
Small human

So this is what the famed sheep known as humans looked like.

I pursed my lips, trying not to be disgusted.

In fact, what room did I have to feel such a way?

Still, being among wolves who varied from three-plus meters and even then, they were all adolescents. These sheep seem rather small, their clothing was also quite strange paired with the many strange scents-

The sheeps were everywhere; they had large cases. The lessons mom taught me of these fragile creatures were still somewhat fresh.

She had said that the human sheeps were similar to us but more like prey; they had no natural defences. Were weak, smaller and possessed no animal within. To protect them from predators these pitiful sheep had neither sharp teeth nor claws, no howls or alpha to borrow strength to protect those weaker.

I felt back then that they were such a pitiful species. 

Still, she said humans were many, and they could together kill us using their 'weapons'.

This had been a shocker to me because I did not understand these: 'weapons'. 

Accepting my fate I settled. Even though I suffered from headaches every now and again I still survived in this place.

I had to, it would be a waste to die and prove to the wolves that I am truly weak and useless. 

Time passed. 

I felt myself growing, if I did not pay this heed even I would be unaware of my own growth. Accepting this realm, I watched the sheep, changing that term to humans. I taught myself things by mimicking the humans. I grew to like my new home for this reason only. 

Surviving here was much easier than in my original home. I ate my fill; I slept easier as well.

No longer was I among wolves, but among sheep... Humans. I needed to blend, to survive.

There was no struggle to survive. No longer waking to a wolf chewing on a body part. No need to sleep lightly, lest I am suddenly attacked while momma is away or a wolf pup using me as training; chasing me deep into the forest until I passed out.

Here I had peace, but I suppose my peace, like always, will never last.

While I had been busy looking through a discarded book to learn more about this realm and its cultures. You may look down on a species but having been forced to live among them--like them; learning and adapting to suit is the best way to survive. 

So occupied by this, I became surprised by the sudden shaking of the building and sharp screams which echoed around me followed by a booming sound. Which echoed as various structures collapsed and explosions occurred around me.

Gripping the book in my hand. I scrambled hin and here trying to keep myself safe. Until finally I found a spot of which I quickly entered then huddled into the metal crate, closing the lid quickly.

The echo of various parts of my surroundings collapsing echoed in my ears. I closed my eyes tightly, thinking that it should be soon over. 

The sound and trembling slowly died down until my surroundings went somewhat silent. 

After a while, when I was sure it was over and no more shaking sound of crashing or screams could be heard, I finally exited surveying my surroundings with cautious movements and a critical eye, inhaling deeply only to sneeze when the stench of death along with unrecognisable scents entered my nasal cavity. 

My eyes widened upon seeing the destruction before me. 

Immediately I thought to myself that it was a miracle that I survived with all the destruction along with the dead that littered across the length of my vision. I did not pity them. They were prey in my eyes after all, but I felt that it was a waste to see them like this; from the small humans right up to the old.

I walked around glimpsing that among the dead some were crushed, others were maimed bleeding to death moaning softly, others screaming from the horror.. tragedy that occurred to them or simply suffocated under rumble those I thought were a mercy. I searched, hoping I would find someone alive, but this was a tragedy that struck. The outcome was something that became a bit difficult for someone like even me to take in.

With the stolen watch on my arm, I counted the hours, which turned into a day... Then two and as for today, it was the fourth day. Still early in the morning. Even though I was a wolf unable to shift, the instinct to be among pack was still present. Being alone is something that makes me constantly restless, I ached to be among Pack. My own kind. I could not help but to sometimes howl lowly in sorrow... It was not a comfortable feeling, the need to have someone near-

Shaking those unnecessary thoughts aside and pushing the rising feelings away I continued to search. Hoping a sheep survives, trying not to give up hope as yet. 

I approached the wing of the airport that had been reserved for the "VIP" humans who were all dressed splendidly. Right now rotting corpses were scattered, some piled on top of each other.

I sneezed to clear the stench from my nasal cavity. 

My gaze scanned to see if someone was alive while my ears listened for the heart-

A small cry echoed not too far away. I froze, scanning the scattered corpses. The cry sounded again. I clocked my head on a side listening to the mewing cry. It sounded like a small human-sheep, perhaps from the pained sound, it was newborn and injured?

The cry seemed to be of pain and hunger; I rushed in that direction excited that I was no longer alone and one human still lived. Something inside of me seemed to move but because I wanted to claim my new packmate it went unnoticed. 

Dropping the load I was dragging, my feet carried me quickly towards the crying small human.

When I finally laid my eyes on the little human, I felt as if I would join the small human crying.

The sight before my eyes was just too sad. The small human was being embraced by the mother who seemed to have recently died. It continued to cry, each one weaker by every sound. The mother who looked to have recently died had lost an arm.

While the remainder held the child close to an exposed breast.

From the still wet blood that stained the area beneath her still slightly parted thighs, it looked like she had given birth inside the airport itself.

When I read where she said a mercy I raised my brow.. No girl suffocation isn't a mercy ah..

SUPER_WEIRDOcreators' thoughts
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