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Death Is something everyone has to come to terms with at some point in their lives. For some it's a thought in the back of their minds that's always present but they don't let it affect them. I used to be one of those. Unfortunately these days I'm a wee bit more likely to die.

The sight of Higeki corpse being ripped into two halves by the Beast who just kept laughing was something that's gonna stick with me. Of Course that's without mentioning the Bloodthirsty chakra he was pumping out at an alarming rate. 

Strange he was wasting so much chakra and yet I couldn't even feel his chakra drain in the slightest. Where was he getting this chakra does really just have that much he can afford to waste so much without a second thought?

As much as I wanted to know it wasn't worth my life.

One of my squad members decided to throw some shuriken at the beast but given that five C4 seals did jack all, I wasn't going to stick around to see if the shuriken fared any better. The moment I saw them my body began to move as an unbelievable amount of chakra shot through my system. I wasn't expecting the amount of chakra that surged through my system so when I shot up towards the trees I had intended to land on instead I over shot it hastily grabbing onto another tree before stabilizing myself. Not dwelling on what just had I begun to run again except it seems my squad decided to follow my lead as I could feel them catching up with me along with the Beast.

We're all gonna die if we stick together.

Shifting my direction I tried to replicate my initial burst of speed but this time I'd try to maintain it. Shooting forward I tried to ignore the lives of my squad being snuffed out one by one and focused purely on getting as far as possible as quickly as I could. 

I felt the beast stop for a moment before he shot towards my direction. If I wasn't a sensor and actively keeping tabs on his location I doubt I would have been able to dodge. Missing me the beast kept going, smashing every tree unfortunate to be in his way.

Seems however he achieves those speeds does not allow him to stop whenever he wants. 

Out running isn't going to work even if I could keep dodging. I'll run out of chakra before his even dips slightly. With very little time on my hands I set my last C4 seal on the ground before flooding most of my chakra into it leaving me with just enough to create a close and hopefully not die of chakra exhaustion. The feeling of suddenly losing so much chakra wasn't pleasant but I was about to try and fake my death and knock myself from lack of chakra so he couldn't sense me if he's able to. Creating a clone I left it by the seal and turned to run. 

I needed to get far enough to not be injured by the seal.

I felt the beast rapidly approaching my clone who was made of more chakra then I probably had. Hiding as best I could, I set off the seal before the beast could touch my clone. 

I guess the chakra I used to set off the seal was the tipping point as I passed out.

When I regained consciousness it was either still night or I slept all day. Given my track record I'm gonna assume it's been a day or two. 

Getting up I didn't feel the consequences of chakra exhaustion like I was expecting. I was still missing a good chunk of chakra and had no idea of any other side affects so i still took it slow.

I wasn't willing to return to command the way we came so I looped around the long way taking my sweet time.

Walking, I was concerned about my mental state. What I witnessed was going to leave a mark on me. I may be fine but being put into helpless situations isn't good on the human mind.

I could have died.

The beast could have killed me instead of Higeki. If I didn't immediately decide to abandon my team and run I wouldn't have been able to put enough distance between me and the beast which allowed me to dodge even though he's much faster. 

My helplessness in the situation bothered me even though what could I have done but run and hide? I'm five years old and yet I can't help but think how Kakashi would have fared much better than me.

Yes Kakashi is talented but what very few see is how much work he puts in. It's not an exaggeration to say he's always training. 

Why didn't I work just as hard as him?

Instead I put most of my time into Fuinjutsu, a skill known for being difficult and time consuming. I only have one seal and it takes time to set up. The C4 seal isn't going to save me from an enemy moments away from killing me. My sword could, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, those will keep me alive when it really matters. 

Arriving at command after confirming my identity with the patrol who stopped me, I made my way to Orochimaru. 

"I'm back sensei," I said entering the command tent. 

"Sozo… I was beginning to get worried," Orochimaru said grinning.

How comforting.

"Sure you were Orochimaru-sensei," I said, not buying that smile in the slightest. 

"Anything interesting happen with your body?" He ignored my comment.

"Nothing new."

"Unfortunate, I was hoping an encounter with the enemy would trigger something."

Taking a seat I gave my report of what happened.

"So do you know anything about this beast?" 

"No, this is the first I've heard of it. Either he just arrived or the camp was full of dead bodies of the enemy."

"So complete chance huh?"

"Afraid so."

That's somehow worse than that camp being a trap.

Closing my eyes I began to spin myself using one of the tent supports while Orochimaru does whatever he was doing. 

In the short time I've been here one thing became very clear: Orochimaru doesn't care about the war. He's here because of orders just like everyone else. So I am not sure if he really ever plans to do anything but stall. The infiltration team mission was to obtain intelligence so we can keep stalling, not sure how that mission went but I bet it was better than mine. 

Oh well it's not like I really care or can even do anything to shift the balance of the war. 

Leaving my seat I left to go find Shinsetsu.

Couple weeks have passed other than some more injured to take care of nothing new has developed on this front. But in other news kirigakure has made a major move against the leaf which resulted in less supplies for us. Then there's Sana who use of poison… well everything has taken priority for medical supplies. Ironically enough Orochimaru efforts or more accurately lack of could land us in some hot water especially sense according to that intelligence gathered Kiri and Kumogakure have some sort of weird ceasefire in favor of attaching the leaf.

In other news I've managed to save a fish with the use of medical jutsu. It's not much in the grand scheme but I should be able to treat very basic injuries like cuts and bruises. 

I haven't been bruised yet. 

You'd think with all my training with Kakashi and his hands-on method of learn or get kicked into a tree I'd been bruised by now but no. Is it my body? 

My biggest concern with my biological would be consequences that have yet to manifest themselves. I don't know if chakra alone can keep a body running or if my body is eating itself to fuel its abnormalities. 

You know the amount I eat is quite a lot for a five year old. I eat more than I did as an adult. Kakashi doesn't eat as much as I do nor did Sakumo unless I made that curry. And I do sleep a lot. 

Maybe I'm just overthinking things. 

Removing the bandages from an unconscious Shinobi I replaced them before moving on to the next. 

There's quite a lot of downtime and very little to do, especially as a kid so I've pretty much become an honorary member of the medical Shinobi. Sure I'm not allowed to actually use any medical jutsu on Shinobi without the supervision of Shinsetsu so I mostly just help with the little things. Plus I get to ask a lot of questions about the human body. 

Oh yeah there was this guy from the Hyuga clan with weird eyes. Apparently all members of the clan have a dojutsu called Byakugan. After hearing what it was capable of I kinda wish I was born into that clan. Being able to look for something without getting out of bed sounds pretty nice to me. Unfortunately it seems the clan is split into two groups: the main family and the branch family. The branch family is branded with a curse mark so unless I was part of the main family I'd have to pass.

Obito always mentioned someone calling the Sharingan whenever he lost to Kakashi, saying how he'd stand no chance once he awakened it. I'll have to ask him the next time I see him.

I'm back and ready to release regularly again.

Tortoisecreators' thoughts
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