
Chapter 847 Thousand-Year-Old Sunlight Silk Moth Cocoon

Xiang returned to the top of the staircase and Kat said, "Now that Yang is…" *should I point out that I saw her tied up? Hmm… let's go with no on that one.* "… otherwise occupied with the intricacies of the escape arts would you be able to fill us in on who exactly we are supposed to save?"

Xiang's eyebrow only twitched slightly at the phrasing but he managed to slowly nod. "Yes… I suppose I should. Though… would you like to hear the longer version of this story or the short one? I… I'd have to start more or less straight after we last… met."

"If it is necessary for the long version feel free to start then. This seems to be a rather big issue... so I'm willing to hear you out. I just want all the information you can provide. If I find it satisfactory I shall put forth considerable effort to help you. Your goal is much nobler this time," said Kat. 


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