
First day of Medical Assistant Ren Part-1

When he arrived at the top floor, he was a little bit nervous. He would be working as the assistant of the medical head. He also heard the conversation of other people downstairs when they saw him going to the top floor.

They were betting on how long he would last as Orochimaru's assistant! The notion of people betting on him on how long he would last at this job made him a little nervous, if he gets kicked out early from the job, he wouldn't be able to learn much and he wouldn't have a salary to buy for his necessities. He let Yoruichi scout on her own as he calmed himself.

He lightly knocked on the door and found that no one is answering but he was sure he sensed someone inside. He knocked one more time but this time, with a little force.

"Come in." A voice said inside and Ren opened the door.

When he came inside, he saw a pale man wearing a green vest, his eyes were looking through files and were focused on reading them.

"Lord Orochimaru, I have come as your medical assistant." Ren said making Orochimaru raise his head a little bit.

"Hm? A new face? Did you get here with a recommendation? Who gave you the recommendation?" Orochimaru said as he sized up Ren. He knows the face and name of the staff of the hospital so he immediately knew that Ren is a new personnel.

"Lord Jiraiya gave me the letter." Ren politely replied.

"I see. Jiraiya, huh. I don't know what Jiraiya saw in you, but if you can't keep up and help, I'm going to kick you out of the hospital, am I clear?" Orochimaru seriously said.

"Understood." Ren nodded.

"These are the files of the patients that we are going to check later. I suggest you read through them while I'm working on other stuff." Orochimaru said as he puts his hand in a stack of papers but his eyes never left the file he is currently holding. Nodding his head, he took the bunch of papers and sat on one corner before reading the files.

Ren breezed through the files, he found that most of the cases are pretty light and there's a few who's injury is grave and under inspection. While Ren is reading the files, Orochimaru would sometimes glance at Ren and saw he is focused and writing something in a separate piece of paper.

'Looks like he is taking his job seriously.' Orochimaru thought and continued reading the file he is holding.

After 10 minutes while Orochimaru and Ren is reading, a knock disturbed Orochimaru and Ren. Ren stood up and reached for the door. When the door was opened, Shizune came in with a grave face. Orochimaru, seeing Shizune's face, knew that something is going on.

"Lord Orochimaru, we need your help, a new batch of wounded nin arrived. Some of them have grave injuries." Shizune said.

"Understood. Boy, come and help me, you remember my words right?" Orochimaru said and Ren nodded. Shizune is looking at Ren in pity. Its his first day and he already had to deal with heavy stuff.

"Shizune, help me sterilize my tools. Boy, we're going to see a friend of mine." Orochimaru said and Shizune immediately ran down. Orochimaru then walked down to the second floor while Ren followed him. Orochimaru stopped in front of what seemingly looks like an office and knocked.

"Come in." A voice came from inside and from what Ren heard, it seems to be a woman.

When Orochimaru opened the door, he went inside while Ren followed. What he saw inside is a woman with blonde hair, holding what seemingly looks like a flask, her face is also flushed red, indicating that something's wrong with her.

"Tsunade, you're drinking again." Orochimaru said.

"Oh, you again. I told you I'm not going back to work there." Tsunade said.

"Is it because of him?" Orochimaru said and Ren felt like something is going on and felt like he should not be here and listen.

"What do you know?!" Tsunade raged as she gripped the table. Ren saw the table's edge crushed and was a little surprised by the woman's strength.

'Why am I in here? What they're talking is serious matter.' Ren thought as he slowly tried to leave the office to give them time to talk with their personal matters.

"Boy, stay here." Orochimaru said which surprised Ren.

"Why? It seems like personal talk and I have no plans on being part of it. I'm only a medical assistant." Ren said.

"Who's he?" Seeing Ren, Tsunade finally asked. Orochimaru partially blocked Ren earlier due to his height that's why she only noticed him now.

"What's your name, boy." Orochimaru asked.

"Ren, just Ren, no surname." Ren said as Orochimaru and Tsunade thought that Ren is an orphan because he didn't have a surname.

"Well then Ren, the reason why I didn't want you to leave is you're going to meet her sooner or later. She's the head of the hospital before I took over. Unfortunately she stepped down-" Orochimaru was cut off by Tsunade who looks pissed.

"Don't you dare Orochimaru!" Tsunade threatened Orochimaru.

"She stepped down because she can't save those precious to her. Nawaki died before he reached the hospital, and Dan died shortly after he reached the hospital." Orochimaru said and Tsunade clenched her fist in anger but didn't punch the table. She forcefully calmed herself down.

"I don't get it, what's that got to do with me? I'm here to learn about medicine and further my skills so that I could prevent others from suffering the same fate like those precious to her that she could 't save. As for those she couldn't save, why take the blame when it was the war that took them away from you?" Ren said as he let his 2nd personality take over as he was more fit in serious talks.

Ren's words were arrogant and cruel but made sense, the reason why Tsunade became a medic is so she could prevent lots of people from dying. As for Orochimaru, it was for his own goal.

"If I could not save those people in front of me, that means that I have much more to learn and my skills are inadequate. Now if you'll excuse me, joining in personal talks is not my style." Ren continued, leaving the dumbfounded two of the Legendary Sannin inside.

Going to take a short break, maybe 3 to 5 days, to catch up on novels i've saved. Been a long time since I've read since most of my free time is spent on writing novels.

ChocoCrinkolscreators' thoughts
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