
Chapter 403 Remembering how to Remember Memories.

After that, the demons let things lapse into silence and enjoyed the relaxation provided by the cool water. Or rather, Kat and Kamiko did while Nira enjoyed their company. You could see it in her face, as despite the smile she wore, it was the slightest bit pinched and somewhat static when she wasn't looking at Kamiko.

After a while, Kat had an interesting thought. "If you don't mind me asking…"

"You really don't need to keep saying that." said Nira jumping in, "You are more than polite enough to us both Kat. Don't feel the need to preface questions with something like that, just ask them. If I take offence I'll tell you."

"Sure Nira. I was just going to ask what your first mission was like?" asked Kat

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