
Month 6 Week 1 Missions to Do Part 7 Solved without having to fight himself

After Leroy and Alchemist Oda talked and the man actually cured himself of his affliction, it became apparent something else was going on in the Mansion. Oda exclaimed how much he hated this type of Qi but he had to study it to prolong his life and cure an illness that ran in his family.

The Family even went through a lot of their wealth to do so through various avenues over the centuries. Which Leroy found it remarkable they survived until now.

The fact it had something to do with the former Temple Monastery nearby, Leroy wondered if it was retaliation for them getting involved back then. He was at least able to mark down he came across one of the Families dealt a blow by their Ancestors and the Ancient Emperor's schemes.

After hammering out the details further and learning more about why the land was plagued the way it was, Oda spilled to Leroy they were approached by a local in a method to prolong the life of those afflicted by the disease a few years ago even further. By developing Undead Qi they could keep them alive while also allowing the member to grow stronger quickly.

Oda was not willing to commit to that completely so he experimented in other ways.

However, it polluted their Qi and everything the afflicted messed with. Over the years the ability to restrain the Undead Qi within became more difficult as the disease seemed to get stronger with each generation when they checked previous members. Lost of graves were dug up which was against the standard taboo for messing with burial plots.

Oda excused himself as he had to go and tell his brother the good news and stop the plan of someone who was exploiting them. Leroy told him it would be good to talk with Tang Ansui as well to help with the situation.

*Thunk!* The door slammed shut as the Alchemist took off to rectify some mistakes. Leroy blinked a few times as Alchemist Oda was a lot stronger than before and actually turned into someone he would not want to fight at all.

Going back to his reading, Leroy came across a strange young teen when moving to another area of the Library. The teen stared at him with blue-green startled eyes and gave a very funny feeling as if they knew each other. As a look of recognition but panic came on the other's face, the young teen actually jumped out the window and flew away.

But not a normal flight style a person would use.

"What in the blazes?" Leroy moved to the window and watched as the teen had leafy-type wings attached to the arms and back. Looking no different than a squirrel suit but organic in a way. 'Who and what is she?'

=Some time back=

A few moments before, the young teen had landed in the library as stealthy as possible. Watching Leroy while fidgeting in her dilemma to go to him. The moment she found the nerve, Alchemist Oda came into the room and she had to remain completely still and quiet.

Doing so by turning into a plant for all intents and purposes along the wall. Matting to it like various vines. It wasn't until the situation became clear that it returned to its form before.

'I feel somewhat angry looking at it fly away.' Shaking the feeling away, Leroy would just ask Alchemist Oda later about it. Considering he didn't sense the other person in the room, he expanded his Spatial Sense a little more to keep from getting dropped in on again. 'There has to be something more on what happened in the past here.'

Some time passed and Leroy finished at least two bookshelves worth of information but discovered nothing worthwhile. When he came across a book talking about the Family Lineage, a servant came into the Library.

"Oh?!" Startled someone else was inside, the servant froze and hid something in her robes. Slightly turning away from Leroy as she thought about what to say. She was surprised since he could expose her if he saw what was hidden. Running over she hugged him like a long-lost lover would. "Please remain quiet."

The fact she traversed the steps so fast to get to him, may Leroy channel some Qi just in case he needed to strike.

Two guards opened the door to the room and thought nothing of what the two could be doing. They continued on their business thinking it was just another servant trying to make things better for herself by the use of seduction.

"To think I would catch you stealing by the looks of it. Are you stealing to feed your kids or something more like just trying to survive?" Leroy played along. "It must be something more than a simple thief."

"It is. I was just trying to have enough to pay for my safe passage. I overheard some of the North Guards talking about some kind of ambush. Why they haven't told the Governor makes me think they are up to no good."

If this woman was playing games she was quite good. Portraying a very helpless person but also not forgetting to shift attention to a serious matter to justify her reasons for taking something that doesn't belong to her.

"Yes. There are traitors in the North Guard group most likely." She flinched at hearing that. "You already know how to protect yourself at least and secure a way to escape."

"True, unfortunately, but I still run the risk of getting in and getting caught by Demon Beasts in the area." The servant sighed heavily as she leaned against the closes bookshelf. "Don't suppose a.. Doctor like yourself needs a servant?"

"I actually do. But what are you going to do to prove you are good at your job?"

"I am a very good cleaner and I am willing to work hard in other avenues." She spoke very suggestively and pushed her bosom up. With all the stress Leroy was under, he was very tempted but held himself back. "What do you... think.. sir?"

