
[Chapter 97] The Competition Pt 5

I am watching with happiness as Winter is currently beating the odds. She jumps over blades and under a club that makes even the wind whistle as it barely misses each time, now just toying with them.

I glance at the old alpha and have to resist breaking into a laughing fit as I see his tomato face of rage and embarrassment. I look back and see Winter getting ready to attack the last 3, 'Guess it is time to finish it as the crowd is now laughing at their misery.' I think as I look over at the spectators which are dying of laughter at the failed attempts of each attack.

Winter's face suddenly hardens as she slowly gets them into a circle. The first one to get into position is a male vampire in pretty light armor, as he takes a single step into the circle of awareness she prepared, it was over for him. He took one step in and she immediately swung down, cutting his legs off. A werewolf entered her circle and went to howl before suddenly getting his face smashed into the metal floor of the arena by the back of the scythe.

After witnessing what just happened, the merman just put his hands on his head and slowly laid himself on the ground, not even trying to 1v1 Winter as one thought continuously replayed in his head.

'This chick is crazy. This chick is crazy...'

Everyone laughed even harder at the scene, no one would want to try to fight her by themselves either, but someone else's misfortune is definitely funny to see.

'After seeing this performance, she is definitely going to be revered.' I smile at the thought but when I look over, I see that every runt and Danny now are staring at Winter, fear, awe, and worship in their eyes. I poke Danny quickly just to see if he is ok when he suddenly looks over at me with a pale face. He stutters the words as he speaks, seemingly too awestruck to speak.

"Wh-where did Winter l-learn to fight-fight like that?" I smile as I point at myself while also adding, "I may of taught her how to fight, but she definitely can fight better than me." His face becomes even paler as I say each word.

We quickly look back towards the fight just to see Winter flick the blood off her blade and fold it up along with a ringing bell in the distance, signifying the fight is over.

She jumps up and sits on my lap, hugging me tightly as she happily says, "I won! And it was thanks to you! Your the best!" She squeezes me a bit more, showing her affection. I smile as I rub her head and she first has a slight face of shock before smiling. 'Clearly she was caught off guard by the sudden head rub.' I smile at her beautiful face and her hair which is fully silver.

I suddenly hear a voice from my side, "Winter! That was amazing!"

"Winter, can you teach us how to fight like that!"

"Please Winter"

I look around us to suddenly realize that we are surrounded by the other 'runts' that have stars in their eyes. Winter smiles at the sudden affection and laughs while shaking her head, "I cannot as I do not having the teaching skills, I was taught by my boyfriend here." She waves at me as I smile and wave, my dagger like teeth shining in the light.

"I did indeed, although I don't plan on having students. Winter was an exception." They look slightly downcast before Danny comes over, "That was very impres-" he is cut off by a sudden booming voice, "The match is over as Winter left the arena therefore forfeiting the match!" I look over to see him holding the arm of the merman, "Behold, our winner!"

Winter goes to get up before I grab her waist, stopping her in her tracks, she looks over and sees me smiling. "It's fine, you didn't want to fight originally so who cares what that old geezer thinks, let's get ready to go back to the surface, our journey back begins tomorrow morning at 7:00 am. I had talked with the king about it and this is what he said, saying we have been here too long."

Winter smiles and nods happily before we both get up and walk out of the arena, at least, we were going to before suddenly getting yelled at as we were walking down the hallway.

"As Winter broke the rules again and forcefully forfeited the match, she will be punished with 1 month in prison!"

The old Alpha's face is now redder than red can even be but he has an evil grin stamped on his face. He jumped down and immediately announced this out of spite. 'No one makes a fool of my grandson and me!'

'Heh, lets see what the owner thinks of this.' I open my wristband and immediately begin typing something in the announcement box before pressing send. Suddenly, a Bing! Sound rings in the entire cube as an automated voice echoed throughout the massive metal box. "Cube announcement. The original owner of the cube has claimed ownership of the cube. I do not take kindly to people abusing their power to salvage their dignity. As I am unable to reveal my current identity, I will choose a manager to represent me. I have chosen district manager Samantha to represent me at this time, she is now executive manager of the cube, regardless of power. She shall demote you to district manager immediately, no exceptions. This is the end of the announcement."



All of a sudden, everyone is stunned silent. Seconds later, the cube erupts into an uproar as this suddenly happens. I look over at Winter and smile at her shocked expression.

'Owner of the cube? Who could that possibly be?! And why did he now step forward?!' She looks over at my smiling face and asks with confusion, "Why are you smiling?"

"Just enjoying the view, anyway, let's get the suit and scythe packed up for travel, I'll get a case made for that by tomorrow morning."

She looks confused as she waves at the ceiling, "The cube owner just made an announcement! And you only care about packing clothes?! This has never happened before!"

I murmur, "Trust me, I know."

She tilts her head, "How do you know?"

"Because I am the cube owner." I say while smiling.

Behold! The cube owner! Thanks for reading!

Dragonjackelcreators' thoughts
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