
Ask 5


Question 1: Shiro_kuma

Suu what will you do if Milim is a S?

You don't like pain right?


Suu: "First off I don't think Milim is an S, she's more like someone who literally has nothing better to do then get into fights so that she can entertain herself"

Suu: "Secondly, do you really think that I would have k-haaa"

Rimuru: "You okay?"

Suu: "Ye-yeah, my head just started hurting for some reason. A-anyway no, no I don't like pain"



Question 2: Shiro_kuma

Suu, how you feel about dying again?


Suu: "Ask yourself how you would feel getting your head cut off after months of you kicking ass and feeling like you could take on the hole world. There is your answer"



Question 3: Shiro_kuma

Milim do you eat bird meat?


Milim: "Yeah why? Is it weird or something"

Suu: "I don't think so. I mean there are birds that eat other birds, in fact I've eaten several bird type monsters like that one time we killed a cockatrice"

Milim: "Yummy"



Question 4: Shiro_kuma

Milim when will you ask Suu's hand in marriage?


Suu: *Fainted instantly*

Milim: "Hehehehe, Birdy is so cute"

Milim: "As for your question..... well keep this a secret but won't it be way more adorable if I wait for Birdy to ask me instead. Hehehe, just imagine how much she will blush and stutter"


Faint break, brought to you by chibi Milim giving chibi Suu a lap pillow.


Question 5: Shiro_kuma

Suu if you are the Queen of Abyss and Milim is the Queen of dragons, what will be your title when you two married?


Suu: *Blushes*

Suu: "Why do you guys keep asking me these types of questions?"

Suu: "First, I have no idea. Next, I am the ruler of the abyss not the queen and that's just a title that I barely know why I have in the first place. And finally, I'm not even in a relationship with Milim yet so why is everyone talking about marriage already?"

Milim: "Hehehe, what do you mean by "yet"?"

Suu: "S-SH-SHUT UP!"



Question 6: Shiro_kuma

Rimuru what you think of Milim and Suu relationship?


Rimuru: "It's adorable"



Question 7: Shiro_kuma

Suu can you turn the ghosts in to Abyssal ghosts?


Suu: "I don't know, maybe. The thing is I still don't truly understand how black blood works, so I am going to have to try several different things first to make sure that I don't accidentally hurt Mika"

Mika: "Awwww, thanks Suu"



Question 8: Shiro_kuma

Suu what you like more about Milim? Physically and mentally.


Suu: "W-well..... yo-you see..... errrm"

Mika: "I ship it!"

Suu: "SHUT UP!"

Suu: "Sigh, why do you guys keep doing this to me?"

Suu: *Blush*

Suu: "Alright I.... I like her for who she is, sure I do fine her very nice to look at and sometimes I just can't look away... b-bu-but I like her personality more"

Benimaru: "Hey, hey new girl "

Mika: "What?"

Benimaru: "Do you want to get in on the betting pool that we have going, we're betting on how long it takes lady Milim and lady Suu to finally get together"

Mika: "Oh hell yes I do"

Benimaru: "I thought you would, after all even Hakurou has joined in on it"



Question 9: Shiro_kuma

Milim how many children you want? Also you think they will be feathered dragons?


Suu: "For the last time how the hell am I even supposed to reproduce? I'm a girl for God's sakes"

Milim: "Why did you think that I would be having them with you? Hehe"

Suu: "............."

Suu: *Walks over to a wall and knocks herself out cold by slamming her head against it multiple times*

Milim: *Checks to make sure that she is okay before answering the questions*

Milim: "I don't know, after all I've never really thought about that. Next, I don't think they would even be dragons as I'm a dragonnoid so there is a difference. So the only one that knows what they would be is the author and I don't think he'll tell us"

Author: *Rubbing hands together evilly in a dark corner of the room*



Question 10: IDO

Question for the author:

When Suu entered the island was her link with Rimuru shut down.


