

"Talyn sure loves sleeping on top of him."

Jenny said with a forced smile on her face. She observed her son that was in a deep sleep. That fact hurt her dearly as she was worried about her son.

'Please, wake up soon.'

She solemnly wishes. Her wishes were in line with the others that were within the recovery room. Eve, Brian, Tim, and Lilith. Everyone yearned for Adam to wake up soon.

"Aunty. Shouldn't you be at the council?"

Brian asked Jenny. Jenny was hurting herself by staying at Adam's side. Thus, Brian suggested that she be somewhere else.

"There are a lot of things to discuss. Better not dilly-dally." He continued.

Brian was only saying these words to Jenny. Tim should also be at the council, but he was calm and collected while observing Adam.

"He's right, Jenny. Take your mind off things." Tim interjected.

Tim was implying that Jenny should take a rest. A rest from everything which includes the council. Tim was considerate of his wife. Therefore, he decided that he will go to the meeting.

"I will go. Do not worry about anything. Take a break." Tim said sternly. His words were cold, but it was a warm gesture.

"But I want to stay at Adam's side." Jenny refuted Tim's insistence.

Tim shook his head and stood up from his chair. He opened his arms and said-

"Come here."

He offered a hug, which Jenny accepted. After a few seconds of silence, Tim opened his mouth again.

"It's alright. Adam is not in danger." He said softly. He caressed Jenny's hair and hugged her tightly.

"He will be just fine." Tim continued.

Jenny snuggled within his arms. She felt safe and reassured, but the worry was still plaguing her mind. Tim continued caressing her hair and did not say anything more.

It was a lovely scene, yet it was sad at the same time. Tim and Jenny were hugging each other, but it was not out of happiness. They were hugging each other due to sorrow. But the scene was put to an end.

"He's moving!" Eve exclaimed.

She was observing Adam closely. She took her time to look at all of Adam's features and for her reasons. Eve wanted to confirm that Adam was the person she thought Adam was. And due to that, she was the first one to notice his sudden movement.

"Really?" Lilith asked for affirmation.

Lilith and Eve were both worried about Adam. Unlike everyone who found Adam as a family member, they were looking at him as the opposite sex. But there was someone else within the room that had the same emotional stress as them.

"Did he open his eyes!" Brian rushed towards Adam's side.

Out of everyone within the room, he was the person that spent the most time with Adam. Well, at least in Adam's current life. Brian keenly observed Adam's state, only to be disappointed.

"Adam is now sure to recover from his coma. Let us rejoice." Tim said as he tightened his hug on Jenny.

Jenny accepted the hug, but this time, a smile was evident on her face.

Due to Adam's movement, everyone knew that he would wake up soon.

'He would wake up soon.' They all had that thought in their head.

"Screw the meeting. I'm staying here."

Tim declared his neglect of the Vault's issues. He no longer cared about it. Nothing could be more important than his son.

'Please wake up soon.' He sincerely wished in his heart. Everyone had the same sentiment.

The person they were worried about, while his body was with everyone, his mind was in another place. Adam was shocked upon discovering something.

'The tree of knowledge!'

The Folinr Adam stopped running after the albino marten. His attention was now on the tree that looked like any other. The only reason he was able to identify the tree was because of the moat surrounding it.

'This isn't possible.'

He denied the existence of the tree. He did not like the fact that he saw the tree of knowledge. It reminded him of his first and biggest mistake.

'Why is it still here?'

Adam was scared. He knew the power of the tree and the danger it posed to all intelligent creations. He experienced its might back then.

'The fucker made me eat the fruit.'

Adam recalled the events on that day. It was still vivid within his memory.

'Eve was coaxed to eat the fruit that I told her not partake.'

He was thinking about humanity's genesis. The story is quite different from the records within the bible. Translations can change a lot of detail after thousands of years, after all.

'And my dumb self followed Eve.'

Adam, who was still dumb as he did not partake of the fruit of knowledge, thought that it was okay since Eve did it first. It was a mistake on his part, but it was a sin on Eve's part.

What Adam did not consider was that Eve was wicked at that time. She did not want to be punished alone. Thus, she coaxed Adam to eat the fruit.

'I should leave.'

Adam thought as he turned around.

'Wait. The marten.'

The albino marten stopped at turned around to look at Adam. It stared at his eyes and stopped moving. Adam observed the marten. However, it did not move one bit.

'What is it doing?'

He was anxious because the marten was staring straight towards his eyes. It did not move, and it did not blink. It was a creepy experience for Adam.

'Damn. It looks too much like Talyn.'

Adam dismissed the thought of walking away. He knew that the marten was telling him to approach the tree. He does not know whether to trust the marten or not.

'But it's all I got.'

There was nothing else within the forest. He was sure that this forest was the one.

'This is the Garden of Eden.'

Adam slowly walked towards the marten. The marten once again turned its back towards Adam and began walking to the tree.

'Does he want something?'

He was no longer cautious. He already died, what was the worst that could happen? As Adam approached, the tree of knowledge swayed as if to welcome Adam.

'Something is amiss.'

Adam observed the tree as he walked. It was not the same tree that was in his memory. At least, it looked different. It looked younger.

'Wait. Am I really in the present?'

He looked around, but he could not say for sure. The tree still had the same features and the same shape, but it looked different to him.

'Is this the same Garden of Eden?'

Adam now thought that the garden was a replica. He could not be more wrong.

He was within the memory of the Folinr that he has eaten. He was experiencing the life of the Folinr before they were locked away by The God, Weyah.

'Hmm? What is it doing?'

Adam looked at the marten. It was walking around and around the tree. It wanted to catch Adam's attention towards something.

Adam did not hesitate and followed the marten where it stopped. After looking at what the marten was prattling on, Adam was baffled.

'There's nothing here.'

Indeed. There was nothing at the spot he was observing. And that was a cause for concern.

'There's nothing here?'

From what Adam remembered, there were carvings in certain spots of the tree. They were intricate carvings that were made by intelligent life. They all signified that something existed before humanity.

'What is it?'

The marten kept on tapping Adam's foot. After garnering his attention, the marten jumped towards a spot on the tree. It stopped and kept pointing towards the place.

'Am I supposed to do something?'

Adam thought. He could not understand what the marten wanted him to do. The marten scratched the tree and started carving using its claw, and then it looked at Adam.

'Does it want me to carve on the tree of knowledge?'

When Adam had that thought, he could not stop his hand from moving. The claws on his pale fingers scratched the tree, and he began carving without his consent.

Adam was not able to control what he was doing, and that is because he was within a memory. Memories are events that already happened within a perspective. In this case, Adam was within the ancestral Folinr's memory.

After a few minutes of not being able to control his body, Adam finished carving on the tree of knowledge. It was the same carving that he saw many many years ago.

'What in tarnation?'

He was confused. He could not fathom the reality of the situation. But he did not have enough time to consider.


Memory fragment completed.


After those words showed up within his vision, Adam found himself within a void. The sceneries around him vanished. The Garden of Eden was no longer in sight, and all that he could see was darkness.

He could feel something heavy on his chest. It was a weight that was not natural to his body.

Adam slowly opened his eyes and saw.


The albino marten. His albino marten sleeping soundly.

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