
Chapter 4: Application of Power

now become an Adjucha I was practically at the pinnacle of evolution now. If I could trash those so called "Adjuchas" as just a Gillian then a mere Vasto Lorde stood NO chance!

I felt my slender limbless body rise, my body having changed dramatically.

"Ahhhhh..." My relief was palpable, for the air finally kissed my face. My sigh of relief was just as distinct, my voice becoming crystal clear without a bothersome Hollow Mask to distort my voice...my glorious voice. "My...even I didn't know that my very voice was a weapon, yes, even my voice reflects my beauty. Yes indeed, I'm classy, beautiful and strong. No one can resist my power just like no one can resist my charm." Ah, this beautiful English voice was the best thing about evolving. Along with this power of course.

I felt like a new woman, the sheer power coursing through my veins making me fell like a real [Beauty Queen.]

Hmm...why do I get a bad feeling? Like I pissed off someone important enough to have their own theme song?

Ah well, there was only just a bit more to go. Just a bit more until I made my deadline. My deadline for...for what?!

What was it?! Wasn't the real deadline becoming an Adjucha so I could do something?

If that was right...then...it must be this body. A body that couldn't righ-WRITE! Was that it? I couldn't write as a Gillian. Hands or no I was too tall for that. Unless I wrote with steel beams and used tarmac like a book.

So I expected my body to change a great deal? Was it because I needed to write something down? Was I forgetting things?

No, I hadn't forgotten anything. So why did I feel so panicked? I knew everything I needed too. It wasn't like anything important was-

An image flashed before my eyes of a woman. Tanned and stoic, blonde and aqua eyes. A breathtaking beauty that I fixated upon. That woman was...

"Tier Harribel!" I gasped out in a clear voice, no longer constrained by the vocal cords of a Menos Grande. That was it, my knowledge of the future, the painting of the future within my mind was blurring! All the knowledge that I retained seemed normal, so everything would have seemed like Déjà Vu!

I couldn't sweat thankfully, or else I'd have broken out in a full body sweat. Whatever this was, whatever was doing this, was scarily effective. But now that I recalled it a few other memories came back to me. All of the Espada with some abilities listed and all of the Shinigami Captains with some Bankais and Shikais recorded down in my memory. They returned with clarity!

And now...now I did not feel a need to rush. I had gorged myself on the remains of multiple Adjuchas. And taken the spiritual power of all the Gillians and Adjucha that I had met so far. It seems I made in time. And I remembered it. The flaw within the Adjucha life cycle, to be unable to evolve if you played a fight wrong. Because if any part of you was devoured then you lost all capacity to evolve further.

Now I was safe, secure, invincible. Now there was no power lust, only a burning curiosity as to my new form. I was certain that even my mask had changed somehow. The biggest change was that I was back at square one again, with no arms and no legs. A disturbing turn, but I could deal with it. I had already done so in my first stage of the Hollow life cycle.

I looked across the sands and wondered. Now I didn't care about the timeline. Now I only cared about tasting all the spices and sugars that life had to offer me. And what finer sugar was there than myself? Who needed legs? I never understood why people liked THIGHS of all things. Surely I was beautiful without stupid human standards? Wonderful in all my serpentine grace and body? Bah. What use did wondering about that get me? What did I want? And where would I get it? Those were the only things weighing upon my mind, and what did I want most right now?

A mirror.

And I wanted...I wanted to eat human sweets again. I wanted...To live in a city I realised. For all my new trash talk of humans I realised I wanted everything I had before and more.

I never mentioned it, it was irrelevant to even think about. But I do recall a little skylight from which I could look out of. It was my room. A room in an attic that could lead to many nights of catching colds because I watched the fireworks. A life of seeing beautiful sights, a combination of bug wildlife and the fading sun casting its light in just the right way could make my day.

I could open it late at night and see no one walking the street, only hear them from time to time. But it wasn't enough, I wanted to wander a deserted city all by myself, to obey my every unconscious whim, to carry out my every impulse, to find and be shown beauty both new and old. To give me both decadence and refinement. I wanted something like my home again.