Author: "No, you see the barrier around the island can't sever the link that was made by the Joy skill because it is more spiritual then anything else. However the barrier is capable of blocking any communications, so Suu is unable to call for help using the link"



Question 11: IDO

How is this Novel so freaking good?!? When I can barley write a novel first sentence and don't look at myself like the most disappointing human on the planet? (I meant to praise you and somehow it involved into a self complaining)


Author: "Okay this one is going to take a bit so just bare with me here"

Author: "First, let me just say that I honestly have absolutely no fucking idea. You see when I first started writing I was doing it mostly because I was bored out of my mind, so I personally thought that I would just get tired of writing and stop after about a week or two. However over time I grew to really enjoy it even though my first attempt ended in me dropping the book altogether"

Author: "After my first attempt failed I decided that it would be best to practice a little. After giving it some thought I decided that it would be a good idea to write a fanfiction. I was never expecting that this was going to do as well as it has been doing"

Author: "So yeah.... I'd actually like to thank all of you for not only supporting this but also helping me find something that I love doing"







Suu: "Awwwww, so you do have a heart. With how much shit you love putting me through on a daily basis I thought that you were completely heartless"

Author: "Oh go fuck yourself"

Suu: "Hahaha"



Question 12: Henry_Dean

Suu you are queen of the abyss right so do you think you should have the right to rule over others is the abyss ever gets citizens.


Suu: "No, no one should ever have the 'right' to rule over anyone. I mean if people want to follow me that's perfectly fine but I don't think that people should follow me just because of some stupid title that I never even earned in the first place"



Question 13: A_Living_Potato

Milim what would you do if you saw someone flirting with Suu? And Suu what would you do if you saw someone flirting with Milim?


Suu: "I'd actually be more impressed then anything else, after all it take some balls of steel to hit on someone that can destroy city's with a wave of their hand"

Milim: "Someone else flirting with Birdy..... hmmmm"

Milim: *Releases her aura*

Milim: "Try it, I dare you"



Question 14: saltycarmeI69

Gobta are you secretly just an M that likes to be abused by everyone around you?


Suu: "Pffffff Hahahahahaha"

Gobta: "God damn it"

Yin: "Gobta what's an M and why are you one?"

Gobta: "I'm not a masochist! it's not my fault that old man doesn't know how to hold back"

Yin: "......"

Suu: "......"

Gobta: "He's right behind me isn't he?"

Yin/Suu: *Nods rapidly*

Gobta: ".....Well shit"

Hakurou: "Well shit indeed"



Question 15: Not_Dead_Yet

Rimuru are you going to try to do the dead threaten with Milim?


Rimuru: *Looks at Milim*

Milim: *Smirks*

Rimuru: "Yeah, I value my life soooo no"



Question 16: Not_Dead_Yet

To the abyssal servants, who is the #1 servant.


Yin: "....."

Yang: "......"

Kuro: "......"

Zeref: "Sssssigh, we can't tell you..... he hassssn't been revealed in the sssstory yet but I can tell you thissss, the Author findsss the idea of him hilariousssss"



Question 17: Not_Dead_Yet

Milim, could you do a serious punch without useing your sin skill.


Milim: "hehehe, this will be fu-"

Suu: "No!"

Milim: "bu-"

Rimuru: "No!"

Milim: "Why not?"

Rimuru: "Because I'm not having you destroying all of tempest just so that you can have a little fun, sorry"

Milim: *puffing out her cheeks*

Milim: "Okay...."



Question 18: Not_Dead_Yet

Milim, if you got a dragon form what would you like it to look like?


Milim: "Oh I would like it to look like that massive black dragon from that one manga Rimuru showed me, however instead of black it should be pink or red"



Question 19: Cyko_Gamer

Suu, on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain.


Suu: "If you're asking about getting my head cut off I would have to say about a four"



Question 20: Cyko_Gamer

Rimuru, can you teach me your secret to.... you know, patience with kids.


Rimuru: *Sitting crossed legged with a brown robe on and his eyes closed while he rub his chin*

Rimuru: "Hmmmm, a tough lesson to learn yet a valuable one my young padawan"

Rimuru: "Unfortunately I myself have never mastered this skill because not only was Suu fourteen when I adopted her but she was also already very mature for her age. So I am sorry my young padawan, you must fine the answer to this question else where"

Suu: "Your such an idiot sometimes"

Rimuru: "HEY! My jokes are great"

Rimuru: *Sulking in a corner*

Suu: "Sigh...."



Question 21: Cyko_Gamer

To anyone, would you eat a live hornet, for 10 years worth of any kind.


Rimuru: "Well I'm a slime so I could just absorb it, so sure why not"



Question 22: TwinTsunami

To suu:

Is it possible for you to use your flame body to turn yourself into a mist like form or is it limited to humanoid shape?


Suu: "No, when I use it I have to stay in a humanoid shape"



Question 23: TwinTsunami

My offer question for Suu is:

If you had a child, what would you name it?


