-dark void space, the black paint makes it near invisible. Soon enough a small freighter makes its way to the planet.

(POV Asajj Ventress)

My master has betrayed me. My only chance for vengeance is if I go back, back to where it all began. My birth place, Dathomir.

I Hijacked the scavenger ship and jumped to the system. The sight I was welcomed with was, unexpected. A large armada floating near the planet. And the sigil on its side represents the nightmare of many. The Ghost Fleet.

I suddenly receive a holo communication. I accept it and the hologram of the infamous Nomad pops up "Well hello there Asajj. I hear you have been on the wrong side of a brutal betrayal" he says.

"What is it to you Mandalorian?" I seethe at him through clenched teeth "Just called to rub salt over my wounds?"

"If I wanted to do that, why would I come personally. I would have sent a message droid. Come aboard my ship. We have a lot to talk about" he said.

"Why should I trust you? My former master could have placed a contract on me?" I asked.

"Again, why would I be talking to you then? Further, why would I invite you on to my ship? I would have just blasted you to space dust, when you dropped out of hyperspace" he said "Now stop pouting and come onboard. I won't betray you. You have the word of a Mandalorian, and you should know I keep my words" before cutting the transmission and sending me coordinates to land. It was in the hangar of the former Malevolence, now christened the 'Moby Dick'. That itself quenched some of my wrath. He not only captured Dooku's prized ship, but also gave it a ludicrous name.

I piloted my way to the marked Hangar. I was received by a Mandalorian woman. She guided me to a room with a holo table in the center. Nomad was standing there, typing something on the controls.

"Good to see you accepted my invite" he said "It's always troubling when someone you trust betrays you. But, what else could you expect from Sith. My people have been used and betrayed by both the Sith and the Jedi alike" finally looking up from the controls.

"Did you bring me here to preach history? If so, I am leaving" I said.

"No. But history must be learnt, it has a way of repeating itself. I called you here to give you a chance to become something more. You are hunted by both factions; you can only go back to your tribe for help. There by bringing the wrath of both factions on them. But I am offering you a third path. You don't have to drown yourself in the thirst for vengeance. Dooku's death was slated as soon as this war started. So, are you willing to listen to my offer?" asked Nomad.

"And what path is that, joining you? And how will joining you help me get vengeance?" what is he playing at.

"Let me show you" he said and played a recorded holo. It showed Sidious ordering Dooku to kill me, to prove his loyalty "We know that Sidious is Chancellor Palpatine, we know Dooku and Sidious orchestrated the entire war just to overthrow the republic and kill the Jedi. We know a lot more about them, than they know about us"

"Then why not take the information to the Jedi and Republic? Why remain silent? And how can you help me when you and your people are just as homeless?" I asked. How do they know all this. What is he playing at.

"Who told you I am homeless. Who told you that all that's left of Mandalore is this fleet" he take out a weird lightsaber and ignites is. It can't be, the dark sabre. What does this mean? "I have been playing the same game they have. But my main aim was to preserve the Mandalorian culture so I have different plots and ploys in play. But enough of that. What I offer you is training. The option to join a clan, a family. And earn the tittle Mandalorian. You will be provided with equipment and training. Then you can travel the galaxy or travel with us. Whichever you choose. And choose wisely because the entire play is about to come to a close" he said. We remained silent. This was a lot to take in.

"I need time to think" I said. Nomad nodded in acknowledgement.

"You will be guided to a living space. You can take your time. The fleet will remain in place for a weeks' time" he said. I left the meeting room and was led to a living space. Which wasn't all that bad considering this was a war ship.

(Time Skip)

It's been six days since I boarded Nomad's ship. I have become somewhat acquainted with two of Nomad's squad. One was apparently his wife; she was going by the name Psyren. And the other was the battle mechanic who claims to be the best in the galaxy (He claims he can repair any ship, droid or equipment), he goes by the name Wrench. He was a weird combination of kindness, ruthlessness and Nomad's patented craziness, I think they are related. According to him it was Nomad's character rubbing off on him. I tried to make them reveal their real names. But they always turned me down saying, they will tell me when I become a true Mandalorian. After talking with them and sparring with them for the past few days, I realized there was more to being Mandalorian than just being a savage warrior. I even sparred with Nomad a few times. Every time he would floor me, him being immune to force powers also puts a damper on things.

Nomad also convinced me that going to my people will only paint a target on them. He also gave me intelligence to pass on to Mother Talzin when I visited her. It mainly pointed out that moving against Sidious and Dooku with our resources was suicide, and would doom our people.

After much deliberation, I finally decided to take Nomad up on his offer. It wasn't easy for me. I craved vengeance, but I knew it was out of reach. And if what Nomad pointed out was true, us attacking him would lead to our extinction. Plus, from what I understand Dooku will die due to his master's betrayal, an ironic and poetic ending. Too bad I can't gut him myself.

