
You Look Like You’ve Seen a Ghost (1)

That effectively pulled Qiao Fengying out of his trance. He was thankful that Lu Qingfeng was there to mediate the conversation between them, as he didn't know what to say to this young woman, who looked strikingly like his past lover.

"Ah, please have a seat. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." He gestured his hand towards the three and joined them at the table with his wife.

Qiao Fengying tried to avoid meeting her gaze as he chose to speak with Lu Qingfeng first. Fortunately, Lu Qingfeng was polite enough to answer his questions, but he was aware that he couldn't ignore Su Xiaofei and her friend for too long. They were also his family's guests, after all.

"So, Miss Su, have you been living in Qiying City since you were born?" He asked, as he gently probed about her background. He would rather find out the answers by himself than risk investigating her. It didn't seem like she was a commoner, based on her mannerisms and how she was dressed today.

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