
Closing on the Compound

"I love the idea of a huge log cabin complex," I said as we drove home. "But I also love the idea of a castle. Michelle, what do you think?"

Michelle shrugged. "I'm not sure. Both sound fabulous. But from the way Micah talks, I think the cabin will have more room." She grinned, snuggling up to his side. "From the sound of it, there will be different wings and huge! A castle is big, but I wouldn't think there would be as much privacy." Then she turned to Micah. "What do you think?"

Micah looked at Dakota in the rearview mirror from the back seat as broad smiles spread across their faces.

"Log cabin," They both said in unison and we all laughed.

I shrugged. "Well, then. The log cabin it is! Sounds wonderful!"

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