
Chapter 9: Accidental bite

Elize shouted, pointing at the wolf on her bed "Zack! You're him! You're that wolf!"

The wolf barked, at her. It stood up on the bed and whimpered, showing its frustration at how Elize was just standing at the foot of the bed and not coming closer.

"Don't play games with me Zack. Turn back into your human form." She said,with a crunched face, her hands placed on both sides of her hips.

A low growl erupted from the wolf in warning.

"Huh. Are you trying to scare a witch? I know everything about your kind!" Elize said, a finger pointed at the irritated wolf.

The wolf let out a huff and stared at her in defeat. A pained look filled its eyes. Elize wanted to go comfort it. But she controlled herself. She took a deep breath and cleared her mind.

"How did you get inside?!" Elize asked at the creature, looking around her room. The white curtains swayed towards her while a soft wind grazed her body, immediately sending chills through her still wet figure.

"You came in through the window?!" Elize shouted at the wolf as she turned to face it.

The wolf barked, in agreement.

She suddenly felt self conscious as she remembered the familiar feeling of someone's eyes on her while she was in the bathroom. Her eyes widened in shock. She gasped.

"No! You perv-"

The wolf let out a long howl all of a sudden, sending her into a daze.

The pain in her chest that nagged her all throughout the day suddenly intensified as she felt herself being sucked away somewhere inside her own body. She could feel an intense yearning towards the creature, surfacing from within herself. She wanted to be near him.

Elize felt drawn towards the wolf, as if a rope was tied to her heart and the creature was tugging at it. She was suddenly feeling very nervous. She slowly walked towards the side of the bed and sat on its edge with much caution as to not disturb the balance of the giant wolf who was standing on a really bouncy bed.

As she watched, the wolf inched closer to her until she could feel the soft hair of its legs graze the side her bare hand. She shivered, the touch sending a bolt of electricity inside her. She felt the urge to reach out to it and run her fingers through its soft hair, now shining a shade of gold in the light of the moon coming in through the window.

The wolf leaned down and started rubbing its face against her's. Elize couldn't stop herself, she was no more in control. Something inside her reacted to the wolf's touch and it wanted more.

She reached onto the wolf's back and felt the soft dark hair covering its taut muscles. The creature let out a small whimper and shivered at the touch.

Warmth filled her body as the creature nudged her with its nose. It started licking the side of her neck and slowly trailed down her chest.

Elize felt her heartbeat quicken and she wove her fingers through the wolf's hair, a soft moan escaping her parted lips at the fire building in her body, everywhere it touched.

Suddenly she felt something sharp poke her skin just above her collarbone, a warm breath fanning the area.

The wolf grunted.

"Mark me" words came out of her mouth in a voice that Elize could not recognize. She didn't care, because at the moment her body yearned for something and it had taken over every bit of her being.

She could see that the wolf in front of her was panting now, every look at her making its muscles tense. It raised its head from her chest to look at her flushed face. Its clear blue eyes projected the desire its body radiated.

Elize was pushed, her torso falling back on the bed as the wolf positioned itself above her. Her heart beat sounded like a loud beat of drums in her ears, in anticipation.

Her body yearned for the creature's touch as she raised her hands towards him, inviting it to lean into her neck.

The wolf rubbed its snout in the hallow of her collarbone, making her shudder. She tugged on the hair on the nape of its neck to guide him further down. She could feel two sharp points grazing the skin above her breasts as sweet pain spread through her.

The wolf let out a low growl full of desire.

"Please Zachariah mark me" she said again panting, in a deep yet pleading voice. Who was speaking for her?

Suddenly she screamed, as blistering hot pain seared through her very being, originating from just below her collarbone. She pulled the creature's hair with all her strength as its teeth sank into her skin. Tears rolled out of her eyes as she whispered "please" in a tiny voice.

Soon the pain was replaced by a slow warmth, trailing through every blood vessel inside her. The wolf raised its head from her chest and looked down at her. Slowly yet steadily, Elize calmed down as a mixed feeling of happiness and peace settled over her. Something warm oozed out of her skin where the wolf's fangs once where.

The creature licked the spot sending those tiny jolts of electricity once again throughout her body.

She sighed, happily.

She was tired, Elize thought as her eyes started feeling heavy. She closed her eyes as sleep started crawling up on her. She felt the wolf plop down on the bed next to her, as a pleasant smell of the forest and honey filled her senses. Unconsciously she turned towards it and snuggled into its warm body and fell asleep with a smile on her face.


The morning rays gleamed through the window falling on a sleeping Elize's face. She groaned in complaint and searched blindly for a pillow to shield her face from the sun. She slapped around the bed for a few seconds when her hand hit on something hard.

Confused, she trailed her hands on the object, still keeping her eyes closed.

"Mmm.." Somebody moaned beside her, and it sounded very much like someone she knew.

"Oh no." She hissed.

She quickly retracted her hand and bolted up from the bed. The smell of forest and honey clung to the room and seemed to be emanating from the half naked figure on the bed. Desire sprung inside her, tugging at her heart to touch the man. Why was she feeling like this suddenly? She was supposed to run.

Her gaze fell on the sleeping man. His perfectly toned muscles were now relaxed and his limbs were splayed across the expanse of the bed. The bulge on his long neck moved as he swallowed his saliva and unconsciously wiped away the drool from the side of his face. The soft waves of his brown hair was messy yet so appealing. The usual hard expression that he wore on his face was absent, replaced by a childlike innocence.

For once Elize wanted to stand still on the bed and not move as her mind got caught up on the sharp contours of the sleeping man's face. She couldn't take her eyes off of him nor could she restrain herself.

A feeling of warmth spread through her heart as she slowly bent down and placed her hand on his perfectly chiseled face. She felt a warm tingle travel up her arms as she did. His bushy brows furrowed at the touch.

Before she could take her hand off, his eyelids fluttered open lazily and she was suddenly drowned in an ocean of blue. Her heart beat quickened at the gaze.

"Zack I-"

She was dragged down the bed, on top of him before she could complete the sentence.

"Hmm this is a nice dream." Zack murmured, closing his eyes again and holding Elize tight in his arms.

"Uhh hello?" Elize said as she tried to pry away from the tightening grip.

"Shhh...Don't say anything." Zack said, now smiling with his eyes closed. "You smell nice."

"But can you just loosen your grip? It's difficult to breathe." Elize said slapping at his muscled hands.

Zack's eyes flew open and widened at the realization. He quickly shoved Elize away and sat up on the bed.

"Hey!Handle with care!" Elize complained at the reaction.

"Please tell me that this is a dream." Zack said, all color drained from his face.

"Umm sure. But nice view." She said, pointing towards his body barely covered by her white blanket.

Zack looked down at himself and looked back at his friend's little sister in utter shock.

"No! What did I do?"

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