
Saving The Village

When I woke up Jeanton was still asleep so I went and got ready for our mission. When I was done he was still soundlessly sleeping.

I went downstairs and grabbed some instant noodles. He loves these. I took them upstairs and threw it at him. It slapped him right in the face.

Jeanton "Huh? Are those... INSTANT NOODLES!?!?"

MS "Yep."

He ran downstairs and into the kitchen to eat the noodles.

MS "Ok, you need to be more observant."

Jeanton "What do you mean?"

MS "First your eating noodles for breakfast and second... your still only in your boxer's.

Jeanton "Oh, dont want master to see that."

He ran back up stairs and then back down in full gear and went straight for the noodles.

Harumi "Mommy, Daddy."

MS "Oh, good morning Harumi."

Jeanton "Morning sweetie."

Harumi "Can we play today?"

Jeanton "Actualy mommy and I have an errand to run so were busy today."

Harumi sighed and then kissed me and Jeanton on the cheek. I scooped Harumi up.

MS "Dont worry well be back early."

Harumi "Ok, mommy."

Jeanton and I said our goodbyes and then headed out.

Jeanton "Hey?

MS "Ya?"

Jeanton "Are we a real couple?"

MS "I... I dont know."

Jeanton "Well before we get to our destination."

Jeanton grabed my arms and faced me, his eyes starring into mine and he seemed dead serious.

Jeanton "Saia (Another nick name) Will you please be my girlfriend."

MS "I... Yes."

He wanted to hold hands the rest of the way but I told him we can do all that after the mission.



MS "Were here."

In the village~

Teeros "Kill the baby."

Coal "Yes sir."

As soon as I heard those words I used my powers to change in to my white cloak and flew above the village.

MS "General Terros, I am an angel from the heavens stop what your doing or face the consequence."

General Teeros smirked and shouted.

Teeros "This is an offering to you."

He was about to stab the baby so I rushed down and blocked the baby only to get stabbed in the shoulder.


Villager "Angel are you ok?"

Jeanton "My turn."

Jeanton flipped out of the tree and had his blade out ready to slice Teeros in half.

But within a blink of an eye he had grabbed MS and held a knife to her throught.

Teeros "Down on ur knees or she dies."

Jeanton looked surprised he had missed his target. Time for plan B. MS stomped on his foot, lowered her body and flipped him over her shoulder. knocking Teeros out and putting her shoulder in even more unbearable pain.

MS "Ow, ow ow."

Jeanton ran over and put a sword to Teeros's kneck and sliced Teeros in half killing him.

Jeanton "Unless you want to end up like your general I suggest you all turn around and go home."

MS "No, all of them must pay for killing so many and not doing anything, innocent children and women died, Brave men who wanted to save their families killed. I've given enough warnings and gave to many chances to all of you. And now you all shall die."

Befor everybody's very eyes swords were being lifted into the sky soaring above the clouds and after a while swords came raining down towards the soldeirs. They all went running. But eventually all of them were killed.

Villagers cheered and thanked the angel for saving them.

MS "Its the least I could do, everybody let us rebuild this village."

Villagers "Woohoo."

After rebuilding and restoring the village Jeanton and I returned to the base.

Jeantons room...

Jeanton "That was exciting."

MS "More like exhausting."

Jeanton "I can make you more exhausted."

MS "Shut up."

Jeanton picked MS up and swung her around the room.

Jeanton "Hahahahahaha..."

MS "Hahahahaha."

Then he layed her down and started tickling her.

MS "NO, you know I'm super ticklish... NO hahahahahahaha... hahahehehehahahahe."

Jeanton "hahaha your so cute."

MS "Your so meeeeanuh."

Jeanton took MSs spare shirt.

MS "Hey, Give it back I need to get dressed."

Jeanton "I dont know, I think you look pretty cute in a bra you should wear those half shirt things."

MS "Jeanton come here."

Jeanton "Uh oh."

MS chased Jeanton around the room until he accidentally dropped the shirt out the window and into the mud.

MS "Noooo. Ugh I have no spare clothes, I do laundry tomorow."

Jeanton "You could just sleep in your..."

MS slapped him.

Jeanton "Ow ow ok ok you can wear one of mine."

He passed her a dark blue shirt and she slipped it on.

Jeanton "Its a little big on you but it's cute too."

Jeanton wrapped his arms around her and stood there hugging her until Harumi came in.

Harumi "Hey mommy your shirts realy big."

MS "Harumi it's late shouldnt you be in bed?"

Harumi "Well I was but I had a scary nightmare where you and daddy disappeared without a chrase so I came running to your room and..."

MS went over to Harumi and picked her up.

MS "Were right here Harumi, we will never leave you so stop crying."

Harumi "Yes mommy."

Jeanton "Do you wonna sleep with mommy and me?"

Harumi "mhm."

Jeanton layed down while MS rocked Harumi back in fourth in her arms until she fell asleep. She set her down on the bed and Jeanton and MS wrapped their arms around her and they all fell asleep.

Kinro "hehe we finally get the family shot."

Prayt "Shhh.. your gonna wake them up."

Kinro and Prayt tiptoed into the room and started taking pictures of the family.



Chapitre suivant