
Let Me Raise My Head, Damn it!

After they ate dinner, they still stayed in the dining room for a while and talked. Ivar had already given the books to Angeal and after she admired it for almost an hour, she settled it aside, then focused on something important.

'Yay! I have Jane Austen's original copies of her published books!'

Angeal was seen browsing their university's web page to look at the subjects offered for her course. At the side was a paper where she got to write the courses she would want to take.

The old man sat beside Angeal then glanced on the paper and her phone.

"Are you sure you're going to take only 18 units? You won't like to get full load? I managed to save enough," Gladios asked then Angeal shook her head then quickly wrote on the paper to speak since her phone is on a website.

"I work after class. I don't want to be fully loaded."

Martha smiled as she drank a glass of water. She found Angeal's sense of responsibility admiring. Living in the human world for a lot of years, Martha rarely met responsible and kind human beings such as Gladios and Angeal.

Well, she didn't explore the human world much, but still... Gladios and Angeal are an exception.

"Angeal is so responsible, Gladios. Don't worry about her too much. She can handle herself well," Martha said as she gave the old man a pat on the back, encouraging him not to worry too much.

Gwen looked at Angeal plotting her subjects then spoke. She noticed that as the human girl wrote on the paper, there was a pattern in her subject's time.

"So you're going to have alternate schedules? Monday, Wednesday and Friday you'll have morning classes, then Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, afternoon classes?"

Angeal nodded then Arvid looked at his father with enthusiasm in his eyes.

"I also want to go to college. Can I, dad?"

The other immortals who heard this looked at him, curious as to why Arvid wanted to go to a human school. He was indeed raised here, but he was home schooled by Edwin, Martha, and Gwen.

As for Gladios and Angeal, when they heard him say this, they also found it surprising for an immortal to have interest in taking classes. They didn't expect that a young immortal like him would be willing to take classes, when for them as mortals, they somehow loathed studying some subjects!

Edwin looked at his son with one of his eyebrows raised. He didn't expect him to ask such a thing from him.

"What made you think of this?"

The young immortal shrugged his shoulders but still answered his father anyway.

"Well... I saw how Angeal was happy in her classes even though she gets to work after. You said in your world you also go to class, but I grew up with nothing but home schooling from Martha, Gwen, and you while I grew up here," Arvid said and he pouted like a child then Ivar chuckled, finding this side of him different from them immortals.

"Why not, Edwin? Give him a chance. He would still get to train with you. And he could go to the university with Angeal and go home with her, too!"

When Angeal heard this, she smiled, liking the idea. She nodded at Ivar's suggestion and looking at her excitement, made Arvid blush as he scratched the back of his head.

He would be going to the university with Angeal, and he would also be going home with Angeal. Not to mention, have breaks with her, too!

The thoughts he imagined made him giddy since deep down, he also has a crush on her. Ever since they were children, Arvid developed feelings for the girl but for Angeal, she only saw him as a brother and a best friend.

Nothing else, nothing more.

Edwin sighed, shaking his son from his own thoughts.

"How are we going to process your papers? You never had any education here and you want to enter college."

When the old man heard his concern, Gladios suddenly spoke, giving his suggestion.

"I can handle his papers. I'd be introducing him as my and Angeal's relative."

Gwen scoffed, seeing how they are helping the young immortal.

"I envy Arvid for being so lively when it comes to studying. When I was in our world, I slacked off a lot."

Martha gave her daughter a disappointed look. How could she be proud of saying such things? As a mother, this made her feel slightly disgusted of how she brought up this beautiful lady. She tried her best to raise her as a lady who is elegant...

But she turned out to be quite... rowdy and naughty.

"You sound proud. I wish you would suggest in learning, too," she remarked as she squinted her eyes at her daughter and everyone who heard her laughed.

Gwen on the other hand pouted as she secretly glanced at Ivar, making the handsome immortal wink at her in secret.

They could only do this much... since their relationship is not yet official.

"Anyway, what are you taking if ever you're going to college," Edwin asked his son then Arvid thought for a while.

"Hmm... I would still like to take something physical so I won't slack off from training," he answered then Ivar suddenly spoke, having already a suggestion in mind.

"Why not take physical education? Or participate in sports? Like... what does this world call it... martial arts?"

Gladios nodded, agreeing with Ivar. "Sure. That can be arranged. Luckily, I have a close friend there that works in the university. I'll have to call him and make arrangements for your son, Edwin."

Arvid suddenly stood up, excited. "Yahoo! I can't wait to take classes!"

The young immortal acted slightly immature for his age but who could blame him? He is indeed young and is enjoying his youth!

Edwin rolled his eyes at him, but he couldn't say no to his only son.

"Thankfully your father has earned enough human money for you."

Angeal smiled as she looked at Arvid from across the table. She also found it exciting to know that she will be going to school with Arvid.

Afterwards, everyone went to their own respective rooms but Angeal went and stayed in the mansion's library for a while and started reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Every time she turned a page, she would handle it with care, scared that she might tear the pages of the original copy.

Every book Angeal held, she would always handle it with care. She loved books ever since she was a child and having even a page of a book folded would break her heart! One of her favorite things, too, was the smell of old books and new books. To her, reading is the best thing to do at home especially when it rains.

The girl was enjoying the book's story so far. As she read, her free hand tucked the tendrils of her hair behind her ears. Angeal's hair was untied, leaving her curly blonde hair loose. She was wearing her white nightgown and was covered by a cotton shawl made by Martha to keep her warm.

As she was enjoying reading, suddenly, someone appeared inside of the library, surprising her.

It was Devin, their master.

He looked like he just came from the shower since his unkempt hair looked damp. He was also wearing casual clothing such as a black t-shirt and sweat pants. The girl was taken aback to still see him attractive even though he wore casual clothing.

Remembering that their master appeared, Angeal suddenly stood up in surprise and gave the Soul Eater a bow.


'Oh... the book fell... darn it!'

Angeal tried her best to suppress her frustration, seeing that the precious book given to her had fallen on the ground. She struggled to pick it up but she kept reminding herself that she had to bow in front of their master until she was told to raise her head.

'Let me raise my head, damn it!'

Oooh~! They met! ;) Anyway, do drop your comments below! You are in for a surprise today!

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