
15: SABRINA-Trying To Get Proof From Depressed Danny

A little while after coming back from camp I noticed Danny has just slowly been getting even more depressed for some reason and I'm starting to feel bad for Danny and wanna help him. One day when it was just me and Danny together I decided to see if I could make him feel better. Danny's parents were in the basement, Jazz was out looking for a job to help raise money so they could move out, Lily was watching her favorite TV show in another room, and my mom was drawing wedding designs in her study room while my dad was at work.

Danny was sitting in the living room on the couch staring at some sort of book that looked like an album. I could see that he was staring to cry a tiny bit so I came into the room a little closer to Danny and said "Hey Danny what's wrong? What are you reading?"

"It's just an album with photos of me and my friends from when jr. high school. I really miss them and all the fun we had." He said sadly.

"Can I see them?" I asked.

"Uh...Yeah." Danny said a little nervously as he opened the book. He showed me cool pictures of a girl who loved to wear black and an African American boy who always wore a red hat but Danny kept his fingers and palm clenched over a chunk of the book to hide the pages.

"What's on the photos on the pages you're hiding behind your hand on the right side?" I asked.

"It's photos of the ghosts I used to fight and when I always beat them." Danny said as he sighed.

I still don't believe that he fought ghosts to save people so I said "Please show me some of them. That will give me more proof that you're a good half ghost." I said. Danny crossed his arms and said "Fine but I'm not gonna give you all the details about them."

Then Danny opened the album and showed me some cool pictures(but not that many pages). They were mostly of cool looking Ghosts which were basically really weird versions of humans with different colored skin. Some of them looked a lot like a real person though. I recognized the photo of the one I saw him punch back into the portal and then I stopped Danny when saw a photo of a ghost I recognized 100%. "Hey! Isn't that Ember McLain?

I wasn't a big fan of her music but everyone at my school sure was. She is a GHOST?!" I asked.

"I said I'm not gonna give all the details about these photos, but yes that is Ember McLain. She's a ghost that I fought and since her powers took over just about everyone on the planet I wonder why they didn't effect you." Said Danny.

"Yeah. Lily was only 3 but still loved listening to her music. My friends also wouldn't stop cheering her on. How did you beat her? Was she not good enough for your army?" I said sarcastically.

"I'm not giving anymore info about her so I'd stop asking questions if you don't want me to show you one more page or picture." Danny said.

"OK. Sorry." I said and then he turned to the next page. It was filled with ones with him in Ghost form! One even had him kissing the black haired girl in Ghost form. As soon as I saw that there was one in the middle of him transforming I immediately knew how I could use it for proof. I could get a picture of it with my phone and then edit the background to our house or the storage room. Danny immediately closed the album when I saw it though.

"Those ones of you in Ghost form were really cool. Especially the one of you transforming. Can I see them again?" I asked.

"I bet you're just trying to reach in and steal them to get proof."

"How can I use them for proof when they're ones from the past? My parents will probably just think it's a fake one I made." I said and I actually bet they will if I am able to get it.

"Fine." Danny said looking a little suspicious as he opened the album back up. I had my hand on my phone. As soon as he opened up to the page I picked up my phone to get a picture of the photo, but Danny was able to close the album before I was able to get the picture. "WILL YOU PLEASE STOP THAT ALREADY SABRINA??!!" Danny said and I saw that he was starting to cry. I feel bad for him cause of how depressed he is(whatever the real reason is) so I think I'll give him a little break until he feels better.

"Sorry for making you feel worse. I'll give you some time alone if you want." I said.

"Thanks. I just wish you'd stop trying to prove I'm a ghost permanently." said Danny and then I left the room and went up to mine.

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