
Expanding Horizons

The disappearance of Xiao Jiantian and Xia Qingyue for seven days was slightly worrying, though those worries were swiftly dispersed when they returned.

"I'm sure you can refine high-quality pellets out of these medical ingredients." Xia Qingyue handed Xiao Jiantian a spatial ring containing all of the heavenly ingredients she had bought with his money. "After all, Li Chen was without an equal in the field of medicine... wasn't he?"

'This woman...' Xiao Jiantian chuckled. "I won't be able to make any heaven-defying pellets from this selection. However, I'm certain that they'll help push you into the later stages of the Spirit Profound Realm rather swiftly."

Xia Qingyue nodded. "That's more than good enough."

And so, Xiao Jiantian went to work making peak-efficiency pellets. His control over both profound energy and medicinal force was god-like, creating pellets that were far greater than what anyone else could even dream of producing. While infusing his pellets, Xiao Jiantian always added a portion of his own rich profound energy, bolstering their effectiveness and quality further.

After a day's good work, he was done. The effort had even exhausted him due to each successful attempt taking a portion of his profound energy... which did eventually add up. However, before going to disturb Xia Qingyue's meditation session, he decided to take a stroll through Floating Cloud City. He was slightly intrigued with how things were going since his seven days leave.

"It's... Heavenly Lord Xiao!" 

Xiao Jiantian paced past the entrance of the Floating Cloud City with his hands behind his back, looking rather majestic in robes that Xia Qingyue had bought for him. After making him spend so much money, Xia Qingyue wanted to repay the favour... and, although she wasn't nearly as rich as him, he appreciated the effort.

"How are my subjects doing on this fine evening?" Xiao Jiantian smiled, stealing the eyes of every person present. 

"I just want to say something... the Mighty Heavenly Pizza is truly heavenly!" One citizen shouted with great enthusiasm. "I go there every day I can!"

"That's good to hear." 

"Heavenly Lord Xiao, please receive this gift as thanks for your prosperous rule!"

"Ah, you have my thanks."

"Heavenly Lord Xiao... marry me!"

"Eh, I'm already married.-"

"Sign my robe, please, Heavenly Lord Xiao!"

"One moment."

Xiao Jiantian entertained his residents before moving on and seeing how everything was going. To the side of his sight, he saw a rather old and bitter-looking man purchasing some food.

"How much is this?"

"That will be one hundred and fifty yellow profound coins, sir."

"I've got fifty." The old man stated, placing a small bag of fifty yellow profound coins. "Fuck you. Bastard."


And just like that, he was on his way. The seller didn't even say anything back, looking somewhat stunned. Xiao Jiantian himself was in slight awe of how shameless and swift the old man was. Maybe he was struggling to get by... his clothes looked quite rugged, after all.

Xiao Jiantian flicked one cyan profound coin onto the seller's table, essentially paying for the old man. "For your trouble."

"Thank you, Heavenly Lord Xiao. Why don't you take a look at my stall... perhaps something might arouse your interest?"

"No... there's nothing that I need at the moment."


After all these years, Xiao Che finally experienced a massive rise in profound strength. In the short three months since he had attained his new profound veins, he spared no effort to grow stronger and catch up to his generation of the Xiao Clan. All those years of humiliation... although no one dared say anything to him now, he knew it was all because he was riding off the back of his supposed brother.

Now with his profound veins restored, all he wanted was to proudly stand on his own two feet.

The news of his terminated profound veins being restored did spread relatively far, shocking many. By now, he was at the 4th level of the Elementary Profound Realm and still growing ever-stronger. His profound veins were rather extraordinary, capable of absorbing profound energy at an even greater rate than the Heavenly God's Spiritual Veins.

In his spare time, he did as Xiao Jiantian recommended and was tutored by Yuwen Tuo in the ways of governing. Day by day, his inferiority complex slowly faded and he gained confidence in his own abilities.

As he was walking through the halls of the Xiao Clan, Xiao Che bumped into his brother who then led him outside once again. 

"The last time we went hunting in this forest you were still a cripple." Xiao Jiantian chuckled. "How does it feel to finally be able to progress?"

