
The surprise of the ages

I walked quickly downstairs the butler and maids grabbing my things. I had packed a few suitcases full of casual clothes and pajamas for when I would need them. I arrived on the bottom floor with Hedwig's cage that she was inside. My grandparents were already ready to go so I quickly grabbed my winter coat and put my fall coat on. I slid my shoes on and grabbed another pair that was for winter. I put all of those in another bag that had my spring and winter things. I was ready to go. We exited the manor and I saw we were taking the limo today.

Probably because of the big space for my bags. I slid into the back and was surprised to see Draco and his parents there also. I smiled and sat next to Draco. I made light chat with his parents until my grandparents entered. The grownups spoke with each other and I spoke with Draco. We made it to the train station and our parents gave us our tickets. I smiled at my grandparents as we walked inside. My trunk and bags were in a cart that was being pushed by the butler we brought. I learn all of our servants were witches and wizards so he could go through the magic wall with us.

We walked through the wall and saw a glorious train. I was a slight bit shocked but quickly gained my composure. I walked hand in hand with Draco so he wouldn't wander off and get lost. The train attendants took our carts of things and we only had to take our familiars or pets.

I smiled at how Draco was marveling at the train. I saw some other first-years come up to us. I smiled at them then looked down slightly at Draco. "Dray, are these your other friends?" he came out of his stupor and nodded after seeing the arrival of the first years.

"Yes, their my friends. That is Pansy Parkinson, Blaze Zabini, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle." They waved when their name was called and I smiled.

"Well nice to meet you all, I am Hadrian James Potter, Heir of House Potter and House Black." Their eyes widened a bit at my name and I knew they had heard of me I sighed and lifted my bangs up to show them the lightning scar. "Yes I am also the 'Harry Potter' you grew up hearing stories about."

They looked at Draco who had moved to wrap both of his arms around my one. I smiled down at him and he stuck his tongue out. When the train's whistle blew I waved at my grandparents and Draco waved at his parents who left after he did so.

We stepped onto the train and we had to give our owls to a familiar keeper. Draco had to keep his kitty on him though so he handed her to me seeing as she liked me very much. I walked with Draco and found an empty compartment so Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and I sat in it. I felt a little bad that Pansy was the only girl. I didn't feel as bad though when a girl with slightly (Very) puffy hair slid into our compartment and started talking with her.

Draco had slid and was now sleeping on my lap. I pet his hair and read on the way. It took quite a while to get there so I put my book down and fell asleep.

~about three hours later~

I woke up to shifting in my lap. I opened my eyes and saw that everyone except for Draco and I was asleep. I pet his hair once and he looked up at me. I smiled at him and he blushed slightly. I helped him sit back up and he put his head on my shoulder. I looked out the window and saw that it was dark out and we would probably be arriving soon. There was a slight knock at the door and it opened to show an older lady with a trolly.

"Anything off the Trolly dears?" she whispered to us. I nodded and gestured for some of the chocolates. She handed them to me and I gave her the coins. I shared chocolate with Draco and we whispered to each other to talk. Until there was another knock on the door it opened up to reveal an attendant. "You should wake your friends up dears, there's an hour until we arrive at Hogwarts." I nodded and we carefully woke everyone up after the attendant left. We all grabbed our robes well for me and Draco we grabbed one of our robes. The girls went somewhere else to change into theirs and all the boys changed in the compartment.

I got some curious gazes from them about the scars on my back. Everyone except Draco. He changed quickly and blocked the gazes of the guys and the scars that littered my body. I had all of my rings on still so they knew it wouldn't be good to mess with me especially because of my merlin ring.

I finished up changing and gave Draco a hug showing my gratitude. The girls came back in a couple of minutes and we all chatted for the last 58 minutes. When we arrived we had to grab our pets so Draco's kitty went to the person who would bring the pets to the dorms when we got sorted. I saw Hedwig and whistled at her.

