
100 Steps to Kill a Sorcerer

"Say it. If you say, 'please let me down, husband'. I will."

"That's it! I'm going to nail his balls to the wall!"

Wei KaiJun hurried to shut LiAi up with his palm before she launched at XueYa. She was trying to wriggle out of his hold, but he pulled her aside, enduring her little fangs scraping at his skin.

The officials arched their brows, but since they didn't hear what LiAi had said, they just let the guards handle whatever situation was at hand. They only marvelled at the sudden deathly aura that radiated in the air.

It was a wedding. How come there was such a heavy killing intent hovering over them?

"I thought you confiscated her weapon?" Xie JingYi whispered as the weaponized fan flailed around dangerously.

"Does it look like I have a death wish? How can I confiscate anything from her?" Wei KaiJun grumbled as he tried to calm the snake down.

"I see."

"LiAi, behave," LiBai hissed from behind her fan.

With blazing eyes, LiAi settled down, shoving Wei KaiJun off of her.

The monkey looked at his palm and grimaced. Two tiny puncture holes were left from where LiAi had bitten him.

The air around the sisters pulsated ominously, but they weren't even at the top of the stairs yet. They would nail XueYa's balls to the throne if he tried something more than just carrying LiangLin around.

For now, if the sorcerer was willing to drag LiangLin up the stairs to ease the tradition, there was no point for them to intervene.

Besides, LiangLin's darkening blush and furiously blinking eyes seemed to entail something different than torturing XueYa to death. The sisters exchanged knowing looks. It seemed like they would be the ones to kill that damn sorcerer in the end.

Their brother was too innocent and easily flustered to kill anyone!

"Well? Are you going to say it or stay still like a well-behaving bride?" XueYa said, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

LiangLin's blush had darkened to the point it was competing with the red hanfu to see, which was burning more brightly. His lips parted, but his pride stopped him from saying the words.

This damned sorcerer! Over his dead body would LiangLin utter those words! LiangLin wasn't a light man. If XueYa wanted to break his back climbing all these stairs, so be it!

LiangLin wouldn't mind becoming a widow this early on! He wouldn't have to endure the shameless flirting and sweet words, all the kissing, being pinned down, and papapa - damn it, he was overthinking again!

Seeing LiangLin seal his lips tightly and turning his gaze away, XueYa's grin grew so smug it nearly split his face in two.

"Yu Zhong, the tray."

LiangLin perked up at the command.

What about the tray? Did XueYa change his mind? Make LiangLin walk all 100 steps on his own? What kind of husband was this bastard? He was going to shove that tray up XueYa's-

"Is my bride going to choke me to death or take hold of the tray so we can start climbing?"

The officials chuckled, shaking their heads at the emperor. Until now, they had been wondering why they had to wait and welcome the bride at the foot of these steps.

Traditionally, the emperor would be seated on his throne, waiting for the bride to serve him tea. Only YaYun had wished to accompany the bride to ascend the stairs.

But none of the officials thought YaYun would want to carry his bride up these stairs! Perhaps it was not to tire the expecting snake?

Indeed, YaYun thought about everything! The officials gave approving nods. Even they hadn't thought as far as to not burden the pregnant bride with unnecessary trials. They had misjudged YaYun and his thoughtfulness.

"I- You will drop me if I don't hold on tight!" LiangLin said as Yu Zhong held the tray up for him.

The two of them were equal in height and size. There was no way XueYa could carry LiangLin all 100 steps without throwing him down the stairs midway!

LiangLin tightened his hold around XueYa's neck and shoulders, clinging to him like an octopus. If LiangLin went down, so would this damn sorcerer! They were going to roll down to hell together!

"I won't. I will never let you slip out of my arms after today." XueYa said, his smile never faltering.

LiangLin didn't think he could blush any harder, but he did. This sorcerer was trying to kill him with sweet words alone!

"Was YaYun ever this cheesy?" Xie JingYi whispered on the side.

"I can't tell," Zhi ChangNing said. Her stone-cold facade didn't even crack.

"I need to write this down," Wei KaiJun said as a sudden chill ran down his spine. He didn't dare turn to look, but he was sure LiAi had heard him and was shooting daggers at him with her eyes.

LiangLin had to admit, XueYa knew what to say to a snake. But LiangLin knew his tricks! As if LiangLin would fall for any of it! He loosened his arms around XueYa and took the tea tray offered because he wanted the ceremony to be over with!

The day would end soon, and LiangLin would never reach the bed - no! - the top of the steps! He wanted to get out of these clothes. Take off the jewellery that was weighing down on his neck like bricks.

A good neck rubbing would do LiangLin good. Maybe a whole-body massage before being pinned down and some papapa - goddamn it! His mind was going off on its own again!

No papapa!

XueYa started up the steps once he was sure the tray was steady in LiangLin's arms, resting over his abdomen. XueYa was in a hurry too. Get the two of them by themselves so he could get these clothes off and get down to business. Despite LiangLin looking breathtaking as a bride, he would look even more devastating with no clothes on.

LiangLin wasn't a light man, but just the thought of them getting to the wedding chamber gave XueYa enough will power to balance the entire combination of bride and tray up the steps. Not even a single drop spilt over the edge of the cup.

The further up XueYa went, the more vigour he seemed to gain.

His thighs were burning, his arms locked in place and screaming in agony, but XueYa was going to tap this ass! No amount of steps could stop him from reaching this goal!

By the time they reached the top, XueYa was flushed, his breathing ragged. Sweat droplets clung to his brow, but a victorious smile graced his lips.

During the entire time, LiangLin had only gaped at XueYa in awe. The pain and strain were visible in XueYa's visage, growing with each step. But not even once did he voice a complaint, or his steps falter.

The spell was broken when Yu Zhong said, "The tea is still steaming and has not spilt. The bride will now offer the tea to the emperor."

"Um," LiangLin mumbled as he watched a vein bulge over XueYa's brow. Any longer, and XueYa might die from a popped vein. "We reached the top. Let me down."

"You can offer the tea like this," XueYa heaved, his arms trembling, but XueYa refused to let go. His limbs were locked in place, tightly holding onto LiangLin. "It's fine."

XueYa instantly regretted his words.

LiangLin raised the cup to XueYa's lips, and without hesitation, poured the hot liquid into his mouth, almost burning off his tongue. Seeing LiangLin's mischievous eyes, XueYa could tell the snake did it on purpose.

If this was because of his shameless flirting, burning off his tongue wouldn't stop XueYa from sweet-talking his new bride to bed!

"Next is signing the wedding contract," Yu Zhong announced.

"Wait- what?" LiangLin cried out as he looked at his surprised sisters, pleading for help with his eyes.

Nobody had said anything about contracts!

Contract?? QAQ

LinShuicreators' thoughts
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