

Suhani and I exchange a look, the tension line was clearly visible on our face, 

How the hell they are friends, my mind got stuck on this, how come they end up being friends, 

But when Ayan dropped me home that night and I thought Neel saw him and then Neel teased me to, but he did not mention that he knows Ayan, 

Is that mean Neel already knows about Ayan and Me, and if yes, then why he is behaving strangely then, and if not, that means he didn't saw the face of Ayan that day, and he was just teasing me, Oh God, why this happened, 

"Now, what will we do Jhummi, they are friends, how, I did not get it", said Suhani, 

" I also don't know pal, how did this happen, I mean, it is okay if they are friends, but now I can not spend my time with Ayan alone, and you know how excited I was about this trip", I said and she nodded, 

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