
Chapter 23: Wishing for Sleep

Ark stood up from his bed with Sylph cradled in his arms. He smiled at the still sleeping Pokemon. Even though there was a crisis happening, she still remained asleep.

"Sylph, sorry to wake you up sleepyhead, but we need to go fix a small problem real quick. I am going to need your 'Confusion'."

Sylph slowly opened her eyes and stretched before hopping out of Arks arms. It seemed their earlier discussion about training had gotten through to her.

"Right Sylph, this will be our first battle so just take it slow and do as I say. We should get through quite easily. Besides, we can use this battle as reference for what we need to train tomorrow"

Ark stroked Sylphs hair one more time before opening the door and heading to the front entrance.

Coming down the stairs, he saw that the entire Pokemon center was filled by a thick grey smoke. Had it not been for the linear design, Ark was sure that he would have run into every corner available.

"Honestly, it doesn't look to harmful on the screen, but in real life it's suffocating"

Ark held his hand over his mouth as he picked up Sylph and covered her mouth with his hoodie.

-Throat hurt-

Ark stroked Sylphs head before picking up the pace.

Eventually, they reached the front entrance only to see Ash and Misty cornered. While Ark was all for letting events play out, he knew how much time it would take Ash to deal with these guys. Therefore, he decided that he will buy time for Ash to charge up Pikachu.

"Ash. You and Misty go out back and charge your Pikachu. I will keep these guys here for a while."

Ash looked at Ark with a face full of hope before nodding.

"No. I will help you Ark. We can hold them off or beat them together!"

Ark smiled at Mistys offer before shaking his head.

"I need you to watch over Ash. He's a kid at mind and heart so i need you to keep him stable. Please, Misty"

Misty stared at Ark with a light blush before nodding and chasing after Ash.

"Right. Now that those two are gone. Shall we become acquainted?"

The three intruders looked at Ark with wariness in their eyes.

"Boy, how noble of you. We're here for the Pokemon, so hand them over."

The girl with long magenta hair spoke as she pointed to Ark. Shaking his head slowly, Ark spoke to the magenta haired girl.

"I did not mean that. I mean't what is your name. I am eager to hear the name of such a beautiful woman"

The girl who looked to be in her early 20s was speechless. This state did not last long as she stood tall and proud.

"Ohohoho, my name is Jessie. The most beautiful and talented member of Team Rocket"

"I see, well then Jessie, I shall remember your name. My name is Ark Bates. After this is over, I hope we can get more time to know each other under different circumstances"

Showing his most charming smile to her, Ark did his best to leave an impression on her. It seemed to work as Jessie went silent and just stared at Ark.

"Now then, who are the other two?"

"Erhem I am James and this is Meowth! We are members of Team rocket"

"Oi Jimmy. I can introduce myself"

Ark stared at the now talking Meowth. It was truly surreal to see a talking Pokemon when you have grown sued to only every hearing them say their names. Eventually, he nodded before turning to Sylph.

"Nice to meet you both. Unfortunately Jessie, I will have to battle you right now. However please know that I still wish to get to know you better"

"Sylph, get ready"

Sylph slowly walked out in front of Ark. Her eyes were serious as she stared at the trio. Ark chuckled seeing the high tension state his usually lazy partner was in.

"Come on out, Ekans!"

"Out you come, Koffing!"

Jessie and James brought out their original duo. The two Pokemon stared at Sylph.

"Oh my, two poison types. This will be fun."

"Hey Jessie, this kid is talking to himself"

James looked at Ark as though he was looking at a strange animal. It seemed Ark had started developing the habit of talking to himself and voicing his thoughts.

"Focus you idiot! We need to hurry up before Officer Jenny arrives"

Jessie reprimanded James. Her face was serious, though there was a slightly soft look in her eyes.

"You two deal with this twerp, I will go and chase that Pikachu kid"

Meowth turned towards the inside of the Pokemon Center and started to run.

"Sylph, 'Confusion'"

The moment Ark gave a command, Sylph spread her arms wide as her eyes started to shine a deep purple. Meowths movements froze. He couldn't even speak.

Seeing this, Jessie and James stared at the scene with obvious shock.

"Jessie... what is that little runt?"

"A leek maybe?"

It was only now that Jessie and James realised what their opponent looked like. Neither of them had seen a Ralts before thus they were completely unaware of what it even was.

"Hey now, I take offense to this. My little Sylph is absolutely adorable"

Sylph shook slightly when she heard the praise from Ark before moving her arms into the opposite direction. Shockingly, Meowth flew across the room before hitting into Koffing.

Sylphs eyes stopped glowing purple as she turned towards Ekans.

"Jessie, I don't want to hurt Ekans. Would you three like to retreat?"

Jessie stared at Ark and Sylph before vigorously shaking her head.

"James! Get Koffing back up! Tell it to stop sleeping and go and get that thing!"

'Well shit' Ark thought to himself. He did not originally intend for Team rocket to become invested in Sylph, however it seems she was too enthusiastic and ended up drawing their attention.

"But Jessie!"

"No buts! We can get all of the Pokemon from this Center and this little white thing too"

Arks eyebrows twitched at the unpleasant description of Sylph.

"Sylph, use 'Confusion' on Ekans"

Sylphs eyes glowed again as she guided her hands to Ekans direction. Ekans body froze up and lifted off of the ground.

"No Ekans! James do something!"

"Koffing get up and use 'Tackle'"

Koffing unsteadily floated up before charging at Sylph. Arks eyes turned sharp as he saw the counter attack.

"Sylph, dodge now. Cancel the 'Confusion' if you have to!"

Sylph cancelled her 'Confusion' causing Ekans to fall to the ground with little damage. Using her new freedom, Sylph jumped to the left as Koffing narrowly skimmed her body. Ark sighed in relief at the close call. As Ark was going to make another command, a voice sounded out from behind him.

"Pikachu! use 'Thundershock'"

The room lit up yellow as electrical currents surged in a small proximity. Within seconds, these electrical charges were released as a single attack. It zapped straight towards Team rocket and caused a miniature explosion beneath their feet.

Ark smiled at this scene that he was all to familiar with. This joy did not last long as he realised the implications of this. Luckily, Team Rocket should now focus on Ash since he made the final move, so they should hold a grudge. No, the problem Ark had realised was that he would have to do a lot of flattering and seducing to get back into Jessies good books.

A sad sigh escaped his lips before he turned around and smiled at Misty and Ash.

"It's about time"

"Sorry for taking so long Ark. This guy had to pedal to charge up his Pikachu"

Ark chuckled as Misty looked at Ash with annoyed eyes.

"Well it's all sorted now, I'm off to bed. I will see you both tomorrow"

Ark scooped up Sylph and went back to his room.

Hey Guys! I have a few things to say.

First of all, I would like to apologise if the battle scenes are not very good. I am new to writing in general and battles are tricky for me. Hopefully I will improve as I do more, until then please bear with me.

Secondly, my releases may experience a slight drop at times for the enxt few weeks. I will try my hardest to keep this schedule going however I have to start working again so I will have less time to do this sort of thing. Luckily I am really enjoying writing this story so I intend to continue with my current schedule however I want to apologise beforehand.

Anyways, Thank you for the support you have all shown me so far!

Xrkerrcreators' thoughts
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