
Dandelions- Part 1

Music Recommendation: Wish I could spend the day with you- Mychael Danna


Michael stared at the little boy, who continued to play with the wolf, petting and talking to it as if the wolf understood everything he said. No one would have ever seen this coming, for the archangels and the Devil to meet each other's eyes without using their staffs to smite the other. 

The wish the boy had asked was a simple one, just like Madeline had prayed for Paschar to come and spend his time with her child. But with the wish being associated with the Devil, Michael wasn't sure about what to do. When it came to the Devil, the slightest actions had consequences. The ripple effect would go too far to cause possible chaos. 

But then...this was a wish that related to Constance. The person had a pure soul, and even though she had gone through difficulties in the living world, her soul had continued to stay pure and forgiving. 

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