I wanted my home again.

I turned around and slithered towards the moon. My mood had now been ruined by my revelation. There was now no more need for a mirror, not until my mood shifted or abated. Only when it felt right would I go to collect one. For now I would reflect upon what I had lost and if I could gain any of it back.

Left unspoken was why I couldn't. That I would be hunted every step of the way, that Shinigami and Quincy, if they were still around wanted my destruction. Any house I would build here would be ruined by any wandering Hollows sub-par manners and beauty, couldn't the ruin the view with a disgusting bug now could I? I wandered towards that distant and bright celestial satellite and wondered if it was even real. If it was a lie like my life has been?

I may have come to terms with the fact my soul was becoming a withered husk by erosion, but that didn't mean I had to be happy about it.

Strangle To Death, Anaconda!

It was days until my mood had cleared up, days spent burying myself under sand and testing all kinds of movements, reflecting.

Reflecting on everyone and everything I had lost. I could barely remember the place I was born in. All I knew were the sights, the different language and that it was a four letter town. I recall seeing so many blinking yellow lights on a distant hill. I recall a primary school being right outside the window, I went to it when I was alive, and it was the first thing I saw when I opened the skylight. I could faintly remember what was in my room. A secret stash of feminine things that I felt weren't supposed to belong in my room. Why? Was I...a man?

No, that couldn't be it. Even if I do recall owning none of these "bra" things I'm certain of my own gender. How could I be here if I failed to remember such a simple thing? My body in the present spoke for itself, rule sixty-three wasn't applicable to the afterlife. Such a thing just wouldn't make any sense. Yes, this was right, bodies and souls don't change in the afterlife, there was just no reason for such a thing to occur, it didn't make any sense. But the more rational part of me pointed out how fixated I was on this, silently pointing to it and letting me connect the dots. But just because I was suspicious of how desperate I was on this subject didn't mean I was right. I was intense on many occasions on much smaller things. Yeah...I was too fixated on the small things sometimes.

Just because I was so focused on my body didn't mean it used to be different. I knew how I could be. I ignored the lines of constant inquiry my mind kept sending me.

Hmm...that reminds me, should I use Spanish to talk with? No...I'd rather monologue to myself in my first language and not say Pesquisa every time someone asks something.

With all that said my mood had cleared. I wanted to sate my curiosity and find out what I actually looked like. Shinigami or no I would not be stopped on my quest...for a mirror. I opened up a Garganta and slipped through it. Into the human world.

I traversed the darkness. Thinking about my new looks and the road ahead. Aizen was the ultimate destination even when traversing this Garganta. All my actions lead me to his Arrancar and himself. I would reach new heights and kill the man who brought me there.

It was done, I left the Garganta and I looked upon a dark sky with grey clouds and bright lights.

At last...home at last...Back into a comfortable little city.

I took my sweet time. Casting my Reiryoku draining poison across this city, as far as I could cast it out. It wasn't noticeable at all, but every little helped. It cost me nothing after all.

But that was enough, I had to gaze upon myself and see what marvel I had become. I must!

"Onward! Forward! All inferior beings step out of my way! No filthy Shinigami or blind human being can stop me!" My beautiful lyrical voice rung out across this place, the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, but I don't actually recall hearing it...did my voice improve? No. That was the most stupid thing I think I've ever thought of. It's just been so long since I've heard my voice. But a voice as perfect as mine really shouldn't be saying such words, they just didn't go well with my voice. To say such a sentence made me sound insecure, petulant, and inferior. No, I should not demean others without joy behind it.

To insult others simply because I can was a horrendous use of my voice. Yes, every insult must be constructed and executed with class.

And now I rushed. I could feel a Shinigami in town, that was something to be expected, and I completely ignored him. My Serpientes Veneno Inexistente would have completely drained him dry by the time I had finished admiring myself and stolen the best mirror in the shop. He could call more reinforcements if he liked. I was already above a lieutenant of a squad, now only a Captain could challenge me. And I was pretty sure I could feel the moment a Captain appeared. That insane Reiryoku would give them away.