I am currently about to meet Nomad. As I enter his office, I spot him sitting at his desk, going over documents. I pity him, he has to suffer through the bane of all rulers, paper work.

"So finally made a decision?" asked Nomad, looking up from his datapad.

"Yes, I will take you up on your offer. I don't have the skill or means to take them on. Atleast not yet" I said. I still crave vengeance, but going in halfcocked is not ideal.

"Good then. I will have Wrench and Psyren oversee your training. Since you are already trained in combat, it will be easy. We will train you to fight without relying on the force, the way Mandalorians fight. We will teach you our customs and language. I predict it will take you only a few months. Once that is done. I will give you a gift, other than the custom armor I forged for you. A sort of homecoming gift" he says. Even Dooku didn't give me gifts. And I like the sound of 'homecoming'. I turn around to leave, I had to find my instructors. Only for Nomad to say "Leave your light sabers here. They are not a part of you anymore. They are your past. You will have to reforge your future" I reluctantly leave my lightsabers on the desk before leaving.

(Time Skip)

(POV Thrunn)

Apparently, my strategy of info dump worked. I was able to convince Ventress to join us and the night sisters to lay low. Asajj's training will continue. She has somehow formed a friendship with Bo and Janak. And over the past month they seem to be getting closer. Janak was always the silent crazy type, who would have guessed. From what I know of her history, all she needed was somewhere to call home and someone to call family.

Right now, I am heading to the bridge. Apparently, I have a call from the Jedi. Wonder what happened. When I reach the communication table, I answer the call. Holograms of Yoda, Anakin and Plo Koon pop up.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked.

"Ahsoka has been kidnaped" blurted out Anakin, clearly worried for his padawan.

"So? Why call me? Why not send Jedi?" I asked.

"Spread too thin we are. Even new knights deployed have they been. Your expertise we require" stated master Yoda.

"Both Anakin and I are stuck on Felucia, we can't leave the frontlines as of yet" explained Plo Koon.

"Fine. I will save her. Is there any information you can give me? It will move things along quicker" I asked.

"She was protecting the flank of an attack when she disappeared" said Anakin "We couldn't find any leads, other than the assailant is probably a trandoshan" he sent me all the evidence that was found.

I read through the clues, till I suddenly remembered something "Here is the contract. It's a standard one. Quite expensive, but this isn't just a simple rescue mission. This is more along the lines of a small-scale invasion" I sent them a contract, which they promptly sign and return. "Consider your padawan already rescued" I said before cutting the call.

"Krald get the fleet moving we are heading to Trandosha. We are hunting some reptiles" I said to the admiral as I start moving to the training area for the owls. When I reach there, I am met with the usual sight of Mandalorian Nite owls training and sparring. It was top priority to stay in shape. To one corner I see Janak and Asajj talking to each other. They don't notice me approaching.

"Ahem…. Am I interrupting something" I ask in a wry tone. They could guess I was sporting a large smirk underneath my helmet.

"Nope…. We just finished her training for today, a few minutes ago. Later she had classes with Bo on Mandalorian culture and language" explained Janak. Apparently, Bo was good at teaching the basics of our language and customs. Asajj will have to learn the rest on her own.

"Good. Glad to see you getting along. Why don't you two follow me" I said, starting to walk away. Towards my private workshop. I had a small one onboard to make and repair my equipment.

"Where are you taking us?" asked Asajj.

"You will see" I said mysteriously. This piqued her interest. We soon reached an internal tram to take us to where want to go. I had divided the internal transportation trams into Passenger and cargo, as well as reduced the space they required. The separatists were simply wasting cavernous spaces onboard the massive ship, which could have been used for other purposes. We soon arrive at my workshop after the tram ride followed by another elevator ride. As we enter, I lead them to brand new armor set.

"Is this for me?" asked Asajj. She was giddy for her new armor, well in her own way. Women do like their new clothing.

"Custom made armor. Keeping the night sister's as well as your aesthetic choices in mind. Try it on and tell me if it needs any adjustment" I made her a skin tight jumpsuit. Armor and helmet being of Mandalorian design, but giving of a predatory feline vibe.

"Why give me one now? It's been hardly over a month since I started training" she asked.

"Well, I can't have a future Mandalorian huntress running around without armor. Plus, we will be hunting some lizards in a few days, and you will be joining us" I said. She was smirking something fierce when I mentioned hunting "Plus the armor can be used to keep your identity hidden"

"Got a new contract?" asked Janak.

"Yes, Apparently Trandoshans kidnapped Skywalkers padawan, Ahsoka Tano. And we have been hired to save her and any other prisoners" I face Asajj "I will provide you with armor and weapons. This will further help you learn to fight without Force powers. You are to use your powers only when your life is threatened" I then lead them to a work bench.