"It feels great." Xiao Che replied honestly. "There's less disdain in people's eyes when they look at me but... more importantly than that, I won't have to be protected by others all the time."

"All thanks to you, brother!"

"Hmm..." Xiao Jiantian nodded. "Strength is important… however, what you do with that strength matters just as much. Some do not act, wasting their strength completely, while there are others who act out far too much, leading to their inevitable downfall."

"That being said, what are your plans moving forward?"

Xiao Che, having spent the majority of his life in the Floating Cloud City, was completely foreign to travelling outside of his hometown. There were times where he wished to see the wider world… but, then again, it was way out of his comfort zone to travel so suddenly. He was rather content with staying at home, in truth.

"More of the same… unlike you, brother. You're probably plotting to take all of the Blue Wind Empire's sects one by one, hahaha."

"Heh." Xiao Jiantian shook his head. "That would be too much of a pain to handle… but, in all seriousness, are you content with everything?"

"Only real letdown is not being anywhere near as talented as you. How do you do it? Is there something no one else knows?"

"Drink plenty of orange juice, eat Mighty Heavenly Pizza on the daily, be patient and sleep soundly." Xiao Jiantian jested, though his expression looked quite serious. "Following these heaven-defying principles is how one reaches the very pinnacle of strength."

"... Is that true or are you joking?" Xiao Che questioned.

"That will be something for you to figure out." Xiao Jiantian chuckled as he strode forward. "You know, I plan to head out sometime soon. I'd like to offer you some opportunities before I do so, however. For one, you can join my little entourage. If staying in is more your style, though, you can always move to the Xiao Sect and make better use of your time."

"What about the Floating Cloud Immortal Palace?"

"Eh… I doubt it's the place for you right now."

Xiao Jiantian had brought Xiao Che outside for one main reason; to bring light to his true heritage. Though, he never quite found the right moment to bring up the topic.

'With his meagre strength… perhaps it is better not to mention something he can't reach quite yet.'

After collecting some beast cores and rather common medical plants, Xiao Jiantian returned home with Xiao Che. Though, for him, the journey itself mattered more than whatever materialistic thing he had gained from it. After all, this was a man who could buy anything… if not create it himself!

"I'll need some time to think about your offer, brother. That's fine, right?"

"Sure, take all the time you need." Xiao Jiantian nodded.


As Xiao Jiantian was leisurely practising on his court, Xia Qingyue ascended to the top floor to observe. "You do everything but meditate, it seems."

Xiao Jiantian watched as his following shot missed. "You have no idea how many millenniums I've spent actively meditating. The act in of itself is so bloody boring I'd rather hang myself by now."

'Though, that would simply continue the reincarnation cycle…'

"Then how did you attain your current profound strength?"

"You assume that I never meditate at all, right?" Xiao Jiantian chuckled. "What if I told you that I am always meditating..."

"Passively meditating? Isn't that a highly inefficient method-… well, knowing you, it doesn't surprise me that you could make the most out of it."

"I broke through to the Emperor Profound Realm in my sleep, too." Xiao Jiantian spoke as if it was a common thing. "Anyway, care for a little one-on-one?"

He grabbed the basketball he was using and threw it with decent precision, allowing Xia Qingyue to catch it with ease. 

"Trust me, it'll be fun."

There was a little friendly malice behind Xiao Jiantian's smile and sweet tone… (if that even makes sense).

"... I'll give it a try."


Minutes later.

Xia Qingyue was, to put it simply, bullied. Xiao Jiantian was far more athletic, embarrassing Xia Qingyue as he half-heartedly blocked all of her attempts and finished strong on his end. The taunting didn't really help, either.

"And… that's game." Xiao Jiantian chuckled as he observed Xia Qingyue's cold gaze. "It was a very close one, I must say-"

"Don't talk to me again."

"Ah-" Xiao Jiantian watched Xia Qingyue storm off. "It's just a game, dear, hahaha. Maybe you just need to spend some time in the hot spring to cool off a little?"

She did not answer, disappearing from his sight.

