
The Drunk Captain

We thought that Reizo only acted drunk for the test, but it turns out that him being an alcoholic wasn't an act at all.

"Today w-we will do the training for this today where you train yes." Reizo kept mumbling nearly inaudible words.

Reizo took out his keys and jabbed the door to the training room seven times before he unlocked it. Then he opened and closed the door several times before telling us to go to Feilo Forest.

"I don't think it's a good idea for us to train if you're drunk." I said, hoping that I could convince him not to torture us again for today.

"I'm fine! You c-can't cheat in the ways of rock is full of magic or I you will be so." He started talking gibberish for thirty seconds before bringing us to Feilo Forest.

There we continued our training. This time, we could see Reizo attempting to climb a tree.

He would always climb up halfway before falling to the ground. Then he would get up and attempt to climb a different tree. He would also occasionally sip alcohol.

Once Reizo ran out of alcohol, he started attacking a tree with the empty bottle and screamed at it. Even the grus rats didn't bother attacking him.

It's hard to focus when you keep hearing a thud every few minutes followed by alot of yelling.

After an hour passed, Reizo collapsed and started sleeping. We couldn't leave him sleeping here and defending his body from the rats would be difficult since we already had trouble trying to defend ourselves.

We decided to bring him back to the headquarters and explain everything to him once he was sober. Me and Serith dragged his body to the entrance while Saliza would defend us from any grus rats.

The ventgard guarding the entrance saw us dragging Reizo's body and did a facepalm. "How did he even reach his rank?" The guard thought to himself.

We entered the headquarters with Reizo who was still asleep and snoring. People around us were staring at us and whispering and giggling among themselves. It was embarrassing that we had to carry around a full-grown man who was supposed to be in charge of us. Even the worse teacher at my school wasn't this crappy.

"Hey, the three of you." An old female ventgard

in her 50s approached us. She had black hair was that was in a bun and wore a fancy blue dress with golden stripes around it.

The giggling stopped but whispering became louder after the woman started talking to us. She looked around and said with a stern tone "I know what each and everyone of you is saying as well as your names. If you don't want Reizo to find out you've been badmouthing him, then shut it."

The whole room went silent after that. "My name is Meitre. I am the head Ventgard of Mezio. I'd like to have a word with the three of you."

I was scared. The boss of this entire place wanted to talk to me. Did she figure out that I'm from earth? Was it something I did wrong?

My mind was flooded with these questions. Deep breaths Zeigel, if you lose your composure then you'll look suspicious.

Meitre asked us to follow her and ordered a ventgard to help carry Reizo. We arrived at an office upstairs where she sat at a desk and told us to take a seat. Reizo was placed on a sofa in the office where he would continue sleeping.

"Since the three of you passed Reizo's test, could one of you explain to me what the point of the test was?" We didn't really know what the test or how we passed it. I do know that the image of Reizo beating a ghost child often bothers me.

"It's not to see if you are smart or strong. I won't tell you what Reizo was trying to test you so you'll have to figure it out yourselves."

"But Reizo's test was about him beating up a ghost child and us pulling a lever. Is that the test you approved?" Saliza asked.

Meitre nodded to our surprise. Please don't tell me that she's as crazy as Reizo. I don't need anymore lunatics in my life.

"I wanted to talk to each of you about your captain. I'm sure you've heard that he has quite an infamous reputation, and if I'm correct, he did something to prove it on your first day didn't he." Saliza and I nodded while Serith looked down and didn't say anything.

"In the past, he has done many things that have caused him to gain such an infamous reputation, such as breaking the law several times just so he could 'do what needed to be done'. There were many times where he was this close to getting arrested."

Meitre pinched her fingers together, leaving nearly no space in between them.

"But despite all that, he has accomplished many great feats which have earned him the rank of legend."

After hearing that, Serith looked up and asked what she meant by 'legend rank'. Meitre explained about the ranks that ventgards have.

There were a total of four ranks.

The rookie rank is given to new recruits.

The professional rank is given to ventgards who have finished training with their captains.

The elite rank is given to those who have been shown to be powerful and efficient ventgards.

The legend rank is given to only the best of the best who have accomplished great feats.

There are only 20 living people in the world who have achieved the legend rank.

"Your captain is one of the strongest ventgard I've ever met. He may also do things that may seem harsh and unreasonable at times, but they usually have a meaning behind them, unless he does it when he's drunk."

Serith was joyed to hear all those things about Reizo. I was also glad to hear that he wasn't just an alcoholic psycho, but hearing that Reizo is one of the strongest people here made me worry again about him finding out where I'm from.

"For today all of you can take the rest of the day off. I'll talk to Reizo when he wakes up."

Saliza and Serith wanted to continue training but we can't enter Feilo Forest without Reizo. I didn't know what to do with all this time, but I remembered that Jack told us about a library where we can learn spells and skills. I suggested going to the library which Saliza and Serith agreed on.

We searched for books containing spells that we could learn. I managed to find a book with the title 'Spells for beginners'.

The first page explained what mana is and how spells can be created with mana.

Mana is an invisible energy that exists everywhere. Our bodies as well as certain types of materials can naturally absorb mana from our surroundings.

Mana can be used for creating things such as fire to attack enemies, temporarily enhancing our bodies, healing people and more.

The bracelet given to all ventgards allows us to easily control and manipulate the mana in our bodies, so as long as you have the bracelet, casting spells is child's play.

The next page onwards contained many different spells and instructions on how to use them.

We borrowed a bunch of books and went to the training room to test them.

The first spell I tried was called 'gale blast'. The instructions said that I had to focus my mana at one into my palms and hold it there for five seconds while thinking about blasting wind out of my palm and release it after five seconds have passed.

I followed the instructions and successfully cast the spell. A strong blast of wind shot out of my palms. This is amazing! I can do magic!

I tried out several other spells in the book and started shooting projectiles all over the room. I feel so powerful!

I punched the air four times and with each punch, I shot out water, earth, fire and air. Everything changed when the fire, I mean Saliza accidentally hit me at the back of my head with a small fireball.

"Sorry Zeigel, that was an accident. Are you okay?" She asked. I was having too much fun to be mad at her. In fact, this allowed me to test something. I placed my hand at the back of my head and thought about healing myself. It worked! The pain is now gone.

"Everything's fine. Why? Because I am full of magic!" I tried to blast out random spells into the air, but nothing came out. I tried casting another spell but it didn't work.

Oh crap! I lost my magic! Noooooo... wait a second. I checked my stats and saw that my mana was 12/100. How did I forget that I needed mana to cast spells.

The mana bar is regenerating quite quickly. I regain one mana point every second. It'll take less than two minutes to regenerate back all my mana.

I flipped through the book to see if there were anymore spells I could use. I wanted to see if there was one that would let me fly or teleport. There wasn't a single thing about teleportation and the closest one to flying was a spell that enhanced my SPD stat.

I decided to see if I could fly by shooting fire out of my hands and legs. When I lifted myself off the ground using a fire spell, I realized I didn't know how to control where I want to go.

This resulted in me slamming myself into the walls several times while Saliza and Serith watched my incredible display of stupidity. I was about to crash into the door when it opened. Reizo grabbed me and stopped me from crashing into him.

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