
The Incident

When we got back to school all eyes were again on us, I was irritated to the max, I sighed and Dray looked at me with a teasing look. I glared slightly back to him and he giggled. We continued our walk to our dormitory. It was almost time for dinner already seeing as we had eaten lunch in Hogsmeade.

He set his things down and I set the enchanted bag down on my bedside table. Dray walked over to me slowly after I sat down on a couch in front of the fireplace. "Hadri, I was wondering, why do you have s-scars on your back? If you don't mind telling me!" I sighed and motioned for Dray to come to me.

He walked over to me slowly and I pulled him down. He sat beside me and I pulled my top off. "I haven't always been in my grandparents' custody. I lived with my uncle and aunt who are muggles mind you, from my mother's side." he nodded telling me to keep going. "After I was proven magical, I wasn't treated the best, their son was the top priority even though I got better grades, was more mature, and helped more. One day, I was five, we got our report cards and I, of course, did better than my bloke of a cousin. That's when it started.

I had gotten slapped as a result of m grades and doing better than my cousin. It got worse as the years went on. But the day the abuse started--" I choked back a sob because of the hot tears trailing down my face. "T-the day it started was also the day I learned I still had more family. I had met my grandfather that same day, but I had to wait until I was 11 to go to him. The abuse got worse through the years until the day before my eleventh birthday, we were celebrating my cousin's birthday late this year. We had gone to the zoo, and we were walking around the snake section.

I saw a snake I like and somehow I understood what it was saying, I talked to it also and all of a sudden my cousin was inside the glass cage, and the snake was slithering through the glass. I had found out that day I had magic after my cousin got out of the cage we went home and I will never forget that day. We arrived home and my uncle brought out a whip. He whipped me for three hours straight but I didn't scream or cry. I just let him because the pain reminded me I was alive.

After the beating, I had gone back to my room bandaged myself up, and fallen asleep without food. The next morning I woke up early and went to grab the mail. There was a letter from my grandfather who I hadn't heard from since I had been taken out of school. It explained everything and had some simple spells to mess with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. I floated all of the dishes in the kitchen making my aunt almost faint. I packed my things and left at 10:00 sharp in the morning.

When I told them I was leaving my aunt really did faint. I rode with my grandparents to their house, got handed clothes, and then I met you." Dray was also crying but had covered his mouth to refrain from interrupting me. I hugged him tightly and we cried into each other. I saw someone behind Dray and recognized the face. It was Severus Snape. He looked furious, and when he saw me staring at him he calmed down and gave me a soft smile.

"Mr. Potter Black, I will notify the muggle police about your situation and have those muggles arrested. If I don't kill them first." I smiled and buried my head in Dray's neck.

"Thank you, Severus, I appreciate it." He nodded and left the room. Dray had fallen asleep in my arms crying so I picked him up and laid him on the bed. I walked into the closet and changed into my dinner robes. I picked Dray's up and changed him also. I planted a kiss on his cheek and licked him. "Dray, wake up... we have to go to dinner you git." He groaned and hit my head softly.

"You're the git, lemme sleep~!" I smirked and picked him up throwing him over my shoulder. He squealed and I swung him around until he was beating on my chest and screaming to let him down. I laughed and set him down. He was pouting. "You arse, I would have gotten up eventually." I smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

His pout disappeared and he was smirking now. "Oh no, what now?" He went up on his tiptoes to look me in the eye and gave me a long kiss. He broke away giggled and floated in the air.

"Race you to dinner~" I grinned and also floated.

"You're on!" we walked out of the dorm and floated up again. "three, two, one, Go!" We zoomed off twirling around each other laughing as we went. I made it to the dining hall first and Dray giggled. "I won Dray~" he sighed and elbowed me lightly on the arm.

"Git, I'll win next time! Now let's go I wanna eat!" I smiled while sighing and shaking my head. We set back down onto the ground and walked to the table. I saw Pansy and Hermione had decided to sit at the Slytherin special table this time. "Hi Pans, 'Mione!"

"Hey, Dray!" They chorused, I chuckled while Dray giggled. We sat down and kept chatting until the doors burst open and Professor Quirlle came in screaming 'Troll in the dungeons!' I remembered the Slytherin dormitories are in the dungeons and whispered in Dray's ear. 'Im going early I need to protect my housemates.' He nodded before giving me a kiss. I smiled at everyone before expanding my wings and soaring down to the dungeons. I saw the troll and summoned my wand. I heard fast footsteps going down the stairs that probably belonged to the professors. I cast a levitation spell on the trolls bat while also casting another spell with my hand that made the club whack the troll. He tried hitting me with his fist until I cast another spell that made him unfocused. I cast the spell again and he toppled over.

He was knocked out. I heard yelling behind me. I turned around to see the professors and my housemates in the hall behind me. "MR.POTTER BLACK! THAT WAS VERY DANGEROUS! Where is the troll?" I remembered that my wingspan was basically covering the troll so I folded my wings in and heard gasps and whispers. I made my wand disappear and turned around fully. Dray came flying towards me and landed softly in front of me. He hugged me and smiled at me.

"Im proud Hadri, you kept your word and protected the rest of the Slytherins." I nodded and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. I saw Quirlle in the crowd fuming with anger. I smirked and my eyes glinted. I saw his eyes widen and I heard a sound behind me. I extended my tails and they picked Dray up and set him farther from the troll. I summoned my wand again and knocked the troll out with finesse.

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