'Maybe I should go a little easier on her next time…'

A seemingly freezing cold glass bottle of coca-cola appeared in his hand, he broke open the bottleneck and sat down. His azure eyes looked up into the clear sky while he thought of one of the paradise planets he'd always visit.

'… all that's missing is the beach…'


"It is time for an examination of sorts." Xiao Jiantian had gathered all of his palace residents, standing above them. His perceptive eyes swiftly scanned across the line and immediately discerned their profound strength, possible combat prowess and overall talent… among other intangibles. All cultivators knew that the first stages of a Profound Realm were the easiest to attain, growing drastically in difficulty as the level increased. That is why in the Blue Wind Empire there were several lower-level Emperor Profound Realm experts but only one in the middle-levels, Ling Tianni, the Sword Saint of the Heavenly Sword Villa.


Xia Qingyue: 5th Level Spirit Profound Realm, 16 and 17 by the tournament. Capable of comprehending even my own profound art. With all things considered, she is comparable to Ying'er and dwarves everyone else present talent-wise.

Xiao Nan: 2nd Level Spirit Profound Realm, 16 and 18 by the tournament. Considering his circumstances, his cultivation speed is slightly above average.

Xiao Zhen: 5th Level Spirit Profound Realm, 18 and 20 by the tournament, a small cut above Xiao Nan talent-wise.

Xiao Kuanglei: 5th Level Spirit Profound Realm, very much like Xiao Zhen.

Shui Wushuang and Wu Xuexin: 5th Level Spirit Profound Realm, both will be 20 by the tournament. Not much more talented than the Xiao disciples.

Chu Yueli: 7th Level Sky Profound Realm, decent talent.

Chu Yuechan: 1st Level Emperor Profound Realm. She picks up things rather swiftly and is clearly more talented than the rest, except for Xia Qingyue.

Xiao Wuqing: 4th Level Emperor Profound Realm. Better talent than Yueli.

Xiao Wuyi: 3rd Level Emperor Profound, a bit less impressive than his brother.


'It seems that I'll be having to enlighten most of them with my unparalleled teaching.'

"We still have a ways to go, it seems." Xiao Jiantian paused for a moment. "But that's not to worry, for I will be enlightening you all in the ways of growing swiftly. The number one key is resources… and that is something that this Blue Wind Empire severely lacks. As a result, we will have to head out for a while. To nations where profound practitioners your age are in the Sky Profound Realm, in fact."

"The Sky Profound Realm?" Xiao Nan inquired. "But then wouldn't that be too dangerous?"

"Do you wish to grow stronger?" Xiao Jiantian asked simply. 

"One does not rapidly grow from meditating in a room they're comfortable with. No… not at all. To stand at the very peak, you must face endless trials… trials that threaten your very existence… and emerge alive!"

"Do you think that Xuanyuan Jiantian ascended to Godhood because of simple meditation, something that everyone else in history had been doing all along!? No, he paved his own path!"

Xiao Jiantian suddenly chuckled. "I went on a little tangent there… but you get what I mean, right?"

"Yes, I do." Xiao Nan resolutely nodded. "So what if they are in the Sky Profound Realm? I… we will grow stronger than them!"

"That's the spirit!" Xiao Zhen added.

"Now, now. Don't get too confident in yourselves." Xiao Jiantian toned their fire down a little. "You're all no stronger than you were a moment ago."

Xiao Jiantian's words were capable of moving mountains when he wished them to, his speech motivating his disciples further. They had forgotten for a moment that he was only sixteen and saw him as a sagacious mentor with the voice of a god-emperor. He had earned their reverence… even the senior Chu Yue sisters and Xiao Wu brothers admired him.

"With that being said, let us head out of this Floating Cloud City and into the wider world!"

"Let's go!!"


Before leaving the Floating Cloud City, Xiao Jiantian hosted a feast in his palace. Every Xiao Clan member was present along with other notable guests. This was the very first time he had opened it to so many people… but it was a suitable occasion, after all. The hall fitted everyone rather nicely, with plenty of room to spare even. The food served was of beyond-high quality, astounding every guest. Everything had been personally prepared by Xiao Jiantian and his band of chefs, after all.

