
first battle

"Hello, class today we will be..." the lecturer upon introducing himself made everyone present groan without explaining. They were away of what will be happening soon.

The upcoming battle in a few days. 

It is the reason why they were training so hard before. 

For half a day, all students were shown examples about the upcoming battle. 

Following this and the rumours circulating practice ensued before the slots for each participant were drawn and the names published within the forum. 

"Sir, since these suns will be our first battle between competiting school, to seem a bit more magnanimous, can you ask student Pingui Guia to please be a bit more gentle during the competition?"

I said nothing; I did not even react. I could not help but inwardly question if what this sheep had suggested was not on the stupid side? This sheep, who should be asking me to win by any means necessary is asking for me to go easy on the enemy? 

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