
Without rhyme or reason

Guo Lang went on a long ramble about the Jade Flower Elder and Zhang Wang was about to fall asleep. While the young continued to babble, Zhang Wang was silently categorizing all this information as well as trying to pinpoint what else it was he needed to know.

After all, it was easy to get lost with the way Guo Lang would jump from one topic to the next.

"So why are you here?" Zhang Wang eventually cut him off.

"I mean she's just so, so-" he was mid-movement, making an obscene gesture in front of his chest before snapping back into focus, "Oh, huh?"

"Why are you here in the woods?" Zhang Wang sighed. This guy was truly an airhead of the highest degree. He didn't get the impression that this idiot had completely given up on the ghost. After all Auntie Ru had promised him a reward and Zhang Wang wouldn't doubt this idiot runaway was in need of a bit of money and resources.

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