"These are your gauntlets. Standard Nite owl issue. Two Westar 35 pistols and a D series carbine pistol" I hand her equipment "Try them on and get used to handling them. You can add and modify them further according to your tastes"

"You know how to make me happy Nomad. Not even one month and giving me all the goodies", she said with a mischievous smile.

"Don't get used to it. I will provide your first set of equipment. If you want upgrades or improvements, you will have to earn it" I said making her raise one eye brow "And before I forget. Thinner double edged retractable Beskads. For your melee needs" is said giving her case of her custom Beskads.

"They are beautiful" she whispers, running her fingers over the blade.

"Glad you like them" I said, before turning to Janak "Take her and get here used to fighting with the new gear. When she completes her training, I will give her a final gift. If she earns it" I say with a sneer in my voice.

"Oh, I will earn it alright. Better be good, for all the effort I am putting in" said Asajj as she pulls Janak out towards the training grounds, laughing like a lunatic. All the while he looks at me for help, earning him slow sinister chuckles from me. I am glad it isn't my duty to train her.

(Time Skip)

(POV Ahsoka)

Everything was going all so well. We were pushing back the separatists on Felucia. It was smooth going. Well, till I got captured by some Trandoshans to be hunted.

I ran into three younglings who were captured before me. Their leader Kalifa, she was a good person. She held the group together. She died, getting hit by a sniper bolt.

Later we tried borrowing a ride off this rock by capturing the prisoner ship. That didn't go as planned either. Atleast we got a new comrade a wookie named Chewbacca.

We are currently trying to build a transmitter from the parts of the crashed ship. The wookie's planet was nearby, if we could get a signal across. But this thing keeps shorting out.

"We have a prisoner. We should be using him to our advantage, while we still have a chance" stated Jinx.

"I though the prisoner was the backup plan?" I asked.

"It's clear enough we can't rely on that device" said Jinx.

"Awwgggghhh" said Chewbacca.

"No offence, but we can't just sit here any longer" said Jinx.

"We should wait" I said.

"I agree with Jinx, we have to act while we still have an advantage" said O-mer.

"Let's say we do this your way, what's the plan?" I asked.

"We use the prisoner to trick them to send one of their pods down to us. Then we hijack the pod, fly up to their base and take them by surprise" stated Jinx.

"Ahsoka, you got us to believe in ourselves again. And I believe Jinx's plan will work" said O-mer.

"Look, do what you want. But O-mer and I are leaving with the prisoner tomorrow morning" said Jinx in a matter of fact way before leaving.

"Their hearts are in the right place" I said, turning to Chewbacca "You know I can't let them go on their own" I said.

"huuguughghg aaahnruh aarrragghuuhw" stated Chewbacca.

"You know we are not going to be able to do this without your help. We need your help" I said. Asking for the furry warrior's help.

"Huurh" said Chewbacca.

"Who knows, maybe our luck is about to change" I said. Atleast I hope it is.

(Time Skip)

We got up to their base alright. Now we are fighting tooth and nail, not to get slaughtered. We won't win this battle without help.

"You will be a prized trophy in my collection" said Garnac.

Just as all hope seemed lost, the roar of engines could be heard. A ship came through the clouds. Wookies could be seen on it. That was not all. Over a dozen Mandalorian gunships came barreling out right behind it. Soon enough there were Mandalorians and Wookies dropping from the ships as the other gunships laid down covering fire. The tides had turned. The Trandoshans were being gunned down by the Mandalorians and Wookies. In the onslaught I lost sight of Garnac. I try looking for him, I can't let him escape. The fighting ends as soon as it starts. I see a Mandalorian I recognize.

"Hey Psyren, their leader is escaping. We have to catch him" I said.

She just turns to me and snickers.

"What's so funny?" I ask. I don't find the capture of a criminal funny. She just signals me to look in a certain direction. What I see had me flabbergasted. Nomad was standing by the railing with Garnac being strangled with one hand. I knew he was strong, but not this strong.

"You are no hunter. You are just a demented slaver pretending to be one" stated Nomad, drawing out his wrist blades "I will erase the blight that is you from existence" driving his blade through the Trandoshan's neck, severing it. He then drops the limp body and walks towards me.

"People are worried about you missy. Worried enough to hire us. And looks like you have two more Jedi pups with you. Come along we will take you back" he said, beckoning us towards a dropship.

Psyren walks over and looks me over "You look like you could use a bath" she said with a tilted head.

"A warm bath and meal, would be more than welcome" I said.

She laughs and slaps my back "Well then don't just stand around. Let's get moving" as we entered the dropship and it takes off "I will hook you up with all the essentials when we are aboard the Moby Dick" she said. I couldn't help but Laugh. With the way these guys act, you won't guess they are ruthless killers when needed. And only Nomad will name a subjugator class battlecruiser as such. Well atleast the ordeal is over. Sigh.

Point out any errors. I was only able to go through it an make some changes and edits once. Positive criticism is always welcome.

JohnnyReevercreators' thoughts
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