
Chapter 74: Heavy guilt

"Trust me," Irina said, putting a finger under her chin to raise her head. "It's the best option right now. Come back to the academy with me."

The offer was too tempting. Old man Li had proposed that Elize attend an academy for her higher education. Since she never received training in the magical arts or in controlling her wolf, it would be the best option. Besides, he said that given the tense situation of the Island, it was better for her to stay away for some time. Irina had then offered to take her to the institute where she worked. Aileen had opposed the idea, saying that it was too dangerous for her to step outside the Island anymore, since the news of her being the chosen one had reached far and wide. Elize was now as good as a human. In the case of an attack, she wouldn't be able to even defend herself. Irina had quickly dismissed the thought by promising that she'd keep an eye on Elize.

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