
6. Training

Next day, I started to train in magic. My teacher was sister Grafiya. Rias was also with me to learn about magic. As a devil we had a certain affinity with magic with turns into demonic energy. All Devils have increased physical abilities, such as superhuman strength, endurance, with enhanced senses such as an increased hearing range and eyesight. In addition, as they are creatures of the night, Devils have the special ability to see clearly in the dark. Devils also have the ability of flight through their bat-like wings, their wings are also capable of being retracted into their backs as if they've disappeared completely. All Devil possess a passive ability, called "Language", where people listening to them will hear it in the language they are most familiar with; and vice versa. Well, it's a nice ability so I don't have to learn every damn language in the world to talk with other beings. Thank .....can't say god because it hurts. Well whoever it is thanks.

Well my first task was to feel magic. Magic is in everywhere. In the atmosphere there is a lot of energies. Magic is one of them. So we have to feel the magic in our body and swirl it then seep it out of our body then cast magic. Now magic can be cast mainly two ways. One is by magic circle and other is by using imagination.

Magic circle is just a compact art. That's what it seems to me. Seriously it is like a computer program with made of circle and runes. It is a language. Pure blooded devils use their signature magic circle which comes with bloodline.

Imagination is like what it says. Imagine it, puff , it happens. Pure blooded devils normally ignores it because these circle means their pride. But come on their pride will be their doom like seriously. With enough practice and understanding, one can use magic without circle. Now that's my target.

After trying sometime, I managed to do it. Well before Rias. Seeing this she pouted. Damn, that's cute.

"I think I am first, Rias." I said to Rias seeing her pouted.

" No, you cheated. I am sure." She denied without an evidence.

" Nicely done Ash" sister Grafiya said that." You should train more to get it more powerful and multi purposed."

" I will sister." I said to her. She nods and told Rias," You need practice more,Rias"

"Okay" Rias replied.

Now let's see howmany xp I earned from a single use of destruction.

[ Destruction magic - +5 Xp]

How many xp needs to get to next level.

[ Destruction magic-

Proficiency- intermediate (5/10000XP)]

So I just have to use is like 2000 time to reach the next lvl,right?

[ No host, you won't gain xp by repeating same thing. You need to understand the concept of that particular area. The law of that area. ]

Well, so I need to understand what destruction is and it's uses. Hmm.....that's right. Every thing has a positive side and negative side. To master the concept one has to learn both side. After that one could finally use that power properly.

I was thinking about this after my practice with sister Grafiya. My next course is bow mastery.

" Here you go, a perfect bow for the current you" said sister Grafiya handing me a small bow and a quiver of arrows. I excitedly took the bow and ran to start practice.

At practice I shoot my first arrow.

[ Bow Mastery learned]

[ Bow Mastery -

Proficiency- Primary(1/100XP)]

So same thing applies here and this is the basic. To use it better I need to understand it's essence. Got it.

After the whole day of practice, to be more exact couple of hours practice, my achievement is

[ Destruction magic-

Proficiency- Intermediate (117/10000XP)

Bow Mastery

Proficiency- Elementary (23/1000XP)

Dagger Mastery

Proficient- Elementary


Noble Etiquette

Proficiency- Elementary (16/1000XP)]

The last one lasted more than my other trainings. My mother is scary when is comes to etiquette and Noble's attitude with other. I never cared about in past life. My almighty mother hammered this into me huh.

Now it's time for dinner. Finally free.

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