
Chapter 59

Erik didn’t dare to make the call while he was in the hospital, nor on the train home. He waited until he got into his apartment and closed the bedroom door. Then he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialled Lara Meyer’s number.

“Erik!” she greeted him warmly. ”I haven’t heard from you in a while! How are you? Are you still assigned to the custody hospital?”

“Yes, I’m still there,” he confirmed. He wanted to explain his dilemma quickly, but didn’t know how to introduce the subject.

”So... what’s going on at the headquarters?” he asked.

“Oh, nothing much. The same old thing. They sent in two new agents to replace you and Hernandez.”

“Are they good?”

“They’re OK,” Lara granted. ”But they are two sourpusses. I liked you two better. By the way, I saw Zoe on the train the other day. They sent her to check the third ring’s accesses in the end.”