"You should make plans to escape now. "It would be a shame if such a fine woman as yourself gets captured." He didn't know the woman enough and with the situation as it was, he couldn't just say he was taking the servant to his quarters. "What is your name?"

"Ehem! The name is Aoi." Aoi straightened her clothes up after seeing enticing didn't work. "Of course, you are one of those. It is so hard to survive and this dying Territory makes it even harder to live."

"Well, I guess I could higher you but you will have to sleep for some time and when you wake you will be somewhere else." Leroy gave her a small smile as he thought of a plan but a bastard of one right now. "So you just have to be willing to agree to A Soul Contract."

Not liking her odds of surviving what was going on, Aoi agreed and listen to his terms first. The next thing she was out cold. Leroy then put her inside his Internal Space but amongst the herbs, he was growing.

Way above the area, the Flame Vortex worked away refining the material inside it still. Small traces of pure Qi spread out in every area of the Internal Space. The plants and separated resources absorb them a little bit more than before.

Aoi, who was a hardworking woman was bathed in this Qi softly. Lots of her physical hardships were revealed and her overall health improved on the spot. But she was asleep and unaware of this.


A small talk-


Leroy came across Alchemist Oda and his family members in the early morning, like 4:30 in the morning at that while leaving the Library. They were all quite happy besides the traces of blood that painted a very dangerous image. Luckily he was able to pick up the others having dealt with the problem already.

Leroy basically was on the sidelines as others took care of their own problems. It was quite a refreshing feeling not being involved in any of this directly.

"Calm down son." The governor admonished his son. "The disease that has plagued our family is gone, you can finally cultivate without worrying about the future thanks to your uncle."

"Well, to think I am chopped liver." Leroy walked over putting on a smile. "Alchemist Oda I hope you don't plan to take all the credit?"

"Really brother!?" Governor Toda stared at Oda wide-eyed and waiting for answers. Seeing his brother nod, the Governor was all smiles when addressing Leroy now. Genuine appreciation at that. "You, my young friend have helped us greatly."

"Well, I wouldn't say that really. How much of your Family is left and how will you recover is the important thing." Leroy smile became stern as he switched the conversation over. "We should talk about something really important before others get involved."

Alchemist Oda dropped a piece of paper on the ground. It let up and released Qi that help distort the immediate surroundings. Best for when you needed to talk about something others shouldn't hear.


The Movement-


Jasmine and the North Guards stood in front of those that betrayed them with dangerous looks. Having sealed their cultivation and binding them was very smart. Leroy couldn't remember how many times prisoners just had their cultivation sealed only.

They still had arms and legs to cause trouble. Or worse, taking out something that could change the situation entirely.

Tang Ansui looked a little scuffed as well as her members but they were alive at least. A few of the Governor's Guards did not survive the encounter.

"So what are you going to do with them?" Leroy's voice caused them all to look at him. The standard looks and some looks of approval from Camile and the other Personal Guards from the North Kingdom were a little odd. "You are gonna question them right now?"

"No, they are going back to the North Kingdom and the Dark Rose Family estate for questioning," Silica answered coldly.

Leroy found it funny that he was in front of one of the cold beauty types that always exist in the novels. From head to toe, she seemed prim and proper and he suspected she must be someone of decent worth in the Dark Rose Family.

But then the thing that persists, is why was she really with Victoria right now.

"That is stupid. It gives them the chance to escape or collaborators to get involved and free them." His face matched his displeasure perfectly. "Not to mention if they have others arriving that free the unsuspecting people who captured them. Just pick a room here and question them, it is the "smart" thing to do."

He emphasized doing anything else would just be folly. Which hit right against the Pride of someone like her. Tang Ansui also voiced that was the better thing to do, that way they find out what else they are up to.

However, the North Guards wanted to keep quiet and handle the matter themselves. They encouraged Princess Jasmine and Camilia it should be handled later.

"Why not leave this up to Governor Nobu?" Leroy smiled as he looked at the man. "This is his territory after all."

Caught in the proverbial hot seat, Governor Oda did not want to cross the North Kingdom but it was weird how they insisted on taking them back to the North Kingdom to question. Not to mention the plot was done by their people.

This led more to what Leroy talked with them would happen a few minutes ago.

"I agree with him." Governor Oda gestured to Leroy and Tang Ansui to handle the matter. "With our ties with the Akademy, I leave it to them to handle the matter. As the North Kingdom Guards were the ones to do this, I can only exercise caution in this matter."

Leroy smiled at Tang Ansui as he walked to one of the members. He grabbed the man's face and then pushed him away. Walking through them like an Inspector before settling on one of them.

