

When Zhang Wang was finally done with reinforcing the spell he sat back down at the table. The dishes were cleaned of scraps and a servant was called to collect the plates, leaving the three with a quiet room and some melon seeds and tea for snacks.

Chu Changying folded her hands over her lap and looked at the Immortal of a Thousand Blossoms. "So are you going to tell me what you've been up to or not?"

Zhang Wang sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "So how to I even begin with this… Right. So let's start from the beginning when Sikong Ren and I set out to visit my father's grave…"

There was a lot to cover but Zhang Wang wasn't fearful of divulging the information to Chu Changying. He noticed how she had gone uncharacteristically quiet though. She was obviously alarmed, pale skinned as her hands fisted into her dress.

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