
Chapter 92: Opportunity

Thankfully Mom appeared before Olivia could shake me or fall into a seizure fit or whatever it was she seemed about to do in the face of such pressure. I wondered again, as I had in February when I noted the weariness in her, just how long our tourism-hungry mayor could keep up the kind of pace that seemed to be leading her down the path to a heart attack or an aneurysm or a public breakdown of massive proportions.

I didn't have to handle it alone at least, my mother's firm hands and capable manner diffusing Olivia as she grasped the mayor's shoulder and squeezed kindly, beaming a smile.

"What an excellent opportunity for Reading!" Dear god, did Mom just spew one of Olivia's taglines? The mayor stilled, smiled a little, as my mother guided her into the sitting room and plunked her firmly on the love seat, Petunia hopping up next to her and leaning into her, panting

her happiness while Olivia's hands auto-stroked the pug's soft fur. "Olivia, what do we need to do?"

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