Suu: "I'm fourteen..... fourteen, why would I be thinking about having kids at my age? Also there's the fact that I have to deal with army's, giant monsters and now cultist. I don't exactly have time to think about this kind of stuff"

Suu: "Sigh. Anyway to answer your question, I don't know and I won't know for a long time"



Question 24: _4_

Will there be vampires in kilts in this story?


Author: "Errrm..... no.....yes? I don't understand this question..."



Question 25: _4_

Would it be possible to somehow make a golem out of black blood?


Author: "That depends on what exactly you mean by that. If you mean turning stone into a golem then using black blood to bring it to life then yes, if not then no"



Question 26: _4_

Could Milim survive in the abyss?


Suu: "I don't know and I don't want to try"

Milim: "Of course I can, after all I'm the great Milim Nava"

Author: "Technically yes, this is because of her skill that let's her generate Infinity magicules. If the black blood can't absorb all her magicule she won't die... however she may get turned into a monstrosity similar to Abomination"

Suu: "Okay keep Milim out of the abyss, got it"

Milim: "Awwwww"



Question 27: _4_

Can black blood change states of aggregation?


Author: "I don't want to really explain to much about black blood because it will be a massive plot point in the future but I will give you this"

Author: "Black blood is the blood of the darkness and it can only corrupt the creations of the light, that is all it can do"

Suu: "What the hell does that mean? You didn't even answer the question"

Author: "yes I did, they just have to figure out what I mean"

Suu: "your an asshole, you do know that right?"

Author: "I do and I'm proud"



Question 28: Robert_Gibson_1451

When will she make her race?


Author: "Probably about two or three chapters give or take"



Question 29: Pepega123


Do you think that you dying will lessen any future fear of dying.


Suu: "Well kind of but I still would much rather it never happens again"



Question 30: Pepega123


If you could change one aspect of your new life what would it be and why?


Suu: "hmmmm, let me think... oh I know. I would love it if a sadistic god like being that literally controls my entire life didn't constantly throw more and more terrifying things at me for their entertainment"

Author: "I have a strange feeling that your talking about me, of course that can't be right because I'm the nicest person ever"

Suu: "......."



Question 31: Pepega123


What are your thoughts on the cultist that attacked Suu?

And do you think you would have the power necessary to break the barrier around the island?


Author: "Yeah no, I can't let Milim see this because it would literally fuck up everything I have planned. Milim would probably rush over to the barrier and destroy it before going on a rampage"



Question 32: Pepega123


Would you prefer for Suu to stay in Tempest for as long as possible or would you prefer if she adventured instead or create the second city of the Jura tempest federation?


Rimuru: "I would rather that she stayed in Tempest so that I can make sure that she is okay but if she wants to go out and adventure or make her own city I wouldn't stop her"

Author: "What if her city could come to Tempest?"

Rimuru: "What?"

Author: "Hehehe, oh don't worry about it just know that you have given me a great idea"

Rimuru: "This can't be good"



Question 33: Pepega123


What would be the outcome if Suu renamed Rimuru? Would he become an abyssal slime or smt similar to that?


Author: "Yeah he would probably become an Abyssal slime if that ever happened"



Question 34: Pepega123


How are the renovations going and how are you doing?


Author: "They are going great and I am fine so thank you for asking"



Question 35: Pepega123


I have seen some people asking some inappropriate questions(like holding h*nds) do you dislike these types of questions or do you prefer them... or I guess, do you not care about it?


Author: "As long as they don't go too over board I'm fine with them, however I would like everyone to keep questions like h**d ho**ing to themselves because I don't want a swat team kicking down my door"



Question 36: Pepega123


If instead of Shion dying Suu died would Rimuru's reaction change and if so by how much.


Author: "I don't know..... let's find out"

Author: *Walks away before coming back with a large black box*

Author: "This is a machine that can measure how pissed someone would be in very specific scenarios"

Suu: "...Where and how did you get this?"

Author: "Magic"

Suu: "Fair enough I guess. So then how does it work?"

Author: "Well the brighter it gets the more pissed off the person would be"

Author: *Turns it on and the box starts glowing*

Author: "Hmmmm"

*The box starts glowing brighter*

Author: "Interesting"

*The box starts shaking violently*

Suu: "Is it supposed to do tha-"

Gobta: "Hey, Author I've got that machine you wanted"

Gobta: *Walks in with a large dark blue box*

Author: "Wait a minute, if that's the machine then....."

Author: *Looks back at the still shaking box*

Author: "oh right, that's the bomb I made not the machine"

Gobta/Suu: "WHAT!"



(A/N. I don't know what happened on that last one but it's funny and I'm tired as shit so fuck it)

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