A long forgotten fragment of knowledge whispered about the power limiter that Shinigami came with, but I was not fooled at all by the whisperings of a ghost in my ear.

There aren't any power limiters in the world of Bleach bar the Arrancars and the more powerful Shinigami. Why would Shinigami go out of their way to make one? The words Gentei Reīn was just words in the air. It didn't mean anything to me, and it didn't exist. The thought alone was utmost foolishness, so why did these thoughts keep cropping up? All I had to beware was the Captains, all of the Bankai's from them would demolish me.

Its not as if I wouldn't run. I liked to think I knew my limits and a Shinigami Captain was something I couldn't tackle until I was a Vasto Lorde. And even then...I would hold a glimmer of fear in my heart. It was entirely dependent on the Captain whether I would decide to fight or run. Shunsui was one to avoid. I did not completely grasp the mechanics of either Zanpakuto Release. Even worse I couldn't recall what his Shikai even was. As for Mayuri and Kenpachi? Yes, I'd be forced into running. I knew with perfect clarity what Mayuri's Zanpakuto was capable of. Kenpachi was a toss-up however, having beaten Nnoitra and letting him live. Up until Nnoitra pushed him a bit too far and got cut open in return. Maybe I could have that leniency too.

I smashed the glass open with my swift and twisting body, gazing across the store that didn't have a display window any more. There were no windows, only mirrors that you would hang up in a home, which was the entire reason I came here. But now that I had a chance to think about it, the store window would have served my purposes much better in that regard, ah well. But now that the store was silent I heard another sound.

The Danse Society - In Heaven. I knew that song. But what was a western song doing here? Why was it still playing?

I heard footsteps. There we go, the shopkeeper was still around for some reason, even though he closed the shop.

I turned away and marched towards the items of interest. Shopkeeper couldn't see me, and I had no interest even if he could.

I stared at what I saw and ceased to breath.

I stared at a face that was not meant to be.

I stared at a face that wasn't mine.

I looked into the mirror and saw a gigantic snake. It was incredibly slim for its size, focusing more on length, even if I had the width of a regular human, the two eyes looked tiny in comparison to my size. I looked with a dreamlike intensity at my pigment. Pink, or taffy? My new lightheadedness made me unable to decide which colour I was because the lights were not on. My Hollow mask had turned into a paw shell, just without the anterior wings, those little clumps on the side where the shell began. On the two tips of the mask dangled three beautiful beads that hung from a string.

That string was probably sharp enough to cut a sword to pieces. The beads were probably just tiny wrecking balls that had a thread between them.

The front of my body was also decorated with white scales in the shape of large hearts also placed upon my underside, protecting my soft and brilliant underbelly. There was only one part of me that could decisively be called pink.

The three pink dots under my eyes.

The rest of my unarmored skin was some kind of...pink shade...

Even I could recognise who I was in this deteriorated shape of mine. Even if it was only the dots that made me recognise, just to be sure I studied my mask for anything remotely familiar, even if that was a desperate attempt at ignoring reality. I looked at my shell-like mask and the three beads that dangled off of each end.

I was Cyan Sung-Sun.

Somehow...I had not heard the beads dangle. Somehow, I hadn't noticed them at all.

My face, my name, my body, all of it was going. Even my mind. Again, the tattered and ravaged remains of me had shown itself before me. Reminding me of who I was and bringing a more terrifying truth to mind. That in a way...

My Menos Grande phase was still occurring, and whoever was fighting me...was winning! Not just knowledge, not just memories, but myself! Everything that made me who I was, was quickly being overwritten! After all...just not too long ago...I vowed to never talk like the residue left on this new soul did!

I opened a Garganta and fled, faintly remembering to take that mirror with me.

Even now...I was forgetting things. My knowledge of the future was quickly being overwritten by the dominant soul in this body. There was no doubt in my mind who it was, to take her form so clearly could only mean one thing. That Cyan Sung-Sun was killing me.

