
Differences in Beliefs

The swamp water was calm. There was nothing in sight, at least not anything worth noting. Most of the things had perished in this lakeshore.

Thus, it was also silent. There was nay the fluttering of insect wings nor the croaking of a single frog. But there was the sound of footsteps or rather… the sound of legs sifting through water? 

There were two lizardmen treading the knee-high water. Var Agus and Kurgher were the ones. Behind them were rafts carrying loads and loads of fishes. This was the offering.

"Bring them forward" Var Agus was the first to truly break the silence as he spoke some instructions to his chieftain friend.

Kurgher didn't decline, he started pushing one raft after the next further into the lake until the water covered his entire head and he could push no further. The momentum from his actions carried over however and the rafts slowly but surely headed towards the center.

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