
Victoria aut mors

"I suppose that is only fair. You treat me so-called more so than our usual enemies. I guess I deserved it…"

"My mother taught me something when I was a child. Out of everything told, one thing was made sure. Betraying others is the worst thing of all time. It's worse than murder. It doesn't just break friendships but memories. That is something I can never forgive or do myself. I'll end this once and for all."

Scarlett turned, seeing Kurt watching in the distance. She bit her lip, finding her courage again. "I was still holding out on hope we could be allies once again. I still believe we can, but…" She glanced up as her eyes glowed crimson red, and she began floating. "I cannot lose here! If I do, my whole life would have been for nothing. I will not lose again!"

Alton lowers his hand like an ice sword ripples into existence. His determined look grew only more robust. "Let's end this once and for all."


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