Already I was forgetting something, and I didn't know what it was! My mind, this boy who died too early was going to die exactly like he did last time! Without knowing how or why!

The smooth twisting body of the destructor, his killer, was spiraling through the Garganta, towards that home of sand.

At the very least he currently had control over his killer's body. It felt like it always did. An indicator that she was wiping out his identity? This was the body that she controlled for who knows how long, had she erased something within his sense of touch by eating through his soul?

He couldn't tell, and furthermore, he couldn't do anything. He just travelled to Hueco Mundo without knowing why, with no goal or destination in mind.

What could he do? These were his last moments. And just like before, his death would be as swift as it was piteous. With no-one even knowing that it happened. Not even myself.

Reaching the end of the Garganta he rushed. Escaping his door through space and hurtling into the sands, he slithered into it, creating a small explosion by the force of his speed alone. Back in empty sands. Burrowing underground and reeling the net back into myself. Burrowing deeper and deeper into the sand.

I barely remembered to take care of the large and ornate mirror I had obtained. I cradled it to my body, protecting it from the sands. It could practically reflect an entire room. Basically standing from floor to roof, one could stand in front of it and it was clearly meant to be left upright.

I held that large rectangular mirror to my body, I could keep it up, I was big enough. But enough about the mirror, it was time to stop running from my problems, I had to reflect on more important things now.

I was Cyan Sung-Sun and I had no idea what to do. I had to ask why I had this venom of mine when she clearly didn't. The question lasted in my mind for all of two seconds before I had already answered it.

I wasn't her. My Serpientes Veneno Inexistente was my own.

I had merely hijacked her body as it were. Or...I was living-no running alongside a branch. I was running alongside Bleach itself. I was on the same running track as Bleach but on a different lane.

I was living the many worlds theory, I was that tiny, minute difference. A tiny minute difference that had science itself backing it. I had a tail. But I could still disturb that butterfly, crush it, swat it or...bite its wings and inject some venom into it.

I was far back. So far back I had no idea how to utilise my discovery. What did I do? I hadn't met the lovely Harribel yet. What could I do? Talk to Barragan? Look for future Arrancars I hadn't even met yet? None of that would go well. Ulquiorra would likely rat me out, Barragan would be a little more reckless and attack Aizen in a time frame that would be disastrous and would probably and smugly rat me out to Aizen, thinking that Aizen was about to die. Halibel would be utterly loyal because Aizen had rescued her, and I hadn't met her yet and had no idea if she had met Aizen ye-no. She couldn't possibly have met him yet if she...met anyone who would become the Tres Bestia.

I had no way to confirm that last one. And at that I stopped completely, my body unmoving. I slowly came to realise that I might not be running alongside Bleach. I might be two lanes over, two changes or I might even have been shifted to one end of the lane. Did Harribel even exist? Died early? Could Ayon even be achieved now? I was DIFFERENT, Mila Rose might be different, for all I know Funny Valentine was about to beat me up and make me his secretary because his Stand just took an arrow to the knee.

I couldn't help it. I whispered my despair.

"What do I do now? How...How can I continue? I can't kill him or even a single measly Captain...I'm too weak, too-" I couldn't help myself. What I was sensing was too absurd. "What!?"

I couldn't comprehend it. A freaking Adjucha that was on the verge of becoming a Vasto Lorde was coming here and ten, ten! Gillian's were guarding him, and then I immediately casted out my Reiryoku draining poison through the sands and directed it at them and-

"Nani?! Twenty!? Twenty Gillian's!?"

Twenty!? I had to contend with a hollow that was nearly my equal and now I had to put up with twenty Gillian's?! Who even was this hollow? He had to be a main character-his powers were off the charts and-

"T-Thirty of them?"

