
Physical Endurance Is Different

Alex had applied to eighty-seven jobs in the area when he finally decided to take a break and get some breakfast. Leftover Oreo pie sounded good. Claire had saved the last slice for him. 

The chocolatey goodness really perked him up. He was ready to keep going. His goal for today was to apply to 200 jobs. After that he was going to focus on the rest of Ray's list starting with signing up for classes to prepare him to take the GED. 

Apparently it was important to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Ray mentioned he had gotten one so he could go to college and become a pharmacist. Claire had talked about college too but Alex wasn't sure whether or not he wanted to go. 

She said college was to help people start careers but he had no idea what he wanted to do with his life yet. He was slightly comforted by the fact that she didn't either. Her pharmacy job was a placeholder while she figured out her plans for the future. 

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