"It is best to show the means then you question." Taking out a single needle he charged with Qi he stabbed the man in the face. With a turn and a jolt of Qi, he targets the Nerve Receptors. Not once or twice but three times to the point they stopped responding. "Oops.. you might be crippled for the rest of your life."

Letting go of the man who went from screaming in pain to making a small muffle cry, Leroy grabbed a captive that looked absolutely horrified.

"So, how many are left in the North Guard or causing trouble everywhere that you know of?"

"I am not telling you a single thing!" The captive said definitely. Feeling Leroy grab his face he tried to get free but the grip was too strong. His mouth was pried opened and his tongue was pulled out. "I have to loosen that tongue of yours it seems."

To the horror of most of those present, Leroy heated up the needle between his fingers and stabbed through the man's tongue. The screams were much higher than the previous but lasted a few seconds before the captive passed out.

"Well.. thought you people were made of tougher stuff." Throwing the man back hard enough to crack his skull he looked at Tang Ansui with a smile. "Should we use the really hardcore methods and not play the soft way?"

To his credit, the Tang Ansui gave a small nod. Wrapping them up in Qi, he and Leroy took all of them to another room. Both of them went over a few torture methods that caused the captives to squirm and fear for their life.

Those who stood behind were actually sick to their stomach and shocked that Leroy could do such things without flinching or hesitating. At the mention of horses and pulling, even the cold Silica's face fluctuated. The process was just barbaric and unbefitting of a cultivator.

"He can't be serious right?" Princess Jasmine turned to Tang Xui who looked rattled. Not getting an answer from her she turned to Victoria. "Your senior brother must be joking and is only trying to scare them right?"

"I don't think so." Victoria raised her dainty hands to her chin in thought. "With how cruel Leroy is to himself in training I do not think for a moment he is not willing to do any method to others to get what he wants."

Remembering the hot dagger that he melted into his chest, Victoria found herself wondering about what else he may have done since then to gain strength.

There was no look of admiration in what the other would do, just acceptance that he would do what he felt needed to be done. It didn't take long before they heard screams and pleas of mercy echoing in the halls.

Anticipation had a way of causing someone to get lost with time passing.

Followed by a death cry before it was silent. Tang Ansui came back down with a grim look on his face and tossed the Mission Statement at Jasmine.

"Leroy says he should have something more in a few weeks. But for now, we have the orders given to your Guard Joshua." The respect he had for the North Kingdom was not as prominent as before. "Make of this what you will."

Taking his daughter, he left with Alchemist Oda to report back to the Akademy. The rest of the Tang members would remain back until word was sent to relieve them. Put on guard duty for the remaining populace.

Victoria and Silica left immediately after confirming something with those of the North Kingdom and the Governor's Mansion. They left the useless guards, as Silica put it behind for cleanup and safety.

As for the Governor himself, he was just happy his family was no longer plagued by what was going on and was planning to give his all to restoring his Territory. But the first order was to sell some of the lands to consolidate his efforts.

Not to mention paying off other Nobles that wanted to have at his power.

"Ahhhh!" Leroy started torturing members for information once more. Of course, he was practicing some of the Medical Techniques he was worried about as well. "I'll talk! I'll talk!" A captive screamed loudly.

Out of everyone to get information three were left. One specifically was Joshua. Anytime he asked questions Leroy made sure to keep the others from hearing the questions he asked to help test who was lying.

He told Tang Ansui it would be a few weeks as he was planning on killing all of them and refining them with the other resources to gain all the information he needed. With questions answered and no reason to leave them alive, he threw them still alive into the Flame Vortex to help determine how much better it would be to do the refinement process.

With sealed Dantians, they could not fight back and could only scream in pain. It was a long trip back to the Akademy but Leroy had much to do while heading back.

Status: Leroy Agu Shentai

Health: 200 Qi: 700

Power: 28 Defense: 28

Willpower: 34 Intellect: 37

Connection: 10

Flame Vortex: Qi Refining Rank VII


Doctor T5, Smith T1, Tailor T2, Formation T3, Inscription T2, Herbologist T3, Brewer T2, Teacher T3


Flamelighting Martial Arts: Qi Refining Rank IX

Icebeast Martial Arts: Body Tempering Rank VII

Metal Seed: Tech Lvl 3

Fire-Lighting Body: Tech Lvl 3

Spatial Sense: Tech Lvl 3

Blood Lighting Blades: Tech Lvl 2

FrozenTidezcreators' thoughts
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