
You Look Like A Target

The day the elite squad planned to bring Six in and eliminate Claire Conway had finally arrived. They didn't have enough intel to go off of—things like her exact work schedule or the security of her house—so they decided to do a bit of recon first.

They pulled up to her address in a black van and Five hopped out first. Others were about to approach the house when she called out for them to wait.

"There is a security system on this house. Look at those cameras. If we get any closer, we will be in their line of sight and be recorded. Six is probably monitoring the system closely as we speak. They will never come out if they know we are here."

"What are we supposed to do then?" Cobra demanded with his hands crossed over his chest.

He didn't like being paired up with Numbers. These guys were super creepy. Every time he was assigned to work with one he felt uncomfortable about the encounter for days. They weren't natural.

It was like they were hardly human at all. From the way they moved to the robotic way they spoke. Everything about them felt off. He wanted to get this mission over with already so he could go home and try to get their intense gazes out of his head. Those eyes all stared straight through your soul.

"Isn't it obvious?" Three asked in monotone. "We have to find out if the targets are home by looking through the windows from on top of other houses. Most people leave their blinds or curtains open during the day while they are at home to let in natural light."

Jackal raised an eyebrow. "Where did you hear that?"

"Training. We have to know everything there is to know about surveillance so we can be properly prepared for any scenario we may encounter," Four replied. "It's basic knowledge for us Numbers."

"You guys are so creepy," Fox muttered under her breath.

"I do not know what that means," Eight said from her left, scaring the living daylights out of her. "But we are wasting time. Everybody split up and take a house."

It became clear that no one was home. Only some of the windows even had curtains (it was common for there to be no blinds in Cape Cod style houses) but those were all shut. The other windows showed no signs of life aside from a three-legged one-eyed cat.

Seven spoke up in that horribly flat Number way. "The target must be at work. We have the address; let's go."

When they were back in the van Magpie passed around a bag full of clothes, wigs, and accessories. Because Six would be able to recognize every single person on this mission it had been decided that disguises were needed. Especially since none of the Numbers had much hair and would stick out like sore thumbs.

The van's tinted windows blocked out any unwanted onlookers but Lion also pulled out a sun shield to give them privacy. The regular agents were shocked by how cavalier the Numbers were about changing in front of each other. They didn't so much as flinch.

Fox was the only woman among the regular agents in this group and requested that everyone close their eyes when it was her turn to change. The Numbers listened only because they were used to obeying orders; they didn't see what the big deal was.

'Privacy' was a foreign concept to them, as were 'shame' or 'embarrassment.' Not being able to feel normal human emotions was exactly what made these guys so disturbing to be around.

Fox helped Five do her makeup, which she had never worn before in her life. But she was used to being poked and prodded so she stayed perfectly still throughout the process.

The Number looked like a completely different person wearing a colorful striped fitted sweater, clip on hoop earrings, a long curly black wig, and makeup. She wasn't the slightest bit recognizable like this.

"You look like a target," Four noted.

"That's the point, Four," Magpie said as patiently as he could muster. "We all have to look like targets so Six won't get suspicious. We have to be sure that the target is inside the pharmacy so we can come up with a plan to ambush her and Six when her shift is over."

"He will recognize us anyway if he sees us up close. He has very sharp eyes," Eight pointed out.

Magpie was getting very frustrated with these emotionless robots. Did he have to explain everything to them like children? They had already gone over all the risks; pointing out all of the holes in their plan was making him nervous.

He hadn't even wanted to be on this mission. He, like anyone with an ounce of rationality, was afraid of Six and tried to stay out of his way most of the time.

Before running away, the guy spent any time he wasn't training up in the rafters like some sort of overgrown bird. It was weird. What was he even doing up there? Looking for the best way to pick everyone off if the mood ever struck him?

"We aren't trying to avoid being seen entirely," Cobra cut in. "We only need to have a couple of you make it into the building. Go in, see if the target is in there, buy something to seem less suspicious, and get out. Lion, you should go with Five."

"What? Why me?!" he protested.

Five didn't seem the slightest bit offended by his not wanting to go with her. It was like she didn't even understand she was being insulted. These Numbers really were too weird.

"Because I'm the oldest person here and I said so."

"Being in charge because you are the oldest is illogical. That should be based on strength alone," Seven pointed out.

"Shut up, Seven!" the arguing agents yelled in unison. "You aren't a part of this!"

"I am a part of this team though. If you truly do not wish to go with her, I shall accompany Five."

The regular agents exchanged a glance. Sending two Numbers who had no idea what the inside of a store looked like in by themselves was a terrible idea. Lion quickly agreed to go and the two of them hopped out of the van.

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