
Bruh moment 202

You need to disappear for a few years, acquire an immense fortune, buy a plot of land down the road from where he lives, build an immense mansion on it, then gain his trust by inviting him to your huge high society parties while maintaining an air of mystery about your past. Once he's come to depend on you as his one and only connection to the life and social status he now craves, you can slowly and methodically begin to take everything he cares about away from him. First, seduce his wife, then have her turn his children against him and convince him they will have a far better life if you just adopt them as your own, then take his dog, because the children will be sad without it. Then, years later, when he's à broken man, slowly drinking himself to death, totally alone, you let yourself in to his sad, run down cockroach infested motel room home where he's lying on a piss stained mattress watching the single station available on the old box style t.v. set, you walk up to him, look him in the eye, then grab his foot, break that fucker and leave without saying a word. or just complain to the gym manager

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