
Chapter 7.XX - Special Chapter (Information Pamphlet)

[Bed Don't Wed!

An Informative brief on Changeling polyamory and the importance of genetic diversity

- Written by Bilol Argus, Changeling Representative of Haven]

To the uninformed, Changelings are an odd bunch. In previous lessons and writings, you learned about the combat predisposition of the changeling people, as well the their need to consume flesh, as well as the power of their predatory genetics.

But what if I told you that all power has a cost?

Sure, Changelings gain stat boosts each time they kill and eat a unique creature, sometimes even gaining a power or perk if they are lucky enough. But did you know that when changelings level up, they only get 3 attribute points to spend? That's right! Changelings lose out on 40% of the power boost other races take for granted.

Did you also know that after a changeling has killed and consumed a creature, assuming it is a worthy adversary, they receive only 10% the experience of their peers? Did you also know that when using a skill, its rate of progression is halved?

All of these are the detriments that a Changeling faces, and it is because of this that Changelings seek out worth prey to hunt. But you might already know all this.

But there is one other serious deficit to the Changelings' predatory genetics that you may not know.

Changelings fertility is severely hindered by homogeneous breeding.

That's right! Although Changeling parents always have a changeling offspring, and changelings seem to be pregnant after every Harvest Festival, Changeling pairs do not breed well. Their genetic code often fights each other, killing the child in the womb.

Because of this, Changelings look at relationships a bit differently. There is a reason why there are so many of us at the Harvest Festival, and none of us are at the Spring Rut. That is because, with the rare exception of those who become [Beholden], changelings do not want marriage.

Changelings want children.

The amount of participation you have in that endeavor is completely up to you. If you choose to have a fiery night of passion during the harvest festival with the ever shifting visage of beauty that you take home, that is fine. If you leave him or her in the morning or stay to together, that is fine. If you say your goodbyes never knowing their name or if you take a knee and propose marriage, those are fine. But a changeling does not need any of that. The changeling's need stopped the moment you celebrated life's bounty with them.

Now, if you choose to marry a changeling, or if you are lucky enough to become [beholden] there are a few things that you must know.

First, you should still seek to sire children outside your partnership with a changeling. The reason being is for genetic follow through. If changelings followed the same rules as most monogamous species, we would breed ourselves to extinction! While it may seem strange to some, those who took a changeling mate first have been encouraged to still participate in the Spring Rut or Harvest Festivals to have children that are not changelings. Changelings do not understand jealousy. They children you sire that are not changelings will eventually be opportunities for their future generations of changelings to mate with.

Second, As long as you can fiscally support it, a changeling does not care how many partners you take, however they would want the same number of changeling children as there are children of other races under your roof. I should state that this is a changeling held belief, and you should always communicate with other prospective partners on such a diverse arrangement. Other Races, (such as the Demis) don't take well to the concept of 'sharing a mate'.

Third, If you do take a changeling under your roof, for divines sake, do not entreat with another! Changelings do not care how many partners you have, as they will treat them as brothers or sisters. But Changelings are highly territorial, and should you cause two to fight for your code, after they fight for your code, their ire will be directed at you. And this will be a problem you brought upon yourself.

Fourth, If you are female and sire a changeling, that is fine, but do not offer to wet-nurse for other changeling parents. A changeling babe naturally can identify its mother and will not bite, but they are born with their sharp teeth from birth, and should you decide to nurse another, you will be in for a painful trip to the nearest clinic.

Finally, I want to leave you with this. Changelings know the power they have, and to them, changeling their appearance to appease a mate is not frowned upon, in fact every face a changeling carries is 'their' face, so they do not see it as strange. Whatever you do under your roof with a partnered changeling is the business of your house. But be warned, requesting strange things from a changeling you just met at the harvest festival... well, those words are not confidential.

Thank you for taking the time today to learn a bit more information about my people, and If you have any additional questions about changelings and wish for more information, Please see Elder Merrin in the Library.

[This informational brief was funded by The Façade Tavern. If you have not yet taken a changeling, and wish to make a genetic donation, feel free to visit The Façade. Present a copy of this pamphlet and receive a Free tunic! (limit one per customer)]

Good Morning Readers!

This is what I consider a "filler" chapter.

That is, nothing in here progresses the story in a significant way, but it does do a bit to add color to the world.

I am still going back and editing all the chapters to make a uniform writing style, and it is taking some time.

Remember, spend powerstones here, save your coin for books that charge, and those who join the discord end up having a stake in the book.

Stay Boundless Friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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