
Important News

(A/N. Hey everyone, I'm just making this to tell you something very important. To start off let me just say that there will be no chapter this week, why you may ask. Well because I'm planning something for chapter 20. Firstly this is probably going to be one of if not the longest chapter I've ever written. Secondly this chapter is quite special so I want to get it just right.

Hehehe, but don't worry I wouldn't leave you all with nothing this week, I'm not that mean after all. Here is a small teaser for, Chapter 20 The Darkness Awakens)


{There are so many stories out there, stories of love and hate, greed and generosity, sorrow and joy..... sanity and madness}

{It's the latter kind of stories that stick out to me the most. This is mostly because I find it stupid that in some stories the character is driven to madness, yet almost instantly over comes this with the power of friendship or something}

{Haha-ha..... if only it could be that easy, if only}



{Let me tell you something.... a mind is alot like glass}


"What...w-what was that"

{With care and time it can be perfectly clear}



[Kill him]

{However with neglect and abuse it can become blurry and cracked}


{And even worse is if you abuse it over and over again, it'll eventually just....}

"Birdy stop"

"Hey listen to me"

"Stop, please stop"

{Shatter, and you'll never be able to fix it....}

"SUU! I know you were angry but... what happened?"


{No matter how hard you try}

"I just don't know..."

{It'll never be the same}


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