I adjusted my net accordingly. In fact I was adjusting it to target the Gillians. Even if that Adjucha was almost my equal I couldn't have that many Ceros firing at me. They wouldn't even notice their spiritual particles were being added to mine and that Adjucha couldn't possibly know-

"F-F-Fourty of them?!..." I could barely get it out my lips. That was...too much, I couldn't stand up to this force, and I had no idea why this trumped up little shit was so close to me now. I sensed fifty Gillian's in total and just decided to expand the poison even further to figure out just how many Gillians there were.

And up it went. My poison couldn't drain the power of sixty Gillians even if I gave it a couple of hours. I did not even fathom that seventy Gillian's could all be in the same place at once. And up the number went. Until it ended at a hundred. I couldn't drain that, even if I was given two days to spread my poison over them. My poison worked even slower when spread out so far and having to drain an amalgamation of hollows that numbered in untold hundreds.

Not to mention the presence that held a similar amount of power that was above me, and moving just a little bit slower the closer they got. There was no way to challenge this. It would be like Ichigo coming to Hueco Mundo after performing Kisuke's get Bankai quick scheme. I couldn't fight this!

It was the Gillians. That Adjucha changed everything. They'd be stupid enough to stand there and let me drain them but with an Adjucha they had direction. The Adjucha wasn't truly a threat on his own. He'd be capable of wounding me, but a decisive strike was beyond him. No, the only real threat was the barrage of Ceros, the Adjucha was nothing more than a shepherd, aiming to corral me into the barrage.

All I had to challenge this was my Serpientes Veneno Inexistente and my own power. My touch might work too, coiling around someone and biting them would leave my draining tag on them. It was in terms of efficiency leagues better than my Reiryoku draining smog. The bite marks transferred more Reiryoku to me and even had a duplicative effect, the rate of absorption multiplying with each bite. But it was an over time sort of thing. All these Gillian's would still get a shot off if I-wait. What was I sensing?

The answer became clear to me and I abandoned my mirror completely as I burrowed to the right and up to the surface. The reasons for my actions became very clear when the ground beside me was vaporised into nothing. My heart was beating fast, but I still swam upwards. To face the Adjucha that just fired a Cero where I was seconds ago.

Strangle To Death, Anaconda!


"Hey, you guys! What the hell did you do to me!?

"What's the matter now?"

"My level went down...A LOT! It's all your fault, isn't it!?"

"But, we didn't do anything to affect that."

A three eyed demon woman spoke up. "That's strange...we used all the right materials, so an accident like that shouldn't have happened." She turned to address her more human foster son. "Hey, Adell. You did get us a real [Demon Lord Nail, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I got it from her. Beauty Queen Etna."

Etna's title is no longer [Beauty Queen]!

"What the!?" Adell exclaimed. "What the hell happened to your title?!"


Etna's title has been stolen by another being in another dimension!

"Are you shitting me right now?! Rrgh, what kinda punk did this huh?!"

Adell crossed his arms. "Etna. You know it's not obliged to give the answer to you, ya' know? You'll just have to find out the answer post game."

"Rrgh, shut up! Not only am I at THIS stinkin' level cuz of you but my title got stolen! Hey you! Give me back my title and my levels, or I'm not leaving!"

"What? You can't be serious? You're gonna stalk us until we stumble into a different dimension and find some random demon? Hell, it's not even a demon!"

"I don't freakin' care!"

Etna is stalking Adell!

Strangle To Death, Anaconda!

Post Script...

Guest: Be careful on just how powerful you're character is going to become. I realise that skipping to the best parts of your story is tempting, however without building up a proper character and story to go with it, it just becomes a mindless power fantasy.

Insert TFS Vegeta groan.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't THINK I've done anything wrong but...well there is the summary. It sucks ass and I can't think of anything better.

But the way I've done it makes sense. I mean...I will do an Arrancar training montage and flex nonexistent muscles on you readers but...well, I don't believe in hitting the brakes in a racing game.

For now It's a mindless power fantasy for all reasons stated in Ch. 2. But still, I won't have them doing anything crazy. This isn't a Gamer fic, and this isn't Dragon Ball. But I really should clear up what her ability can and can't do. Mary Sue is only scheduled to show in extras around these P.S sections.

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