She chirped and settled down because she had been flapping around like crazy. We got led to the lake by a very large man. When we got there I saw a bunch of magical boats. I shared a boat with Draco and another boy that had red hair and a lot of freckles. "Weasly." Draco sneered at the boy.

"Malfoy!" he shouted at Draco and glared at him he backed off a bit and I sat a little closer to Draco. "You seem familiar have we met before?" he asked me. I sighed and lifted my bangs up he inhaled a breath and stared at it. I let my bangs fall back over it. "H-Harry Potter?!" I growled at the informal name.

"Actually it's Hadrian James Potter." He gulped very visibly and Draco was covering his mouth as to not laugh at the boy. I smirked and saw the castle approach in the distance. It looked beautiful and the boys in my boat were staring at it with awe. "Dray, your gonna fall off the boat if you lean over any more," I coaxed my warning at the boy and he sat back down beginning to compose himself.

We arrived at the entrance of a tunnel under the school. We walked up the path to the entrance of the castle. We arrived outside the dining hall and I saw a female professor. I bowed slightly and she seemed impressed at my manners.

"Hello, new first-year students! I am Minerva McGonagall, though it is Professor McGonagall to all of you." I learned the name of this teacher and smiled. "I will go into the dining hall and tell the headmaster you all have arrived. When I call you in is when you will get sorted." She sternly looked over all of us and went into the dining hall.

We waited outside for a bit and during this time the Weasly boy came up to me. "So Harry Potter wasn't just a tale my mother told me and he actually came to Hogwarts this year!" I heard whispers around me saying the foolish improper name. "You don't want to stick with those snooty purebloods. I can show you the wrong type!" I looked at his hand that he had stuck out and sighed. I looked at Draco smirked and came up with a comeback.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks!" he looked baffled and everyone laughed. Professor McGonagall finally came back out and lead us into the dining hall. I was amazed but my face stayed calm. Draco had a look of wonder on his face and I smiled.

We were put in two lines side by side so I stayed by Draco. Names were being called until Draco was called. He jumped slightly and composed himself. He proudly walked up to the sorting hat and before it even touched his head he was sorted into Slytherin. I smiled and a lot more people were called until finally my horrid improper name was called. "Harry Potter," I scowled but composed my face as I calmly walked up there.

I heard a voice in my head when the hat got set on my head. 'hmm, hmm, hmm the boy who lived... I think I know the perfect house for you Gr-' I broke into my thoughts and flooded him with Draco and his voice rung again. 'oh oh oh what is this, young love... but your personality might... alright I know an even better house for you.' "SLYTHERIIINNNNN" A loud applause came from the Slytherin table but everyone else remained silent. I saw the applause was coming from Draco. I smiled and walked over to the Slytherin table. He glared at everyone else and they finally broke out of their stupor and clapped loudly. I sat next to Draco and he leaned into me. I saw the headmaster's face was pale and smirked at him. He looked over at me and I bowed slightly to him.

Everyone else was sorted and we started eating after Dumbledore's speech. After eating a prefect from our house lead us to the dorms. I found out that there were only two people per room and the rooms were huge. We each got a king-sized bed on either side of the room.

I lucked out and got Draco as a roommate. Our stuff was already there and I saw Draco looked nervous I smiled softly and hugged him. He hugged me tightly and I picked him up. He was shaking slightly so I sat down on my bed and we just hugged for a while. We had the next day off to adjust to our new living arrangments. I laid us down and he cuddled into me. "Hadri, I'm nervous that I won't get the subjects. I already miss mum and father too." I smiled softly at the boy's statement and pressed a light kiss to his forehead. He sat up a bit and did something that surprised me. instead of returning the kiss on my cheek on the forehead, he returned it on my lips and our lips locked.

His eyes were closed and soon so were mine. He pulled away blushing and laid back down. His head was rested on my chest and My arm was around his waist. I just rubbed my thumb on his back and the next thing I knew he was asleep.

I sighed and picked him up. He was a heavy sleeper so I was fine. I changed him into his light blue silk pajamas and I changed into my white lighter sleeping shorts. I laid us back down and fell asleep.

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