
The Ability to be Normal

The Crown Princess was left a mess on the floor of the room. She was trembling and looked up at me. "How, How is this possible?" She asked, her voice the sound of reason. 

"Magic makes even illogical things possible, Crown Princess. The Empire's strength is its uniformity and its weakness." I told her bluntly, which was extremely true. The Empire did not stretch its thinking much in battle; they had Swordsmen, sword and shield men, Wizards with Ice, fire wind, and water, and I have not seen their earth casters yet. The fact of the matter was that they were simple, and you could uniformly train a bunch of people in a military format that was extremely powerful. 

Their armies had conquered a large area of the Continent. But now the Barbarians blitz attacked them in a strong, overbearing method, and they thought of us as just Barbarians. If it had just been the Main army, we would have been starved out unless we had pushed into their cities. We needed to continue to move forward and pillage and loot while we moved forward in order to continue the war. It was just how Barbarians battle way.

That would have been true if it had not been for the Logistical army that I created to bring forward supplies from the back. The economy of the Beast-kin Nation rapidly turned into a wartime economy, and we planted extra food. The Open Bunny-kin Treasury has been cropping up the economy and has started to change things in the back.

All of this was happening in the dark for them, or it seemed that it had not yet reached their ears. Now I looked down at the Princess, who was undeniably either getting closer to orgasm or being edged. It was a constant state for her. It was one of the two unless my mana was inside her, and she shivered, "Why?" She begged for an answer.

"Crown Princess," I said slowly, my voice soft, "Do you know my biggest dream?" I asked her.

"Of course not," She snapped, "How could I?"

"Fair enough," I chuckled as if that was true. "My biggest dream is something simple." I sighed. I want to go home and raise my kids to be the best they can be," I told her, and I saw her eyes widen. Do you know why I am here?" I asked.

She sneered and snapped at me, "Fuck you, of course I don't know!" She spat, and my hand came out and slapped her across the face, sending a spike of mana through her. She squealed and squirted from the painful slap to her face, and she shivered.

"You do not have to be rude," I told her softly, "The answer is simple," I smiled, "It is because of your people. The Empire allows your Slavers to cross our borders, to rape, pillage, and enslave our people."

"Bunny-kin are rarely enslaved!" She snapped back at me, and I closed my eyes. 

"Are you fucking stupid?" I asked bluntly, staring at her, and she shivered under my condescending gaze. Then again, I had no idea if my gaze was what made her shiver or the inability to cum. "You are not an idiot, right?" I asked bluntly, "You think the Bunny-kin and the Dragonic control the Beast-kin nation with no responsibilities?" I asked, "Technically, the Dragonic are in charge, and the Bunny-kin that I am a part of is gaining in popularity because the Dragonic have been doing nothing for the other tribes. Now, the Bunny-kin have been collecting more and more power along with massive popularity to go to war with the Empire. Seriously, I think ninety-eight percent of the population in the Beast-kin nation wants to go to war with you." I started to laugh, "How do you think we raised such a massive force? Our population in the country almost lost a third by our forces entering the Empire!" 

Her surprise was obvious. "Our nation is smaller than the Empire in so many respects! But we also have a council that makes it almost impossible to go to war. Yet, here we are at war with you!" I laughed. "Do you know how hard it was for us to declare war?" I asked.

"D-Doesn't all the tribes have to gather then vote with at least a supermajority?" She said, and I started to clap.

"Yes! It means that it has to be so popular that even the most remote tribes have to hate your nation in order for it to happen!" I started to laugh. "It took GENERATIONS of hate to reach this point!" I sighed. This is what I mean. Do you think that the Bunny-kin or the Dragonic could sit back and not go to war? WE WERE FORCED TO!" 

She looked shocked, and I glared at her. "I wanted more time to gather more forces, too! THEY HAD TO CONVENE THE GATHERING ALMOST A YEAR AHEAD OF TIME! That was a first in the history of our Nation. Your Empire forced our hands, and now here I am," I chuckled. "I am here at the front and not seeing my kids grow up!"

I closed my eyes and sighed, "I guess it is not directly your fault, though," I said, "Your father is the one that created those stupid laws or never repealed them. And now, because of your ancestors, I need to do this to you." I moved back and looked at the woman before me, and she glared.

"So you're saying doing this to me is my fault?!" she snapped at me, and I smiled.

"Nope, I did it to you because I have done it to someone else in the past. I am a heartless Princess myself." I notified her, showing her confusion. "You are here because you fell into my hands. That is all. It is what it is, and this is now your fate. You are educated, right?" I asked.

The Crown Princess glared, and I waited. Several minutes turned into almost an hour before she finally said, "Yes, I am."

"Good. Educated people understand what is happening." I said, walking over to the wall and sitting beside her. I forced her head down into my lap by my cock, and she trembled, but I did not inject mana into her, "Lay down and enjoy yourself." I told her, and she slowly untensed. "Good, now relax," I cooed and started to pet her head. I used another thing that I put inside of her; it was a way to shut down everything that made her life hell right now. "You are such a good girl," I said softly, and instead of pouring mana into her, I let it caress her skin, affecting her completely differently.

Her body completely relaxed, and she gasped. "W-What?" she said softly. Suddenly, I feel normal."

"Yes, I have included a way to allow you to feel normal," I told her honestly, "I believe good girls should be rewarded, and this is a reward for you. As long as you are good, you will be rewarded with pleasure and normalcy. Relax, enjoy yourself, for once I decide your reward is over, you will go back to that hell."

The Crown Princess shivered, and I smiled wryly, not letting her know that this was the worst thing I could ever have done to her. If there were no way for her to leave her never-ending pleasure and return to normal, she would eventually learn to live with it. Humans were adaptable, and she would even be able to return to combat. 

Now, though, She could leave that state and enjoy the bliss of normalcy. All she would have to do is please me, and she could leave the constant pleasure into an edging. This was pure bliss to her, and she would grow addicted to both the pleasure and the feeling of being normal. Both would become helpless addictions, and I let her enjoy that. I whispered in her ear, "If you are a good girl, and get up, ride my cock till I ejaculate inside of you, I can let you fall asleep like this," I promised in her ear.

The Crown Princess shivered and looked up at me with horror.

"You—You! This—This!" Her realization dawned. She was looking down at my lap, shoved herself off, and crawled away, and I chuckled.

"I guess you're going to be naughty," I said, getting up.

"You are a monster; how, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" She cried with fat tears, and I looked at her, turned, and walked away, leaving the woman behind me screaming to her hell of edging.

I think a week should soften her up.



Hey guys,

So as an Announcement I just released three books onto Amazon. One is I Sissified My Step Bro book 2 which is available on Kindle unlimited if you are interested in helping me out a little financially and like my work you can check it out.

The Second book is Called The Devil and the Goddess (A Futanari BDSM Erotica Love Story) I believe it is one of my best short stories yet check it out if you are interested.

The third book I just released is the Seventh Week of Life of a Dominant Futanari. This book is 240k words and the longest book in the series and if you enjoyed the previous weeks then you will love this week. 

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