"I've decided that I still need to work on my profound strength… I mean, everyone in your company is in the Spirit Profound Realm and above. I'd only be a weak link that slows everyone else down."

"You're not entirely wrong." Xiao Jiantian nodded. "However, you'd only be as much of a weak link to me as everyone else."

"What do you mean?"

"Alone, I am almost invincible." Xiao Jiantian replied casually. "But… if this is your decision, then I suggest moving into the Xiao Sect or another place where you can further your profound strength at a greater rate."

"Thanks… I will consider it." Xiao Che's serious expression turned more playful. "Just trying to find a nice place where all the beauties are, you know? Hahaha-"

"Pfft." Xiao Jiantian almost spit out his drink. "Chasing women is a waste of time… focus on yourself instead and they will chase you."

Xiao Jiantian knew from first-hand experience… on countless occasions.

"Hell, there was someone who loved you even though you were a cripple. Now that's a keeper in this world…" 

"Eh, there was? Who?" Xiao Che inquired like he had no idea.

"..." Xiao Jiantian sighed, shaking his head. "Sometimes men reach out too far, never realising what they truly want was beside them the whole time. Think on it, Che'er."

'Though, you still believe that you're both blood-related…'

"... Alright, I'll try." Xiao Che nodded. "But you speak like you know from personal experience."

Xia Qingyue who sat to his other side was closely listening, though to the imperceptive eye it looked like she was merely enjoying her food. 

"It's… complicated." Xiao Jiantian answered honestly as he threw a strawberry into his mouth and swallowed it whole. "But I'll have her in my arms once again… and never let go again."

"Sheesh, you're getting Xia Qingyue all jealous." Xiao Che laughed. "Who is that girl anyway? I'd know her if you two were that close…"

"I met her in the woods." Xiao Jiantian lied, although doing so somewhat convincingly. "We hunted together on several occasions, though I never realised what she meant to me until after she left my side…"

"Brother Jiantian truly is a hopeless romantic, huh. Luckily for you the arranged marriage helped with that." 

"Hm… I suppose it did." Xiao Jiantian smiled.


The Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range.

"I sense a beast of great strength dwelling somewhere in this region." Xiao Jiantian stated as everyone followed in his lead. "There are many lesser beasts further ahead around your levels of strength, my junior disciples. I want you all to return me a grand total of two hundred Spirit Profound beast cores… anything below that is worthless! Also, if you manage to gain an Earth Profound beast core, I will count it as twenty Spirit Profound beast cores each."

"Now… go!"

"Eh… two hundred beasts?" Shui Wushuang complained. "That'll take forever…"

"Sister Shui Wushuang, there is no need to feel disheartened. There's six of us… roughly thirty beasts each!" Xiao Zhen stated.

"Stop wasting time." Xia Qingyue paced forwards into the mountain range, her cold tone waking their spirit. "I will get all two hundred if I have to."

"Lead the way, senior sister!" Wu Xuexin followed suit, eventually leading to the rest of them doing the same. 

"Hmmm, the faint scent of a dragon." Xiao Jiantian turned to those who remained, his more senior subjects. "A fire beast… and it's at lower levels of the Emperor Profound Realm. You three thrones are tasked with taking it down. As for you, Yueli… I want you to look over the juniors. Make sure they don't get themselves killed for me, alright?"

"Understood." Chu Yueli nodded and disappeared into the sky.

"An Emperor Profound Realm fire dragon?" Xiao Wuyi questioned. "I sense only Sky Profound Realm beasts…"

"Hmph, are you perhaps suggesting that your perception is greater than my own?"

"Well… no, I dare not make such an assumption."

"The reason why you can't sense the dragon's true aura is because the dragon is suppressing itself. However, finding it shouldn't be too hard." Xiao Jiantian explained, ignoring his earlier offence. "In addition, whoever lands the finishing blow will get its Emperor Profound beast core. You three may proceed with this task… now!"

'Wonder if they'll work together or not…'

I was uhh chilling for a bit longer than intended.

SovereignOfHeavencreators' thoughts
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